TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The garden was set up yesterday but no planting yet, this year will be sparse for edibles as we battle the weeds that have called it home for years. The trench needed for the shop cables to be buried in was also dug the contractor will be here tomorrow to get that project done so it can be back filled. Things are off to a great start so far this spring
I had new cables dug into the well pump and the pool.
There was an old wire to the pool that went bad and
it was being run on extension cords bur when the well
line we bad it had to be replaced and so I figured as
long as they were bringing out the equipment that I
should have both lines replaced.
The garden was set up yesterday but no planting yet, this year will be sparse for edibles as we battle the weeds that have called it home for years. The trench needed for the shop cables to be buried in was also dug the contractor will be here tomorrow to get that project done so it can be back filled. Things are off to a great start so far this spring

The ground is frozen solid here and under a foot ot two of white. Excavations and gardening can wait.
Happy Sunday!!! Home. All seems well, all poodles great and small. Cats, too. The old cat is sitting in the open window in the sun and listening to birds ask one another, "hey, wanna fuck???" The weather is gorgeous. BTW, Happy Spring!!!

Yep, that's the project, and it comes with a parts car, too. Pretty cheap. The red one, in the picture, has really solid floors. Those cars were/are notorious for rotting out at the base of the A pillars. The parts car is a perfect example of this. Red is good, thanks be to Allah. Haven't decided how full-bore to get in the fix-'um department, but something is saying, any project worth doing . . . .

It's likely to be a busy year. This is good, because idle hands and all that Puritanical nonsense.

Slow remainder of the day . . . .



I'm wondering. These things are (I think) considered full classics by the CCCA. To me, as 6-bangers, meh. But as eights, now we're talkin'.

I'll get them here this weekend, clean them, and then start to evaluate what to do. They've sat long enough that things like wiring and brake/gas lines are suspect. They'd be a lot easier to rework with the body off the frame. If you're gonna do all that, the frame might as well get blasted-n-painted.

Looks like I need to put a sub panel in the little barn. All in my spare time. Hell, got in a good hour and a half moving shit around and got a veritable assload accomplished. It's DST, after all.

Off to hit the rack . . . .


Happy Monday!!! Up. Not quite running.

First day on the job with no frog. Not that I mind. Got three more units to get off our plate in the next day or two.

Too bad I gots all these small tasks, because today would be a great riding day. There are many more to come.

Kinda like cups of coffee . . . .



Sounds like quite the project; good luck with that.
You're right. As you know I am a fan of Counting Cars and
blasting the frame is a great idea, there could be hidden problems.

Heck my biggest projects right now are the pool and garden and


But I have to or else the pool will decay and the garden will go wild.
Daffodils everywhere and snow crocus.
Forsythia is in bloom as is periwinkle.
The landscape is dominated by yellow and purple
with dashes of white (from hybrid daffodils).
The azaleas should start blowing soon
as well as the dogwoods and redbuds.

That's the one good thing about this place.
With spring come invigoration and hope...
Right now my biggest burst of color is the wild mustard cropping up and that will soon be the target of my chemical warfare efforts.
I'ma likely miss my azaleas this year. :mad:

Frame off is best even if you don't have the equipment. Got a couple of good boosts from the guys at the old car site. And some good advice. Wat loves when people advise him to do what he's already decided to.

Gonna be busy, and different. Should be just fine.

Off to see the weasels . . . .


I think we have that here too, out in the forest,
sometimes in the compost...

Wat, we were just confirming your excellent decision.
The Branch Covidians

"One year ago, the entire non-thinking population of the planet—the people who walk through life without questioning much, viewing reality through a warped prism distorted by unimpressive cable news anchors of average intellect—banded together to do what they do best: take orders.

"They’re called the Branch Covidians, and as with all other cultists, it doesn’t matter how many false prophecies are spewed by their leaders. In their own minds, they still manage to justify following the directions of the people in charge.

"As with any other cult, it’s not that its members can’t see the writing on the wall. They recognize the outright lies of their leaders as those lies are exposed in real time, but they’ve so invested themselves in the cause that they can’t bear to part ways with the lifestyle."

The cables are done, the hole will be backfilled tomorrow and tamped down before I feed the birds grass seed. The locals who are tearing down the old buildings will be here tomorrow and gravel has been ordered to fix some bad spots in the drive-through, it will get a better fix later this summer. We're in the low 50's here, warm enough for the maple trees to be raining sap and workers to get things done without heat stroke. I just keep bringing them coffee and whatever baked goods are done.