TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

You sound Holiday poor.

My condolences.

You should celebrate Thanksgiving though, take credit;
it was basically the sons and daughters of England that began it here.

:D :D :D

Thanksgiving. No thanks. We already have fake Black Friday deals.

The British tradition of Halloween has been perverted by US commerciality. When I was young we had never heard of Trick and Treat. Now every supermarket is full of Trick or Treat goods from early August.

Even Christmas has been changed. The Coca-Cola red Santa is everywhere as are the Simpsons. Where is the Christ is Christmas? No. It's all about conspicous consumption.
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The cat thinks I am arbitrary and capricious as to when I let him weasel his way in. I don't like to let him in if I know I'm not going to be long because he gets comfortably settled in and then irritable when I evict him.

I took the feeding 'im inside to discourage the Chihuahua and the grackles. He likes to find a hiding place and take a nap when I do.
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Back to house.

Picked up Biden rifle #1. No fuckee. It's a handsome thing.

Was on the phone with a few more people circling the screws wagons to the point where we can stop listening to the whinging. Got to send one fucker (the one I don't like) out of state to get the last batch. Hell, it's a fucking hour away.

It's nap time . . . .

It's Friday, no holiday for me but I still get the weekend.
It sounds like everyone had a good holiday and that makes me thankful.
No sign of Barbie though, is she is a turkey-coma?
She may be out killing things.

Allah, I hope so.

So do the things she kills . . . .

Good evening folks!

I f Barbie is hunting, I hope she get the new Boone Crocket record.

I wonder is bell is snowbound?

My vacay is coming to an end. This gives me a sad.
Good evening folks!

I f Barbie is hunting, I hope she get the new Boone Crocket record.

I wonder is bell is snowbound?

My vacay is coming to an end. This gives me a sad.

5 new inches here, so far and it's still coming down, albeit light to moderate..
2115 and UPS just made a delivery. Bless their hearts, they have rough month ahead.
Home. Grazed out with the Friday night crowd.

Short table tonight. Four redneck guys talkin' gun shit an' killin' shit an' workin' shit. It was actually more fun than that sounds like.

And Wat didn't even mention his new AR10. Restraint . . . .

Off to doze shortly.

Good morning everyone.

Everyone still surviving the weekend? Maybe some weasels won't come Monday.
I’m alive, did a little hunting but no shooting so the records are safe!

I’ve got a wily 10-point that likes to play peekaboo, my cover is blown.
Happy Saturday!!!

The last load (I think) of clothes is in the washer. The dishes are all caught up. Generally tired so we may concentrate on juggling stuff at home to get this room cleared out in anticipation of doing the upkeep which the cat ignores. And we'll see how that goes.

The Biden Rifle #1 is a Sudanese-style AR10. Brown, cocker in the carry handle, and looks a lot like a 'Nam '16 without the tapered handguard. Bolt slams home like a mother. Looking forward to sighting it in. Looking more forward to capping a weasel with it.

Welcome back, Barbie. There's new coffee on the counter . . . .



Holy Carumba!

The deer are arming themselves to fight back!

If a hunter can carry a rifle, it only seems fair that the deer should have one too, right?

A hunter in the Czech Republic suffered a strange encounter with a deer last Friday when the animal managed to abscond with a rifle that was slung over his shoulder.

Police say the man, who was hunting in a forested district of the South Bohemian Region, said one of his hunting dogs had startled the nearby deer, causing it to charge straight for him. During the commotion, the deer ripped the hunter’s sleeve and inadvertently snagged the strap of his .22-caliber Hornet rifle in its antlers.

:D :D :D

I imagine he was looking for something else and the deer was just sent in as an enforcer.

:D ;) ;)