TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I was pretty close to acheiving record revenue last week at 78 hours so I pushed through for a total of 82 hours. The only reason I quit was I ended up pretty close to the house and it seemed pretty stupid to put in another hour and find myself maybe an hour from home.

Slept the sleep of the just and finally went to work. Only put in eight or nine hours and I've decided I'm done. You can't cheat rest because sooner or later you've got to pay.
Home. It's sundown. Only customers the carrion has is vultures. Yet. It may get found tonight.

The walk went well. We were shirt the owners, but the architect's agent and the HUD guy can sign off on that shit so's we get paid. It's all about the Benjamins.

It was a quiet day on the site after the wheels left. Was a bit limited on what I could get for the job, so I'll have to make a trip to the store first thing. It'll rain tomorrow, so I'll have four wheels.

I gotta catch up on some sleep myself. My eyes don't wanna see . . . .



Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! Still a pretty early morning, as the windows are open and it hasn't commenced rain yet. But it's comin'.

Work will be. Crews are gettin' lazy. We're coming to the end, they're tired, and we're short some stupid material. For example, we never got our French doors for the ADA units. If I had to guess, I'd wager that they were never ordered. :eek: :mad: :rolleyes:

I did give the anvil a turn last night and thought I had a bit of success. I was loosening the harmonic damper bolt. Tightening was my other success. It's still stuck. It gets a bit of the hammer this weekend.

But we have plenty of coffee, so that's good.



Good morning. Happy Range Day Wednesday!

Big cool down with rain in the forecast. The cool down has started but no rain so far so I still plan on trundling out to the range. It might be a short day though. It's been so dry recently that there's no way in hell I'm going to complain about some rain.

Have you dropped the pan and looked at the bottom end to see if anything's going one down there?
Nope. The thing is still upright on the pallet on which it was delivered. I'm also gunning some penetrating oil down the valves, best as possible, in case there's a stuck one preventing rotation. Most likely, it's a waiting game.

Seems like the vultures are back. Woods poodles can't be too far behind.

But I gotsta go abuse these weasels . . . .

Got some shooting done this AM before the weather closed in. Supposed to rain off and on all night. No complaint from me.
Then ol' Wat must be pretty fucking evil about 16 hours per day.

So I went to supper tonight at the same greasy spoon I ate at Saturday and last Wednesday. Ordered the same thing with the same single substitution that I've made every time I've ever ordered it. Every fucking time - except tonight. Waitress says, "we don't do substitutions." Wat said, "yeah, you do." She stuck by her guns. So Wat showed her how it was done.

He substituted an empty booth for a paying customer who tips well.

Tomorrow is another day . . . .



It's pouring!

I had to chuck the dog out of the door for her morning pee.

I tried it on a voluntary basis, but she kept backing away from the open door.
Then she immediately went about telling me, in the way that dogs do, that she had to go pee...

So finally, it was time to chuck the weiner dog.

She peed in record time.
Happy Thursday!!!

Running behid this morning. The Landlady was chatty. She keeps the old cat company, and he likes that.

Looks to be a slow warming Spring. I reckon that this method will be okay. Good for work, good for biking, good for weasel oppression.

Good for coffee guzzlage, too . . . .



I need some incentive.

I know the pool filter basket has to be packed, and I have to deal with it,
but it is dark and wet. But here I go, those things are expensive to replace...
Good lord!

It really rained. The pool is completely full. I cannot remember it being full up to the brim.
Here on site. We're short a bit of help. No matter . . . .

We're not short any rain. It settled in about an hour ago and is acting like it can go all day.

I was going to catch up on serial numbers, and I still might. Maybe.

Then again, the PM isn't coming in today, so . . . .



There's new snow on the higher elevations within the municipality. Drizzle here.
The plumber was going to finish the sewer repairs today, but the weather had other ideas. They can wait until tomorrow to get muddy .

The diner has been closed since last Saturday. Seems they had to replace the walk-in. They'll re-open tomorrow. Meanwhile, there has been Various Carry-out for lunch this week. And less lunchtime reading, at least book-wise.

My carrion seems only to have drawn vultures. I am sorely disappointed.

Still got rain, and still got dry feet . . . .



Home. The bottom has fallen out. It was a damp drive.

So I got word that we finally got the last tenant out. Meth head. They paid him $700 'Murrikan to leave, and he took the money. Two eightballs, I reckon. It'll be gone by morning, most likely. So Wat got to go over and turn off the 'lecticity and render the front door unlockable/insecure. That's easy. Take the hardware off and throw it away. Place was a zoo. Damage everywhere. And you think about it, this is a human being. He, too, is a child of Allah. Kinda sad.

And we have lots of extra damage to repair in there, too, but it's ours now.

Gonna graze in. Could be brekkies for supper again . . . .



The landlady had defrosted a pound of bacon,. so breakfast-for-supper it was.

I told her some story or another about something I had done on a job in my yout'. Ute. She asked me how the me of today would have reacted to having the me of then working for me. I answered immediately, I'd have loved it. A big strong kid who'd work his ass off and would take on the tough tasks. Somebody to teach.

Somebody immune to stimulus checks every few month, who expected to have to work. There may never be such creatures ever again. Sad, really.

Out of here . . . .

So, I typed the night post and never posted it, so there it is, hours late. I'm sure there will be buckets of tears from all of the Usual Sources.

Happy Friday. Today is always interesting in my world. It marks a change in direction which was attempted years ago, and which has seemed an improvement. Allah has seen fit to keep me hanging around, so there's that, too. I ain't dead yet. I'd have a hard time outliving everyone on the GB otherwise.

Looks like a decent weekend but a rainy first of next week. Today is some cooler, likely having something to do with yesterday's front passing through. Hell, tomorrow is May.

Today has coffee . . . .



Good morning and happy Friday and all the shit.

After BWF, out to the range to pull some wire. Like 300' of 4/0 triplex. "Lube're up boys."
Hain't pulled no wire in awhile. Started off doing underground, so I got a shot at pulling some telephone in some conduits. I remember one down at the coast that spent all its time under water and the pipes were full of silt. That was fun.

This weekend is stacking up to be a bit busier than it has right to be. And we got painters, so there may be some whinging and gnashing of teeth.

Nothing like having to go to town to run a couple of surprise errands, especially after you just got back.

Next trip to the other place: two weeks.


We're pulling through conduit. It turns out that aluminum through conduit was cheaper than direct burial copper. Go figure. Running the triplex along with a #4 ground line. All of the terminal end wiring is done, this is the 'box to box' run and the last run. This should be the last of the electrical for a few years.
I think that the telephone I did was easier than most of the 'lectrical I have seen done. Except for the silty pipes.

Some of those fuckers relied on Callum grips, but I always preferred a core hitch. It's not like you're going to pull the jacket off of it, or the guts outta the jacket.

It's a mite damn foggy out there this morning.

Outta here - got weasels to upset.

