TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home with cat. Dragging a bit of ass this evening. Nothing particularly was long or difficult about today, but I'm still over it. Grazing in. There's not much out there to graze.

Did have a wee bit of excitement. The PM got something in his eye - probably a bit of sawdust. He's a bit of a prima donna, so this was serious - like his cold was last week. (think "man-sick"). So he asked me to look, and I did. Saw fuck-all. Went to the store to get some eye douche and flushed it for him and then looked again. Found the smallest of wee intrusive bits of matter. Dabbed it out with a corner of folded t/p. He blinked and said, "that got it."

Who knew that Wat is so talented with every facet of human life. Brain surgery would likely be a snap.




My Mac-geek IT guy is extremely anal about his interactions with people. I had him work on my laptop, but could not get it to him until his test came back. He's had 6 encounters where the tracers contacted him and told him that quarantine and testing protocols should be followed. He tells me its all been though the part of his work where he comes close to people at the local Joint Base. He doesn't frequent the bars, but they do.

I get it. I'm f-ing tired of this crap. But I do not want to be the guy who infects or causes the infection of someones grandma who has underlying health conditions.

Bear in mind a positive test result is nor a "case" of Covid. You must have symptoms. That gets ignored. As I said from the beginning the scaremongering about asymptomatic carriers was and has been shown to be nonsense. Temperature checks would have gone far farther towards protecting the vulnerable. No other airborne virus was ever thought to be spread by people with such low viral loads that they are not putting it into the air.

It isn't cooties.
And that is completely ignoring the fact that the test has a false positivity rate of 3% so when you're hearing about 10% positive rate it's really 7. Then 95 percent of the people with a positive test even if it isn't a false positive are not contagious. They have such a small viral load it simply an artifact of an earlier infection.

Can you imagine what would happen if we used a similar test of limited utility and routinely tested healthy asymptomatic people for various "deadly" influenza strains then shutdown society over test results? Future biological warfare or terrorism now has a template. It needn't be particularly hazardous.

Trump needs to concede so Biden can solve the problem the very same way his tean solved the previous SARS pandemic. Once it was endemic to society, they stopped testing.
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This is yet again one of those issues where there is Science and Political Science and it is those who scream about Science deniers who are almost exclusively in the latter camp. They seem to have gotten the impression that Science is a Social Justice issue and scientists are social justice warriors (otherwise, they are politically-motivated scientists).

It boggles the mind that so many non-scientists fall so easily for political science and demonstrate the proclivity to eschew the opinions of people with Science degrees who do not share their politically-correct view of Science.
This is yet again one of those issues where there is Science and Political Science and it is those who scream about Science deniers who are almost exclusively in the latter camp. They seem to have gotten the impression that Science is a Social Justice issue and scientists are social justice warriors (otherwise, they are politically-motivated scientists).

It boggles the mind that so many non-scientists fall so easily for political science and demonstrate the proclivity to eschew the opinions of people with Science degrees who do not share their politically-correct view of Science.

"There are lies, there are damned lies, then there are statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli
This is yet again one of those issues where there is Science and Political Science and it is those who scream about Science deniers who are almost exclusively in the latter camp. They seem to have gotten the impression that Science is a Social Justice issue and scientists are social justice warriors (otherwise, they are politically-motivated scientists).

It boggles the mind that so many non-scientists fall so easily for political science and demonstrate the proclivity to eschew the opinions of people with Science degrees who do not share their politically-correct view of Science.

Is that you, Butters?
I have to agree. The posters with the strongest
pro-Corona opinions seem to be the ones with
with the least ability to see past the hysteria
driven by this year's political climate.
Good Morning, folks!

Looks to have the makins of another lovely vacay day here.

One of the nephews got an 8 pt yesterday. It was a nice sized deer for this area.

He had hunted for the first time with the rifle inherited from his grandfather. I think he thought it brought him luck.
I dunno how I was exposed. I live alone and work alone. I always wear a mask on the few occasions I'm out in public. I don't know anyone that has been exposed, and I haven't eaten a bat in months.

All I can figure is that I got it at a Veteran's Day ceremony I went to.
It's airborne, which means it can be absorbed through the eyes or lay waiting on your skin for hours. Masks help but have very limited effectiveness. Even people who 99% isolate can get it from the groceries left on their doorstep. I applaud you JS for being so cautious but the reality is that viruses are nearly impossible to stop.

So drink coffee and hope for the best, it's all any of us really have control over right now.
It's airborne, which means it can be absorbed through the eyes or lay waiting on your skin for hours. Masks help but have very limited effectiveness. Even people who 99% isolate can get it from the groceries left on their doorstep. I applaud you JS for being so cautious but the reality is that viruses are nearly impossible to stop.

So drink coffee and hope for the best, it's all any of us really have control over right now.

Agreed. Do what you can, but there's no guarantee.
I dunno how I was exposed. I live alone and work alone. I always wear a mask on the few occasions I'm out in public. I don't know anyone that has been exposed, and I haven't eaten a bat in months.

All I can figure is that I got it at a Veteran's Day ceremony I went to.

I know it's disheartening, Johnny, especially when you tried to do all the 'right' things. That's just how fickle this thing is. Just follow the treatment plan and do the best you can do. I hope you feel better in a few days with no long lasting effects.
I have to agree. The posters with the strongest
pro-Corona opinions seem to be the ones with
with the least ability to see past the hysteria
driven by this year's political climate.

It's psychological. A self-selecting population that finds authoritarianism comforting. Appeal to authority is not a fallacy for them. If the authorities tell them something authoritatively, it needs no analysis; it is the authoritative word on the matter.

That's why they always insist, "cite?!??" when a person capable of critical thinking would simply reason together with you and find agreement or be able to point out flaws in your train of logic.
I was thinking about capital assets. The little beast made me more money this week then she is worth, retail. What capital asset does that in a week?
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Hmmm, home with cat. I opened this page to see . . . the post I had written to post this morning and hadn't posted. Good thing that my participation isn't mandatory.

Just. Fuckin'. Tired. That is all from the work front.

The guy who was s'posed to replace me so's I could go to his job and replace him has abdominal surgery tomorrow. Apparently, he has all but not told anyone about this, including management. Wat is to stay put for at least a week. Wat also pondered this and decided to call bullshit. If it's real, it's been scheduled for weeks. If it's emergency, when was his trip to the ER and how was he calling from work. No, he's quitting and not telling anyone, and he's taking the beaucoup holidays we have over the next several weeks along with his PTO, and then he doesn't come back in January.

Time will tell . . . .

Good Morning, folks!

Looks to have the makins of another lovely vacay day here.

One of the nephews got an 8 pt yesterday. It was a nice sized deer for this area.

He had hunted for the first time with the rifle inherited from his grandfather. I think he thought it brought him luck.

Some of my fondest memories are hunting with my grandpa who lived in Alaska. My other grandpa gave me a nice rifle when he visited in 1963. It seems that I was able to do better at the range with it than my father or uncle. That rifle's taken a few caribou and moose and it will be passed to my oldest who used it for bagging #1 caribou.
I wonder if it would take #1 Fuckee . . . .

But I do prefer to type it out.

I'm blowing this 'burg and going home on T-giving.

I cunt let those fuckers forget why they resent me.

Hey..hey..hey..hey.......hey stoopid

It's airborne, which means it can be absorbed through the eyes or lay waiting on your skin for hours. Masks help but have very limited effectiveness. Even people who 99% isolate can get it from the groceries left on their doorstep. I applaud you JS for being so cautious but the reality is that viruses are nearly impossible to stop.

So drink coffee and hope for the best, it's all any of us really have control over right now.

"Very limited effectiveness"? This gets my vote for most ignorant post of the month (non-Conager division). :rolleyes:
Well here's another interesting angle on what I was just saying about authoritarianism and rituals; https://mises.org/wire/those-who-fear-disease-most-are-most-likely-prefer-authoritarian-regimes?fbclid=IwAR1noWI4iM0Ik6TDUhmAxb9FwMcRg-lf_nBbvKJU0DaW8V6KTUdNzk_xxkU

Just popped up on my facebook feed after I had been discussing this very thing

Good morning everyone, it's Range Day Wednesday!!!

Good read Con. The implication of the article is that if Trump had imposed draconian measures re. the Wuhan Flu, he might have been re-elected. *chuckle*
Happy Wednesday, range day or non-payday or otherwise. Find something to be thankful for and don't be a mope. Jeebus hates a pussy, after all.

Is is right or is it wrong? Who cares? Is it good or is it bad? Who cares? Does it work or does it not work? Now we have a question worth considering.

Maybe Trump will run again in 2024 and win, thereby becoming the second coming of Grover Cleveland.

Coffee is good. So will be knocking off early today . . . .



Well here's another interesting angle on what I was just saying about authoritarianism and rituals; https://mises.org/wire/those-who-fear-disease-most-are-most-likely-prefer-authoritarian-regimes?fbclid=IwAR1noWI4iM0Ik6TDUhmAxb9FwMcRg-lf_nBbvKJU0DaW8V6KTUdNzk_xxkU

Just popped up on my facebook feed after I had been discussing this very thing

Good morning everyone, it's Range Day Wednesday!!!

Good read Con. The implication of the article is that if Trump had imposed draconian measures re. the Wuhan Flu, he might have been re-elected. *chuckle*

My favorite "argument" has long been starting off with, "If it saves one Life . . . ."

Not if it throws the whole fucking constitution under the bus, it doesn't.

It doesn't work.

But never let a short-sighted "upside" get in the way . . . .

"If just one life." "If just one child." How long have we been subjected to that horse shit? Tedious sloganeering from tedious people for the sole purpose of manipulation.