TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home at the cat's house. I wish he'd take a more active roll in the upkeep around this joint.

J had us over for a plate o' grub. It wasn't all that hot and it wouldn't have been any better if it had been hotter. J is a mediocre cook. That said, I thanked her regardless. I didn't have to cook or clean.

The working Latinos: I asked them yesterday and day before if there was any sigle thing they might run out of. Nope, meester gringo, they said, we're good. Got a call at 0715 regarding the fork lift key. At 1015, they were running out of the specialized screws. The box store is closed, and they may not have any of that screw since we bought them out last time. For the love of Allah . . . . :rolleyes:

I'll call them tomorrow at 0600 their time.



Good morning to all of you Thanksgiving survivors. :)

Not only is it Black Friday, it's snowing and blowing out there. I figure it's a good day to hunker down.
Happy Black Friday (matters). I had a lovely e-mail this morning for a new rifle I can see myself living without but sure could work up a want for.

Trash trucks are moving early. Laundry is in the washer. Need a coffee refill.

Poised to nag for screws . . . .




I had ham. And turkey stuffing. There doesn't seem to be a ham stuffing. :D
I was careful not to overeat, so there will be leftovers for the weekend.
That's the whole purpose to all of that cooking/baking:
to be able to just skate for a few days.

I like to take store-bought pie crusts and make
Thanksgiving pot pies from the leftovers.

I'm not so sure about doing it with ham though...
That's the whole purpose to all of that cooking/baking:
to be able to just skate for a few days.

I like to take store-bought pie crusts and make
Thanksgiving pot pies from the leftovers.

I'm not so sure about doing it with ham though...

Quiche. :)
Doubling down on it doesn't make it more appealing.
I'll stick with the barely more manly omelette.
Mom has leftovers which she will deliver. Ham, mostly, I think.

She wants to see the cat. The cat likes to be seen.

Got some screws ordered for the roof clowns. They'll have to go to pick them up. Hell, I'd have been happy to do it if they had fucking let me know while I was still in town, the asshats!!!

Some people's kids . . . . Buncha Lit jeenyusses.


The chickens will eat well today.
All of the old leftovers have been cleaned out
to make room for all of the new yummy leftovers.
The chickens will eat anything, I don't think they have taste buds...
Morning BT.

How long you going to be feasting on leftovers?

The Time sisters and our little families gathered yesterday. There wasn't much left and I didn't offer/ask to bring any home. Time the Younger has a lovely, large outdoor area that doesn't feel like an outdoor area at all, so for anyone ready to pounce on the "oooo Bad Bidin" train, we were well within compliance of best practices.

I do have a small turkey breast in the fridge that I will probably make this weekend. but there's no plan to go all crazy with the cooking.
I just took the old leftovers out to the chickens.
I saw four deer right below the house.
They look nervous...

I'm not doing a very good job of eating the ones I have.
I might have to do some eggs and stuffing for lunch.
Wat makes damn good omelette.

Wat wonders what the fuck there is to eat here.

Besides kitteh-kibble . . . .

Been on the phone with the roofers and the box store. Far all of this rest, I should have stayed there. :rolleyes:

Everyone should be home for Thanksgiving, or with family -- same thing.


We don't have thanksgiving. We have Christmas. The UK government has declared a five-day break.

But our London daughter will be visiting her mother in law at that time and because of work will not have time to visit us as well.

Christmas will be very quiet...
You sound Holiday poor.

My condolences.

You should celebrate Thanksgiving though, take credit;
it was basically the sons and daughters of England that began it here.

:D :D :D