TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

The weather babe is assuring me that it froze last night.

Hallelujah! The official end of allergy season. It should freeze again tonight.

:cool: :cathappy:
The little Ram runs better with the light on, oddly enough. No idea what it's going on about. Damn thing gets better fuel mileage than ever, too.

At work. It rained here in the wee hours, but the concrete guys are out there tearing more stuff up. 'Bout damn time.

We have the plumbing inspections round 2 today. This time, if our papers are (finally) in order, we might get somewhere.

If could just anybody do this shit, what would Wat do? A question for the ages . . . .

The local Sherriff's office is having its annual gun bash. $20 a ticket gets you a meal and a chance to win one of 20 guns. The lead off gun is a Barrett 50 cal.
My entire truck is teal(ish)

It has no "check engine" light. Either everything (as far as it knows) is hunky-dory or it damned well tells you what's wrong.

All these modern cars with screens and graphics and sensors and computer b******* should actually just tell you exactly what's wrong and how to fix it with a nice interactive video. It's bulshit that they have a light that means you have to go somewhere to figure out what's wrong with it.

My Priusi are the worst. They've got interactive Graphics in the center console to tell me which direction that electricity is flowing at any given time but you know what they don't tell you? What's your water temperature? What's your oil temperature? Pressure?

On a Prius you only have three conditions. Everything's just fine. Some vague check engine light (which I ignore) or the red triangle of death. If the red triangle of death appears or a check engine light is starting to annoy me, I go to the back and unplug everything. If the red triangle of death goes away when I plug it back in and the car operates just fine, I ignore it.
Well, I have a code reader, but I just dumped nearly 4k into it so the dealer is going to figure it out.

The code came on once the engine was warmed up, so I expect its the thermostat. The o2 sensors were just replaced. Or, Cooter didn't tighten up something.
Awesome. You gotta love a Sheriff helping get a sniper rifle out amongst the citizenry. An armed society tends to be polite. Very Clive Bundy approved move.

You guys and your guns reminds me of the local bars when I was working in the mining town. No one buys their own alcohol, everyone just buys for everyone else so that they can all excuse there excessive alcohol consumption. They've even got a system for if you're not quite ready for the next round you get a little token that's good for a drink later. The hardcore game that because you can buy a round of cheap alcohol and cash in the token for some better alcohol later.
That's what I'm saying why do you need a code reader? If they didn't put it in code in the first place you would need a code reader to read the codes. No reason why the truck shouldn't be able to speak up and use its Big Boy words and tell you in plain English what's wrong.
Sounds like my local Legion. Everyone buys rounds and if your not ready, you get a chip. I have enough in my cup holder in my truck to drink for a year. Sadly, I stopped drinking Memorial Day.
I think that's a good idea, and don't know why the info screen doesn't just say what the code is.
Because dealers make more on parts and service than selling cars. I seem to remember that OnStar used to say it had techs to tell you what's wrong.

Is OnStar still a thing?
Autozone will come out to the parking lot and read the codes for free.

But ole Johnny is heading back to the dealer this afternoon. 20 miles, or just over an hour in WV travel time.
Cannon did that with copiers. The copiers were really cheap so they could sell you expensive toner cartridges.

I'm thinking of adding a bunch of red pepper flakes to my bottle of Famous Dave's signature Spicy Pickle Chips. Dave don't know from spicy.
Because of Covid, you gotta plug it in yourself these days at our Autozones.

Best practice is to add a spacer to the O2 sensor. Get it up outta the pollution. What it don't know can't light ya up.
That covid nonsense has run it's course here.

I had outpatient surgery yesterday and I thought medical places still had to wear masks. Nobody was, not even the doctor.
They're still wearing masks here, at least they are at the Dentist's.

I was there this week.
Here everybody looks around to see if anyone else is wearing masks. The tide is finally shifted though so that you no longer get haughty looks from the self-righteous masked. They look suitably embarrassed to be wearing one.

The exception being in heavily Hispanic areas. They wear them crucifixes and st. Christopher medals to ward off evil. They don't get vaxxed because they believe in charms and vestments handed down from the priesthood.
Just sipping coffee and supervising this morning.
The office elf is learning something new that can't afford mistakes.
I feel a bit like one of Wat's Jabbas, a bit useless except for the rare moment.
Ah well, it's supposed to rain today so staying inside isn't a bad thing,
especially when I just made a fresh pot of coffee.

We got Jabba s000per back today. Oh boy!!! :rolleyes: Of course, he's all large-n-in-charge. And in the way.

The concrete guys need their hands held. We have bushes to destroy. Think: alternate landscaping. Fuckers were in the way. Now, they're in the dumpster.

FNG doesn't seem to get ADA bathroom layout and function. He also doesn't remember where he put shit when he re-organized the dumpsters. We used to have temp helpers, but it went under his watch, and a week later, we cunt get anybody. He may not be a construction guy. Jabba senior has been known to take on this type before.

But ol' Wat keeps on keepin' on . . . .
