TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

It's psychological. A self-selecting population that finds authoritarianism comforting. Appeal to authority is not a fallacy for them. If the authorities tell them something authoritatively, it needs no analysis; it is the authoritative word on the matter.

That's why they always insist, "cite?!??" when a person capable of critical thinking would simply reason together with you and find agreement or be able to point out flaws in your train of logic.

You actually picked up on and named the fallacy.
I am impressed.

And they are impressed by expertise that reenforces their fallacies.
This is how the earth remained flat for so many generations.
I do not think Trump will run again.
The cut in pay alone will inhibit him.
Ivanka, or Jared, on the other hand...
Good Morning, folks!

Looks like another pretty day here. I know this 'cause I saw the sun n stuff.
Good Morning, folks!

Looks like another pretty day here. I know this 'cause I saw the sun n stuff.

It's a maybe day, here. Maybe it will spit ice-rain and the wind will blow or maybe it won't. It's a good day to stay in the cave.
Mises is a collection of some of the greatest minds of our generation.

A veritable fountainhead of Derp.

"Economics is hard to measure so we should just pay attention to the people that yell the loudest".


AJ took that to heart...that sort of rationale spoke to him.

This has been a pretty decent day. It's cloudin up to rain but that's just as well since I need to do some domestic goddessy type stuff in the house.
There's pie in the oven. It doesn't matter how many won't be here tomorrow, we still have a lot to be thankful for in this house.

I suppose I should make the deviled eggs tonight so they can be nice and chilled before dinner tomorrow. The pie is done. This yr it's a butternut pie. Everything else will be cooked tomorrow.
Home with cat. Up Here. We're leaving to go Over There in the morning. Early, insh'Allah.

The Latinos are in charge for the weekend. Insh'Allah that nothing bad happens.

The car has had its oil checked - added a drop - and its tires pressures checked and a few cc's added. Packing has commenced. Fuel station has been picked out for the morning fill-up.

Based on my present knowledge I can see today clearly, severely and bitterly for me, that the entire ideology about the world in which I believed so firmly and unswervingly was based on completely wrong premises and had to absolutely collapse one day. And so my actions in the service of this ideology were completely wrong, even though I faithfully believed the idea was correct. Now it was very logical that strong doubts grew within me, and whether my turning away from my belief in God was based on completely wrong premises. It was a hard struggle.

~ Google it yourself, you lazy rat fuck


I suppose I should make the deviled eggs tonight so they can be nice and chilled before dinner tomorrow. The pie is done. This yr it's a butternut pie. Everything else will be cooked tomorrow.

The eggs are cooked for deviled eggs, here. There will be some smoked salmon to munch on, also.
I might cut some up this evening. It should dry out if kept in a ziplok.
Happy Thursday/Thanksgiving. It's a good day to eat Italian.

Fed the cat, so he should be a happier traveller today. His fave canned stuff. No kibble. Maybe some dry for the ride. We'll see if the gas stations on the way out of town got in a sneaky price hike last night. Here's hoping the Preferred Brand (with the biggest discount) didn't. We'll see.

Insh'Allah that you-n-yours have a lovely and peaceful T-giving. Oh, maybe try to find something to be grateful for while you're at it.

Like . . . coffee . . . .



I just popped in to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you all get some time with family and friends today