TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Happy Funky Monday after Time-change. Tried to stay up to match the clock and still woke up at the usual setting, if it were an hour ahead. Somewhere, a blanket needs to be left alone.

These cats have the 24/7 feeding bowl. It's an old dog food bowl, and it'll keep them going for awhile. So they only pester me for food when they can see the bottom. One cat is a tad chubby, and the other has three bites and walks away.

The weather looks warmer this week. And says it won't rain until Friday, be we believe that when it happens.

It's coffee now. I can see it . . . .



Little stupid eats 27 times a day and she's the skinny one.
Big Stupid eats three bites a day and only if it's in secret.

Dogs are funny stupid with their personalities...
Well, the Chiefs "won" yesterday.

If Rogers had been there, they would have been embarrassed yesterday.

It's only a matter of time before they issue a bag with eyeholes to every ticket holder...
Mine (cats) seem to be playing Musical Sleeping Spots. She's in his old one, and he's moved.

He took mine. :mad:

No mater, I just move him at bedtime, at which point he sleeps on me (most of the time.) Beside me otherwise.

And so is she, most of the time.

I get a lot of that here.

The dogs have four beds, but there is always a fight over one bed.

It doesn't even matter which fawkin' bed it is! The just cannot stand to see the other dog comfortable...
Exercise = weight lifting reps = drinking multiple cups of coffee, one lift to mouth at a time :)
Good morning.

Tanking up on coffee whilst I wait for the Sun. There will be Sun today won't there JS?
Clear and cool here too, but not freezing.

The trees that are not oak have surrendered their leaves.
Supposed to get in the 60s the next few afternoons. I'll give the lawn one last cut and blow all the leaves into the neighbors yard. Clean and install the storm windows, and then settle in for the hibernation.
That's already been taken care of here, except the leaves get blown back into the forest.

I call my forest, Forest Gump...
I'm situated in such a manner that all my leaves stay in the yard. The good news is that I don't have to deal with any of the neighbors leaves.
27°F, here. One of my crews will be arriving up north where it is 9°F. For them, it might be a high of 12°F, today. It will be below zero, tomorrow.
In the 60's here today, leaves get mulched by the mower and dumped into the compost heap.
Coffee is gone for today, so it's Earl Grey time and Chinese food for lunch. Crews in the shop,
crews at the warehouse and two drivers running around who the hell knows where right now.
That never ending paperwork shall be waiting for me after lunch, the office elf has a doctor
appointment this afternoon so I have to man the phones and be nice to people as well. Not
one of my strongest skills.
Lunchtime. Going through some uits with the plumbers. They're stuff is never finished, and neither is some of the rest of it.

We have two FNGs here now. The first one is just like he was two weeks ago. No idea where. The other one is younger and hyper to the point of being annoying. Fortunately, he's just a loaner and we don't get to keep him.

Insh'Allah Wat is just a loaner and they don't get to keep him, either.

Home. Grazed in.

Tried to do a bit of bizness online. That turned into a phone call. Too long call. And a st000pid offer. Kinda makes a body wonder who in Hell they think they're talking to.

Some people draw breath simply because it is illegal to terminate it for them.

I have this flathead book to read . . . .

Happy Tuesday!!! Slept okay. Kind of up and down, and kind of didn't sleep all that well, but I didn't toss and turn all night, either. I guess it was more like a series of naps.

Got a doctors appointment this morning. This is the one that has been put off for too damn long. It will be good to get back on the wagon, so to speak. So it's nothing but black coffee this morning.

I'll drag down to work when we're done.


