TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Get up
Drink Coffee
Eat sometimes
Go to sleep

I'm ready for the long weekend
Home. Ate in. Leftovers of the meatloaf, which maybe was better as leftovers. That happens sometimes.

Need to score some plumbing strap from the box store. The metal kind. Got an anvil to secure to a pallet - unless Barbie wants to hold it down and come south with us. I know . . . .

I think we finally got the subs (except the siding goofs) about where we want them. Stuff is actually feeling a bit more together, and it's about motherfucking time.

Off to see the sleep weasels . . . .


I opened up the pool yesterday.

It lost a lot of water. It probably has a leak.
I planned on replacing the liner this year anyway...

Heads up- I read somewhere that there’s a shortage of various things looming and pool liners was one of them.
It will wait until later in the summer I think.
This one seems to have a slow leak somewhere.
I think the bamboo has burrowed under it and it trying to come up.
I need to get it dug up and install a barrier. I think I'll hire someone to do it...
Happy Thursday!!! It's Company Allowance day, which is (kinda) like payday, so all the related monthlies are sorted out. Also turned in a big fat expense request from last month (Happy April!!!) which should be along at the end of next week, or no later than the following. This workin' thang ain't so bad as long as they keep sendin' the shekels.

I was teasing about holding anvils, of course. We gots lotsa ratchety strappies and screws for screwing the pallet to the trailer and a lovely tarp to beat itself to death on the ride back, and various bungees to hold that in place until the wind rearranges it. You know, all the Usual Suspects are rounded up. As long as Wat doesn't forget the screw gun. Oh, and the tow strap and come-along. Also need the 42" pry bar. Anvils are . . . anvil-y.

Wonder who will be weaseling today. Should get floor goofs. Gotta leave the wood butcher in charge of keys. He drags in after 8 these days, so he's not helping production. The guy is a quarter to useless.

We have our cold spell for the next couple of days, so coffee is required.



I always get the green canvas tarps, they’re a lot more durable.

Those blue ones give me flashbacks to post-hurricane Florida!
The PPP application for Savage Enterprises Worldwide, LTD has finally moved out of the "underwriting" stage. I don't know what that means, but that was the status for two weeks.
Yesterday was nearly 60, today we have two inches of snow.
The scale is messed up and has to be recalibrated, not how I wanted to spend the last day before the long weekend.
Good thing for coffee.
My dash has been lit up like Christmas for the last week and it seems like the brake booster is out. A very expensive item that you generally replace with a used one. Not a DIY sort of install either. At least not this 'Y".

Biggest problem is getting the mechanic to give me a firm appointment and sourcing the used one. Regardless it was going to mean some down time. I've neglected my spare Prius so it is an actually not "spare" at the moment. It's more like it is inviting itself to become a parts car.

Concurrently I've been hearing brake rotor noise and that side is always filthy when I get it out of the car wash and it seems like maybe it's leaking some brake fluid so I'm thinking caliper on that side as well. I decided to bull on through it because brake rotors are relatively cheap and taking time off would have been relatively expensive.

I had a brief window of time to work on it last weekend but I was exhausted so I let it go till my next little window today. I have to move this Perez Prius to get to the Honda the Sarah Prius didn't want to cooperate so that means it's going to be one shot at the parts store only. So I bought two rotors and brake pads and ordered the out of stock caliper. Worst case, I thumb to the parts store.

Turns out I was just hearing the wear indicator spring and had caught it in time it didn't need a rotor but rather than take that rotor off and have it turned I went ahead and replaced the rotor. I never seen one rusted to the hub before but by the time I got done beatng it to get it loose, I needed a new rotor anyway.

Got it all back together took it for a test ride and guess what? Christmas lights on my dash are out! Somehow the car was able to sense that those pads were getting low. Probably by how much fluid it was pushing.

the brake booster has been making the pre failure chattering that they tend to make so I'm probably still going to replace it, but I can wait.

Home. More leftovers, but that batch is done. Time to make more - next week, maybe.

We were short on some weasels today. The one service call I needed to make, the woman was out all day. Didn't get done. Meh. The plumbers seem to be born-again productive, which is a lovely change for the better. One building to finish by the end of next week, and the other before the end of the month.

Congrats on the brake deal. I've been thinking brakes. I saw a thread on the hot rod website about beater rods. Not rat rods, but not-quite-complete cars which look fairly decent but get driven until the next round of repair. Four things: brakes, front suspension, glass, and tires. My red one has tires. Glass is kinda cheap. I'll look into the front end, and they offer a disc brake upgrade, so that would be a winning idea. Of course, I need to pull the engine apart. Seems it has/had a knock. Then while having a weekend warrior, I can cut deep into the other car and get it like I'd like it.

Anvil plans . . . .


on any project my vote is always brake and suspension upgrades before adding power. Need to get power to the ground and be able to stop before adding go-fast.

I really need to go get my old ricer before he changes his mind. I've got Tein adjustables and better discs on all four corners. The B18C1 made the front end a little heavy, but it had the power to claw out of the corners. My old mill and limited slip diff added translate are gone but I bet it handles great with the d-series ZC in it.

You can always limp a motor home. . . .or tow it.
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Heads up- I read somewhere that there’s a shortage of various things looming and pool liners was one of them.

Google has decided I need to see ads for tarps. Apparently those big billboards you see are actually printed on large pieces of vinyl. I didn't know that. When they get done with them they sell those off as tarps and it's pretty heavy gauge. It would probably serve as a pool liner.
Started off the morning on a bad note. I put water in the coffee pot, twice.
It flowed all over the counter. I caught it in time to get the cup out and a glass
in to catch the overflow. That's just not a good sign!

I'm Capricorn, not Aquarius. :D
Happy Friday! Good is relative. Hell, it's good that we're off. Let the weasels work. Silly fuckers.

Going to Points North to collect my stuff. Been thinking about anvil technology. Doing some shopping for things like brake goodies. Hell, there's one place that sells new stainless brake lines. Here's to reckoning that as being a great idea, because a car that has been sitting a long time can have collected condensation inside the lines and they can rust from the inside out. I was thinking of replacing them anyway, but it's way easier to bolt in a set of new rather than having to fabricate all that stuff. Besides, I kinda suck at flaring stainless.

Love a good road trip. Get to see some 'Murrika. Meet a few people. Do something out of the routine. It's fun if you let it be.

All good days begin with coffee . . . .



Started off the morning on a bad note. I put water in the coffee pot, twice.
It flowed all over the counter. I caught it in time to get the cup out and a glass
in to catch the overflow. That's just not a good sign!

I'm Capricorn, not Aquarius. :D

Jeebus was a Capricorn, too, and we all know how well that worked out for him. So, watch out for random Romans with wood, nails and a hammer.

Perhaps communing with Allah is safer.

Doesn't Allah disapprove of coffee?

Wat may not be Allah's Favorite after all, then . . . .

Yeah, but that stuff is like smoking uber-pure crack without lighting up.

Gotta go out and move the rest of the shit here in a bit, and it's a balmy 26*F out there. Warmth will retturn next week, but until then, there be suff'rin' . . . .



Good morning.

Ahh, the bending of brake lines. :) Bending tools and tube flaring tools. It can be a frustrating experience starting out.

It's easier frame off, except for that part where it has to terminate at the master cylinder. :rolleyes:

Wallet's a little lighter but the 'puter is back on line.