TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

They used to be very unreliable, but as I said, they are now lasting longer
and they sure are less of a hassle and take up a lot less storage space.

I can keep one of the hundred footers in a five gallon bucket
with plenty of space to spare.
I've got some other hoses, I keep them coiled around a container on the north side of the house.

I have this thick black one that is exceptionally sturdy, I run them out to the garden in the summer.
I bought a couple of hoses 24 years ago for a job that I did, and I still have them. Other than one repair, they still work fine, and I've left them out over winter a whole bunch of times.

We put some squirrel corn out yesterday. I hope the deers leave it alone. I'd hate to have to shoot them for eating the squirrel's corn. Besides, they might draw coyotes.

Okay, off to see what the weasels think they're going to be doing, and to bend them to my will . . . .


Attracting the fuzzy-tailed rats on purpose is rarely a good idea.

The only thing they are good for is target practice.

I don't think we even have much of
anything willing to eat them...
Wtf does tree planting have to do with curbing illegal immigration?


This administration is just not in touch with reality.

Now, Putin wants to clean Joe's clock...
What I don’t like about the flex hoses is that if your water pressure drops low it tries to pull itself shorter, a pain if you’re using a high flow setting on the sprayer.
Every year, at this time of the year, bloodhounds from police departments all over the country come here to train and/or compete. I don't really know what they do, but I enjoy watching them sniff all over town.
Every year, at this time of the year, bloodhounds from police departments all over the country come here to train and/or compete. I don't really know what they do, but I enjoy watching them sniff all over town.

Well Johnny, what came to mind from that post was the cut from the Rocky and Bullwinkle show where the street sweeper is cleaning up behind the parade. Who's following those hounds around? :D
Home. Grazed in. Got the bike out to go to work tomorrow.

Looked across the field as I was walking in and saw a poacher of my squirrel corn. The rifle is sighted in right on. Did it right and dropped it like a sack of potatoes. Twarn't Bambi, either. Now I wonder if the screeching from the night zombies will wake me up. I may have to get a heavy duty spotlight. Might have some sunrise business, but it's nice to know that I have that shot, and it was about 200 yards, methinks. It walked like it.

The site looks good for the draw walk tomorrow. There is a rumor afoot that Wat will have to go back to the coast with the Jabbas for Phase Tew. Perhaps it is the will of Allah, but I asked the PM what might be done. He said, talk to his boss. So I'll ask for an audience. There may be a reason ("It'll work out for the best.") and there may be another way. So, we'll see.

First night in a long time of sleeping with the windows open . . . .



Happy Tuesday!!! Slept pretty well, but would like to have stayed asleep awhile longer.

It's Wheels Visit Tuesday. Nuff said.

And it's bikin'-to-work Tuesday, too. It'll get warmer today.

And it's Coffee Time, so . . . .



Good morning.

Well Wat it's a sad fact of life that once you get the reputation as a trouble shooter you're going to be sent wherever there's trouble.
Every year, at this time of the year, bloodhounds from police departments all over the country come here to train and/or compete. I don't really know what they do, but I enjoy watching them sniff all over town.

Must be moisture, but not like the overwhelming rains that we get here.

There's a reason that they never tracked down Cochise.

;) ;)
Wat, trust me.

If you are not baiting deer, which is an asshole thing to do,
corn on the cob is a very bad thing to do,

unless you are decorating the dining room in Native American corn...

... as a tribute to well


Them dawgs are out already.

As I understand the game... the "evaluator" drags some clothes or whatnot down the side walk. Then each team is timed on how long it takes to pick up the scent and then find the whatnot.

A dog and a handler. The handlers are police from all over the country. A wide range of uniforms.

It's still a mystery as to why they do it here. Our local PoPo doesn't have any dogs that I know of. Maybe they do a "urban" drill and then head off into the woods. We have lots of woods.

Ole Larry sure would like to participate. It's turkey season though and I don't want to spoil his nose on silly games.
It's Squirrel Corn, damn it. I even ordered signs to label it as such. I'm baiting coyotes. Sun's coming up. Might be a feaster out there ready to git some.

Troubleshooting. Jabba is the trouble. All three of them. I hate going places where I can prove by my company that I'm the sane and competent one.

And the problems caused by the dishonesty. One fucking lie after another, and it goes in both directions.

Hope to fuck something else happens . . . .


Baiting coyotes has a couple of meanings...

You might be too old for one of them.

At any rate, I have a horrible migraine.
I'm taking something (maybe whiskey)
and going back to bed.

I still have a lot of work to get done.