TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home. We only had two weasels today, and they didn't show up until 11 or so.

Washed the car on complex water. Got home and parked it, where four Large Poodles gathered. One was licking the fucking headlight when I got out of the car.

Indeed, this is why we can't have nice things . . . .


The big poodles will tend to do things like that. Years ago, and a different herd ago, the vet was down and parked in the pasture. They licked his truck til it was almost not in need of washing.
So paperwork is done and I dropped the car off for the neighbour kid to take back to school with I'm tomorrow. It will be a good car in the city for him as long as he maintains it. I also took his mom a few thai peppers I grew in an indoor greenhouse, the kid likes hot food and before I could stop him bit into one, he spit it out almost as fast but he's probably still chugging milk.
The landlady said they really like doing it in winter when salt has been applied to the roads.

She should probably install cable in the horse-house to keep them better entertained.

It's just a thought . . . .



The big poodles will tend to do things like that. Years ago, and a different herd ago, the vet was down and parked in the pasture. They licked his truck til it was almost not in need of washing.

The moose do that, too.
Yeah, but you can 8mm the moose.

Was that a 8x57 or an 8mm aught six? I hear that those were common conversions and easily made.

There were two very easy 8mm conversions. The 8mm/06 you mentioned and the 8mm/06 AI. Single pass with a reamer, gauge it, and your done.

Puts 'em right down within a couple hundred yards. I do not recall ever having to shoot twice with that 8mm.

Puts 'em right down within a couple hundred yards. I do not recall ever having to shoot twice with that 8mm.

Nothing shoddy about the 8mm's stopping power. Those conversions were just a case of tons of 8mm rifles and no 8mm ammo. So ream the chamber out to take 06 brass. (Even though you can form 8mm from 06 brass.)
Happy Monday!!!

The ony surplus ammo I ever bought which failed to go bang with every pull of the trigger was some funky 8mm. It even smelled bad - hence the term funky - in the can. We're talking one round in 10 as I recall. And it went more or less where it wanted to. So I ditched it, but for the life of me, I don't recall how. I think it got buried. I kept the can.

Got a busy three days here. People will be going home. Wat will not. The cat don't care. He's getting his.

Wat is getting his coffee . . . .



Good morning, but it came too early. I woke up and could just not get back to sleep, so I gave up, who knows, maybe a catnap this afternoon.
Naps are becoming more important lately. It's like I ain't sleeping enough, or well enough, or something.

Or weasels are tiring.

You'd think that the shorter days would lead to more sleep. Somehow, it's just the opposite.
This time of year, I think about heading south. It is gray, damp and extremely cool out there this morning. It's the beginning of a day that proclaims, "Don't expect much from me today!"