TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I was looking at the NFL Playoff "Picture." What a fucking joke this year.

So, the NFC (L)East. Philly wins out and the rest lose and they go with a 6-9-1 record. This should not be allowed to happen.

They should have changes it to Foreskins. We've been calling them that for decades.

Hail to the Football Team . . . . :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:



Good morning folks.

You should have fun with that call Wat.

I'm going to do my last minute stuff today. Tomorrow it's out to the range and I'm not going to even think about going anywhere on Thur.

No, I don't. I suspect that car batteries are like sawszall blades - there are half a zillion brands and maybe two manufacturers total. I think that, if I were buying by brand, I'd get an Interstate.

If that works, I want a fee, and if it doesn't, I'm deleting this post. :D

Honestly, I miss the hand crank capability . . . .

Interstate. Check. I feared that you would recommend the strange tube battery with the yellow top.

Happy Holidays.
They sit and then get short trips.

I am hell on batteries.

Virtually all of the new design batteries have thin plates, closely spaced. You get a lot of cranking power but if they ever fully discharge the plates tend to warp and it's all downhill from there. Keeping them fully charged all the time is the key to longevity.
Virtually all of the new design batteries have thin plates, closely spaced. You get a lot of cranking power but if they ever fully discharge the plates tend to warp and it's all downhill from there. Keeping them fully charged all the time is the key to longevity.

I bought a solar trickle charger for the backhoe. Putting miles on the vehicles was never a challenge until the past year.
Interstate. Check. I feared that you would recommend the strange tube battery with the yellow top.

Happy Holidays.

Interstate batteries are in my Cruiser and in my generator.

Good stuff.

It's never just coffee.
Coffee ranges from coloured water to coloured irish.

I never put milk in my coffee.

Grandpa always said coffee was supposed to be black as night and hot as fire.

No, I don't. I suspect that car batteries are like sawszall blades - there are half a zillion brands and maybe two manufacturers total. I think that, if I were buying by brand, I'd get an Interstate.

If that works, I want a fee, and if it doesn't, I'm deleting this post. :D

Honestly, I miss the hand crank capability . . . .

I miss being able to push-start an air cooled bug.
I think I threw away $6 worth of oil drank plug gaskets. Amazon says delivered same day as toothbrushes and jumpstrater but I only got two packages. I think it was packed with the toothbrushes and I didn't reach into the pouch far enough. :(.
There are only a handful of battery and tire manufacturers in the world. Most of what you buy is the same shit with a different logo.
Home. Cat. Grazed in.

Long day at work. Lots to do. Lots got done.

He's in denial that we're gonna have a long road trip tomorrow. I'm trying to help him through this. :D

Gonna be a long day but it'll be nice to do something else for a few days.



Hey y'all. I've been a little under the weather for that past few days and haven't done much more that read and watch TV.
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! And the first of five days off, thanks be to Allah. And road trip, too.

Cat had his good food and I cleaned the car out yesterday. Gonna drink some coffee and then start loading up. Just too wiped to do it at night, so it'll get done today.

Had hoped to pick up the other rifle I had ordered, but haven't heard a chirp from them about it. Xmas rush, I s'pose. Who knows? It can be a New Year's prezzie, maybe.

We were out looking for an Amazon package last night and could hear the coyotes off across the hill. The box under my arm was the bait/call. Surprise, woods poodles!!!



You're gonna make me open the box?

But . . . it's not Xmas yet.

I got a cheaper one to see if it does any good.

But if that herd we heard last night was any indication, damn near anything might work.
