TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home. Late. Long fucking day. Fourteen hours from departure to return, and no wanking about. Grazed in. The landlady puts too many things into what would be tuna salad at my house. At least I get to make the dressing - my way.

Didn't miss the frog one bit. And Fred the s000per got his drinking buddy back. I think they even have side by side lots at the campground. I'm so glad that ain't me.

The dogs will be out all night. They're raising Hell at something. I should go look, but being tired is in the way of my curiouser.

Back to burning josh each morning. Liking it. It's nice to come home to also. Off to call it a day . . . .


Good morning y'all.
Josh is the best in those months where everything is closed up.

The neighbors have acquired a new dachshund.
It likes to come down and harass the chickens.
I may have to live-trap the little shit and drop
it off at the pound. I suppose that I could talk
to them, but experience has proven that to not
only a waste of time, but an act that causes

Other than that, my beloved Jayhawks not only
got hammered last night, but thoroughly embarrassed.
The game was over long before they reached halftime.
Happy Tuesday!!!

It's Draw Inspection Tuesday, so we will have wheels galore. The place could look better, but it's in decent condition. What is kinda surprising is, it's taken this long to get just this bit done. Now, if the fucking plumbers can just get their asses outta the next building so we can finish it.

The weather looks to be a nice day - again. Touch of rain later in the week.

Touch of the coffee gods now . . . .



Good morning y'all.
Josh is the best in those months where everything is closed up.

The neighbors have acquired a new dachshund.
It likes to come down and harass the chickens.
I may have to live-trap the little shit and drop
it off at the pound. I suppose that I could talk
to them, but experience has proven that to not
only a waste of time, but an act that causes

Other than that, my beloved Jayhawks not only
got hammered last night, but thoroughly embarrassed.
The game was over long before they reached halftime.

Saw a bit of UVa's egg that they laid Satiddy night. They should have wished for having been Covided out.

No doubt. That was part of the problem for KU most of the season
and its campus is one of the most "liberal" places in the whole state
full of people who are experts in telling us how to live our lives...

You'd think they would have had it completely under control.

:eek: ;) ;)
Good morning folks.

That is the most God awful yellow I ever saw one of those cars painted Wat. Damn.

After a week of really nice weather we're back to rain/sneaux again through tomorrow afternoon. Could put a real crimp in Range Day.
We're supposed to get rain, but it never seems to show up.

At least it is warm. I can get the house open up during the day.
Sand was added to the garden plot today and the old buildings are down and gone.
Tomorrow we get a sprinkle of rain so we'll be burning the deadwood pile to get rid of it.
It's amazing how much has gotten done the last couple of weeks, now we just need to finish the shop renovations and replace some of the sections of fence and we'll be in good shape for this summer.
Home. Earlier than this. Been looking. Grazed in.

The maintenance knucklehead decided to "express" himself late this afternoon. Wat is not responsible for the psychotic outbursts of the dull-normal intelligent. He got the TSCLT response. Bupkis. It's what he deserved. Funny thing is, he blamed us because he actually had to do something. From his boss's instruction. Translation: she threw his white trash ass under the bus.

Some people's kids. :rolleyes:

The josh has burned out, so it's time to end today.



Happy payday Wednesday!!! First-of-the-month crap is all done/dealt with.

Did I see on the accidental lunchtime news clip that Unka Joe is proposing a new "assault weapons" and normal/design capacity magazines ban? Could this possibly fall under the premise of milking every crisis? And in his first 100 days, no less. And with a stacked Congress. So, hurry on up and getcha yer new AR while there's still time. I mean, who didn't see this coming??!? :rolleyes:

The weather looks good for today and rainy (quite) for tomorrow. Gotta shuffle a few appliances today. The late arriving washers. That weigh an imperial shittonne more than they have a right to. Fucking silly stuff.

Full flowin' coffee this mornin' . . . .



Never let a crises go to waste!

Nobody on the Left is even going to entertain the idea that
this was most likely a direct result of their lockdowns
making people fearful, anxious and crazy...
The Law of Unintended Consequences.

Sort of a Social Bastiat.


Thing is, everyone knew this guy was unstable, again.
All these mass shootings have that in common.
People knew. Other people think that his
rights were more important than ours.

Just to add, the first one was chalked up to racism.
It wasn't racially motivated.

This one is not going to be chalked up to Islam.
It may have been so motivated.

In both cases, the crime was committed by a man.
The blame will go to the tool.
Wat got blamed by a tool yesterday.

A broken one. What don't work fer shit.

Off to make some weasels uncomfortable . . . .

I woke up to yet another dog "accident" that I had to clean up.

I just cannot wait for them to just up and die...

Do the Segal.

Range Day is canceled. While the weather at the shack is mildly annoying, it's terrible up at the range. Sneaux, sneaux, sneaux.

I wonder if you cut this or just walk around taking hits off the bottle everytime a stupid happens?

Range Day is canceled. While the weather at the shack is mildly annoying, it's terrible up at the range. Sneaux, sneaux, sneaux.

Just light sprinkles of rain here, perfect for burning the deadwood and getting a layer of grass seed down.

There was an incident of insomnia in the house last night, the poor soul decided to do something about it and made us a nice surprise breakfast complete with fresh coffee and still warm muffins. Part of me hopes she sleeps better soon but I could really get used to waking up to someone else's work.
You ever reach into a jacket that you haven't worn in a while and find a couple of twenties?

I just found considerably more than that in the trunk of my car. I don't remember exactly when, but at some point I had pulled some cash out of the bank but didn't want to carry it around in my wallet so I stuffed it in the trunk and forgot about it.
Never let a crises go to waste!

Nobody on the Left is even going to entertain the idea that
this was most likely a direct result of their lockdowns
making people fearful, anxious and crazy...
The Law of Unintended Consequences.

Sort of a Social Bastiat.


Thing is, everyone knew this guy was unstable, again.
All these mass shootings have that in common.
People knew. Other people think that his
rights were more important than ours.


Just to add, the first one was chalked up to racism.
It wasn't racially motivated.

This one is not going to be chalked up to Islam.
It may have been so motivated.

In both cases, the crime was committed by a man.
The blame will go to the tool.

Take your whining to the Political Bard, AJ.
Home awhile ago. Made breakfast for supper and grazed in. Visited with all manner of poodles, including the bully.

The tool apologized to me today. I said exactly the same thing today to his "apology" that I did to his tiny rant. Not a word. It was kinda funny.

Still a long fucking day. Misfortune befell the property manager lady's family. She may be out for awhile. That'll make the job a bit more of a pain, but we'll live. The weasels all played on. Maybe better with some Femal Remedy. I wager it's 100 proff or more.

This band is taking tonight off . . . .



You ever reach into a jacket that you haven't worn in a while and find a couple of twenties?

I just found considerably more than that in the trunk of my car. I don't remember exactly when, but at some point I had pulled some cash out of the bank but didn't want to carry it around in my wallet so I stuffed it in the trunk and forgot about it.

I find laundered money in my jeans.
I hate keeping it in my wallet.
It's already far too stuffed with plastic.
Costs nothing to try it?

Okay, isn't that a typical tactic for the pusher-man?
God damn the pusher man!
Allah hates him too.
Buddha shrugs.