TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

So very true, not to mention how awesome, or how horrible, the nipples may be...

True. The quality of the nipples in question would throw them soundly into the 2500/night category, depending on the locale. NY, DC, LA, Vegas etc it would run higher.
I honeymooned in Vegas and lost some coin. I also discovered that my bride was an incorrigible gambler, which I wondered, based upon her ability to lose, was a harbinger of the marriage.
Home from another exciting day of weaseling. We did get some roofing installed. The PM was verra happeh. It was odd to have one on the job of a Satiddy. Hell, he even sprung for lunch.

Of course, he'll likely expense it, so there's that.

It was nice to be able to bike it to work today. That won't be possible tomorrow because hace lluvia. And I need a couple of tools which are in the car.

Grazing in . . . .

Quiet night at the homestead.

Not much going on at the other one, either, I don't reckon.

Cat is curled up and napping. IT's a cat thing.

He has the right idea . . . .



Home from another exciting day of weaseling. We did get some roofing installed. The PM was verra happeh. It was odd to have one on the job of a Satiddy. Hell, he even sprung for lunch.

Of course, he'll likely expense it, so there's that.

I think it's bullshit when the PM does not work on the same days as the crew.

When I have my guys work on a Saturday, I always buy them lunch, and yeah it's expensed, but it's peanuts in the long run.
Happy Sunday!!!

I think that PMs should show up of a Saturday, too. He did give us today off. Wat declined. There's still just too much to do - details an' sich. Besides, who will open up and lock up? We got no weasels here that I'd give a pass key to. Which is sad - we had one on the last Jabba job.

The hounds hear something out there. Howling their wee heads off. Maybe it's the rain coming. This is to be a wet morning.

Kinda like this is wet coffee . . . .



Good morning!

I am also not a fan of dry coffee.

I'm not sure what the day holds here. But then, can we ever be sure?
I picked up a vintage, plastic gun case yesterday. A placeholder for a Remmington 700.

As soon as I get a spare couple of hours, maybe Thursday I am going to grab the first Prius I see.

It's time.

I'm tempted by a Lexus whatchanumber. 2012, 200K miles $8K. I think it's interchangeable with a Gen III Prius.

Probably just get another workhorse Gen II prius. I know them and they last longer.

Yes to boss showing up and buying lunch.

I'm the boss. I show up. I buy lunch. Sometimes a pricey lunch. Usually I'm cheap. Yesterday on a whim I got a grab and go frou-frou lunch box from Starbucks of all places. I never drink coffee, thought they would do a nice hot chocolate and saw the protein box. Sous vide chicken and hummus. Little nan breads, snow peas and iffy carrot sticks.
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I must be younger than those old fucks, cuz I ain't gots no 700

Sebbeh hunyet neever.

:D :rolleyes:

What is it with you old guys and 700’s? LOL

They are pretty.

I woulda should coulda gotten one 3-4 years ago at a gun shop I was in with a friend picking up a gun. This on was a "63. Great furniture, great sling. Slightly shorter barrel.

So now it's on my mind cause shoulda.

Might be thinking of something else if I didn't have that particular one in mind.

My grandad had his WWI issue 03 Springfield. He sold it to his business partner when he got a new religion with my Grandmother. Not sure what exactly the one had to do with the other.

So a Sprimgfield might be nifty.

Saw a nice Mosin–Nagant 1893 in an antique store that I'd like. Looked like someone's WWII trophy.

Wouldn't mind a Ruger Mini 14 Ranch rifle. I like the wood furniture.