TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Yeah, it usually works that way. The cat is probably going to think Wat got the 'teaser' just for him anyway.
That's the bestest place for Xmas Spirit(s).

'ceptin' for maybe in yer digestive tract.

Okay, off for points east. Gotta pack this thing.

You kids play nicely . . . . :eek: :rolleyes:

I never put milk in my coffee.
Grandpa always said coffee was supposed to be black as night and hot as fire.

Your grandpa was a smart man.

Please be safe in your travels everyone, I know you're all safe drivers it's the other's on the road this time of year that I worry about.
There was an incident between a snow plow and the interweb pipe to my office last week. The nerds spent some days twisting wires and doing whatever it is that needs done at the top of the pole. And my interwebz is back!

Actually, "they" could unplug the entire thing for all I care. World wide! Computers, emails, twitters, cell phones , MySpaceBook and all the rest of it. We are too dependent on all this nonsense.
I also had two causalities at the Manse last week.

1. Had a flooding incident at the washing machine. A blow-out of the water line. I had flash backs to the flooding trainer in the Nav.

2. My ancient toaster oven (which I use almost every day) finally gave up the ghost. That thing had to have been 30 years old.
I was just out near Sky Harbor under the flight path, and an amazing number planes were coming in. Both runways at maximum capacity with a plane landing about every 2 minutes

It was glorious o behold.
There was an incident between a snow plow and the interweb pipe to my office last week. The nerds spent some days twisting wires and doing whatever it is that needs done at the top of the pole. And my interwebz is back!

Actually, "they" could unplug the entire thing for all I care. World wide! Computers, emails, twitters, cell phones , MySpaceBook and all the rest of it. We are too dependent on all this nonsense.

We'd miss Larry. . .
Your grandpa was a smart man.

Please be safe in your travels everyone, I know you're all safe drivers it's the other's on the road this time of year that I worry about.

He did well in life considering he never made it to high school. Likely the work ethic he had.

Indeed, there are idiots on the road. I try to give them as much space as I can.
Home with cat. Fucker spent almost the entire trip in my lap. So, guess where he's sitting now??? :rolleyes:

I inhaled a bit of something this morning and got a condition similar to what the large poodle had, except I can hack and cough and wheeze better than he can. I can also drink water when coaxed to by Tiny Brain. But when it's in your windpipe, water don't fix that none. It's not quite settled yet.

The tomatoes are out to thaw for tomorrow's sauce. The cat is now lashing his tail. Angry little shit. Oh, there were not as many road morons as there might have been.

And there's ice cream for supper . . . .



Happy Thursday!!!

Never saw him. Looks like the diabetes was kicking his ass. Still, he lived fairly long for a guy who didn't take care of himself for a long time. Which makes Wat wonder sometimes why Wat is still around. Not everyone is made of steel.

Warm today and then cold for the next two days, then it warms up again. In time to go back to work. Figures.

Coffee nonetheless.




Sure he did. Does.

But Moses invested. Moishe. Who(m)ever . . . . :rolleyes:

So I'm watching a show and there this kid's funeral. He got shot in the back of the head - prolly a 9 - but he has an open casket. I say, it's closed cuz he got no more face.

Nines will do that, especially a close range.

Covid has changed our reporting; it has allowed inner-city violence to go unreported.