TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

I listened to the tape from the NY Gun Control case at the Court yesterday. I have a feeling NY's law is going to be struck down. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Mount Johnny Walker has a nice ring to it.

I don't pay too much attention to the courts.
They just seem attached to a myth no longer reality.

If it were a judicial process,
there would not be such open partisan combat over who sits on the bench.

I sometimes wonder about that random picking from a phone book thing...
I used to buy boxed sets of cassette tapes of old supreme court cases. Then they started being posted on the line, and I don't have a cassette player any more. Its just a thing... I have looked forward to listening to the arguments for a long time.
In reality, no matter how dead they are,
they are still relevant, resonating in History...

;) ;) :cool:
We each have our anvils.

It is the cement that binds us.

Or is it dried splooge?

I sold this lumber, so I'm off to meet the folks who bought it - or said they would. Best take Something Scary just in case . . . .

Good Morning!

I see y'all been hard at it this morning. Here, the dogs have been out and the barn critters have been fed. It was frosty this morning so coffee is a must. Funny thing about the Big Dog he likes Cheerios and will beg for a share when I have a bowl.
I don't eat breakfast, but I do have a lasagne ready to go in the oven this afternoon. Venison and hot eyeTalian sausage for the meat part.
I should cook more on the weekends. I maybe will, once I retire I hope I still have some kitchen skills by then.
Twenty to twenty-five years from now, some guy with a car hauler and an itch for anvils is gonna be talking about going up to see if he can talk a major collector out yonder in Watsville out of an anvil or two. . .

About then, my stuff will be featured on an episode of "Storage Wars."
The best part is that it will have been untouched for over 25 years.

There might be trees growing in them...

:devil: :nana:
For breakfast I made a potato's O'Brien and spicy Italian Sausage scramble. My proof to the world that mixed marriages can be made to work. :)
Twenty to twenty-five years from now, some guy with a car hauler and an itch for anvils is gonna be talking about going up to see if he can talk a major collector out yonder in Watsville out of an anvil or two. . .

About then, my stuff will be featured on an episode of "Storage Wars."

Best Laugh of the Month Award!!! Imagine prying anvils from Wat's old hands. Best to fill them with gold first. Or fill his truck with silver.

Got the lumber sold. And offloaded, and reloaded. Really nice couple. They asked if I have Other Deals on building stuff, and I assured them that I do from time to time. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

It may be time for that nap.



Being blessed as being of Italian heritage, I can appreciate when things "fall off the truck" My Uncle Enzo, bless his heart, had some of the best luck finding things. Tell him what you want, and he'd find a truck at work that it fell off of.
I kind of felt that way this morning talking to Those Folks. Funny thing is, she tried to hustle me on the price. Wat politely stood firm. They had a super-nice truck, too.

The young cat likes hanging out upstairs. I think that she can see more birds out of the windows up there. She likes "talking" to them. Meanwhile, the old cat is splitting his time sneaking up on the human and the food bowl.

Went for a wee ride. Gassed the bike. Did the big one last night. Milling around here to get a few things done. Somehow, it feels less than productive.

Grazing in. Salad. Good thing I'm in town Tuesday morning for a doctor's appointment so I can go to the store for more food early.



The cats started agitating to be fed an hour early. I tried to explain the whole time change thing to them but they weren't having any part of it. Damned unreasonable they are.