TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Good early morning.

This is the time when I used to be going to bed.
I woke up to pee and had a migraine, so I'm here to take it out on someone.

At least it's pretty good napping weather and college football is great for inducing sleep.
I got some great pictures of some does out in the yard
snacking beneath the bird feeder...

They were too small to be bucks.


It's about that time of year. They'll be up on the hill grazing through the winter.
I don't know that I've ever had bread pudding.

It's just another one of those things that I've heard of.
Happy Saturday!!!

Did I tell Johnny that he shares an arrival date with the most psycho woman that Wat ever had the bizarre experience of having around for awhile? Thanks be to Allah that I never married her. If I had, she would have become the ex Mrs. Tyler #3. Dodged some MG42 fire there.

Got an errand to run. Got some building materials to drag home. And it dawns on me, this will be the last dark morning for awhile, but it's gonna get dark quick at night. Damn it! :mad:

I juggled the coffee recipe slightly, and I think that it's to the good.



Chilly morning.

I had a battle of wills with Big Stupid this morning.

Eventually she caved and did her business outside.
She did it inside, yet again, yesterday.

Die dog! DIE!

Coffee Recipe: Get the cheapest beans the store has. Grind a handful and put in the perk0later. Turn the burner on.

November 5 is Guy Fawkes day too. A good day.
Got the josh goin'. The quip reminds me, sick people can hurt a lot.

Got some piece of garbage in my fucking eye yesterday. I had one in the other eye when I came home and it took about 5 days to cycle through. Today is Day Two. Motherfucker!!! :mad:

It's a riot in some of these ads what some of these clowns think that they can get for their anvils. I know that they ain't makin' any any more, but the people who know-n-care are dying off in droves. Therefore, prices can and are beginning to drop. It's not time to tell them yet, but it's getting close.

Maybe after some more coffee . . . .

$1.2 Trillion...

Blowing up the Congress sounds like a really good idea on a day like this.

Who the fuck is going to cash that check if it ain't guys like us?
What was passed isn't all that horrible, most of the money comes out of the highway trust.

It's the one coming behind that is the problem.
Cash in some of my ammo. But those asshats deserve hanging and/or the cold hard bayonet.

My grandfather had one of these. If you've never heard of it/them, then you have a lot of company. There's one like this in really decent shape here in town for a reasonable (starting) asking price, and Wat isn't even going to inquire. Much as he might like to, we just can't take in every orphan that's out there.

Unless he were to make me an offer I don' refuse . . . .



Now that Infrastructure has passed, the other bill is DOA...

I've heard of Peerless before; it doesn't rate on the History channel though...
I have to admit that I too am beginning to pay a lot less attention to politics.

Even if they collapse it, I'm set for a while...
I retire in 2 years. My monthly income will come from tax-exempt bond mutual funds, supplemented with a small Navy retirement. My assets for the next generation are all in raw land. It only benefits me because I like to sit in the middle of it and talk to myself. Future Savages can sell it, or timber it, or frack it. I'll be dead, so I won't care.
I still want a condo. I'm tired of maintaining the property.

Condos are just in very short supply here and as such
are way too expensive to make any rational sense.
I'm kinda looking forward to assisted living. Where I can push a button and some pretty young thing brings me a sandwich.

'Course, there aren't any pretty young things in West By God. Fat, snaggle-toothed meth heads.