TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

It was 19 this morning, but it's supposed to get up to 45. I may put the storm windows in. I shoulda done it a couple of weeks ago, but I tend toward lazy.
We're in a warming trend.

I don't think it even froze last night.

That's okay. I like that. Allergy season has already been killed.
Good Mornin!

Home from the salt mines. It wasn't horrible. Next week may well be horrible as I adjust to this time change. I am not a fan and neither is my body.
I see a Happy 'Nother Trip Around the Sun is due to JS, so...HNTATS

I should take a nap.
Back home with purloined building materials. Shit, it was gonna get tossed. It has turned a bit browner than is was when it was delivered. Throwing it out would be racisist. Wretched motherfuckers. I'ma get greenbacks for it.

Talked to the bike guy about the painter. He's gonna hook a brother up, it looks like. The little bike desperately wants to be Laguna Orange.

BT, that was verra kind of you not to take JS to task for his WVa girls crack. Oh wait, meth. He left out "prison tattooed."

There may be a nap here in shirt order after this snack.



BT, that was verra kind of you not to take JS to task for his WVa girls crack. Oh wait, meth. He left out "prison tattooed."

Well, it's his TATS celebration. And I ain't one to question the company a body chooses to keep.
Nope, I reckon not. And I used to know a guy - he's dead now - who used to get a tat for each new TATS.

I went to look at trucks. I liked to one I found online. Maybe.

I know. How many vehicles can Wat buy in one year? Answer: to be determined.

My new book showed up, and it needs to be checked out.


Happy Sunday!!! Up early, but it's worse than that. I've been up for over an hour. Got the ad posted for the framing lumber. Doing some laundry. Cozying up to the idea of actually putting it away, too.

Looking around to see what plans for today make sense. It's going to be cool. Coating the roof would be on the Badly Needed list, but it's going to be mostly gray and cool. Next weekend is forecast to be 10 degrees warmer and sunny, and that would work lots better. Kinda the same for replacing the window in the kitchen. But there's a lot of stuff upstairs that can be tied into, and there's assuredly a nap to try to help make up for waking up entirely too fucking early.

Coffee in the meantime. Maybe bacon-n-eggs here in a bit.



DST time is the dumbest idea ever.

Someone should run on abolishing it.
It would be right popular...
DST time is the dumbest idea ever.

Someone should run on abolishing it.
It would be right popular...

No shit. You'll enjoy this;

An old Indian once opined, "Only a white man could think that cutting off the top of his blanket and sewing on the bottom would give him a longer blanket."
Pretty much the same here.

Just as I go to bed when I am tired, where I read for hours upon hours
because I am an insomniac...
Yeah, clock shenanigans. Only the white man. Sounds like we can't trust the white man.

I'm plowing through that warehouse of cars Up There to see what's bid and what ain't. Lots of stuff ain't. The guys on the other site must all be old, because they can't go to get anything and have to hire haulers. Wat wonders, how is it that he can go and do whatever the fuck he wants all by his lonesome?

And then he knows, and remembers, Jesus hates a pussy.

I want the number for this guy's tailor.



Although it says Savage, he's not kin. No ginger in my spice cabinet.

Also - I'm opposed to puss tattoos.
I live near Savage Mountain but don't own any of it.

I also live an hour west of Negro mountain. That causes great consternation for those traveling on I-68
Pity that life has "savaged" you so...

You should at least had been gifted a lot on the mountain.
A place to pull up with your double-wide.
