TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!


The rain has moved in.

I reckon I'll meander up to Fred's hay house and change the lights. The ones in there now are motion detected. Which is annoying as fuck.

They'll be going to Goodwill later next week.


Fairly busy morning. Got some shit stripped off'n the old car. Took off the grille, generator, and some brackets, and the accelerator linkage. Basically, shit that's gonna have to come off to pull the engine.

Oh, and I upgraded the lights in the hay house, too.

And played with Fred.

Had two silly guys stop by who wanted to waste my time. Wasn't chatty with either. One got it, the other got offended. Guess he's a Democrat . . . . :rolleyes:


Grazing in. Leftovers. Gets it done.

Got the head off the big engine. Looks like #4 is the offending cylinder. It had some sludge in it. Shot a bit of penetration oil around each piston and around/down each valve, depending on whether it was open or closed. Gave it a heave and . . . nothing. So I mixed some ATF and diesel roughly 50/50 and put some in each cylinder to soak. There are a couple of youTubes of guys unsticking old Packard engines, so I may re-watch them to see what they did.

Have to wash and tart up here in a bit. Was asked to give a talk this evening.

I sure hope I don't fuck it up . . . .



ATF is good for unsticking damn near anything.

Quite day. Managed to knock a few items off my 'to do' list.

I need to make arrangements to get over to my buddies house and get on his mill to finish fabricate the cleaning rod I'm making for my LR rifle. 1 piece solid brass. If it works out I'm going to fab one for the smaller calibers too.
Exhausted. Drove right by the entrance to the barrio.

My stray cat thought I pulled a mariachi fade on him.

If I had my travel bag with me, I'd just have gotten a room.
Equal parts ATF, Mineral Spirits, Acetone and Kerosene will unstick most stuff.
Happy Sunday. Talk went okay. No fuck-ups. Better attended than I expected. Slept in later than I expected, too. Stopped and got Greasy Breakfast eats on the way home.

I was thinking of adding some acetone to the mix, but I didn't see the can. I did have lacquer thinner, however. We'll see if it's made any headway, but my guess is, it'll all be sitting on top of the pistons when I look at it next, which is to say, later this morning.

The landlady and I are going to wander in to the jobsite and liberate some of the leftover material. She's going to have her house, the rental, resided later this spring. We have a bunch of heavy sheathing, and it will need to be sheathed as part of this process - she thinks. Anyway, at the price of sheathing these days, this stuff will save her a chunk of change.

After coffee and feeding the cats, of course . . . .



Good morning.

NWS uses the most god awful pink to denote fire warning. It's like Pepto-Bismol on steroids.
I have to water my yard this AM. I completely missed the irrigation this past Wed. :mad: The fruit trees seem to have dodged the late freeze bullet so I should have plenty of Apples and Peaches this year.

Bought a new hose that has to be stretched out to get rid of the packaging 'memory.' Looks like Shirley Temple's ringlets right now.
Charade indeed.

I have an air hose which still has coils left when it was new, and storing that way doesn't help, either. I have stretched it and let it lie in the sun, all to no avail. I love how it naturally wants to make itself into s'ghetti. Damn hose.

Got a few things to work on today. Gonna go to town and score these tidbits and maybe a couple of other things.

I guess that I should get proper-dressed first . . . .


Today is the adult neverending story - Laundry.
Coffee was consumed, someone is baking something in the kitchen and it smells good
And I have a new book to read while I wait for the machines, it's a good day.
Errands accomplished.

I do have a funny story to tell about the woman who comes over to take care of the poodles while the landlady is away. It falls under the heading of St000pid H000man Tricks.

Maybe will get a bit of car stuff done later. Added a bit of acetone to the soaking fluid that remained in the cylinder. Four have disgorged their contents.

It seems to be naptime first.



Today is the adult neverending story - Laundry.
Coffee was consumed, someone is baking something in the kitchen and it smells good
And I have a new book to read while I wait for the machines, it's a good day.

Did some yesterday and there is even some leftover for today.
Coffee is tasting good this morning and the hellhounds are behaving.

They were out for a long time yesterday, so they are probably still worn out.
It looks to be another beautiful day, so they will be out while I work on the new concrete.
Good morning.

We still have that atrocious pink thing going on with the weather forecast. That ends starting tomorrow with a mini cold front sweeping through. Range Day Wednesday might be a wet one.

Got the hose partially uncurled. Try to get it a little more straighterer today. I was looking at hose reels and the choices come down to either the $40 plasti-crap that won't last the summer or the $400 industrial grade. Then I saw one that sorta makes sense. More or less a 55 gal. plastic barrel cut in half. Just coil the hose up in the barrel. I have a couple of barrels lying about so I'm going to give that idea a shot.

Sounds like Wat might have the anvil unstuck here soon enough.
Happy Monday!!! Have been sleeping really well these last few nights. Not like I was sleeping poorly, but there was room for improvements. I had both cats all night, it seems like. Cats have Restful Properties - at least when Ethyl isn't on a tear.

The weather looks to be really good for the next three days. There will have to be some biking. Can't today - gotta have some of the stuff that's in the car. Tomorrow looks to be a winner. Gotta clean the bike, too, because it has Fred Prints on it. Oughta give that cat a wiping cloth and some glass cleaner.

Tomorrow is this month's draw walk. So there be wheels. Gots clunks coming today to clean the site better. It's not in bad shape, but it can be better, so it shall be. And, of course, there will be weasels there making messes, so that'll have to get policed, too. Some people's kids.

Coffee is kickin' it today.



I prefer those hoses that put themselves up.
No coiling or kinking issues; just add water.
They are getting better and lasting longer.
I might try one of those fancy self-reeling hoses one of these days. The UV at this altitude is murder on plastics/rubber.