TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

That's an awesome bed treatment.

It's probably guaranteed to keep you a bachelor though.

Stopped my allergy meds, maybe a bit too soon; had to pop a pill yesterday.

I got stuff for chili dogs, but have yet to actually make them. I'm thinking brunch today.


I think I have fresh onion to chop up. I sure hope so. The one really doesn't go well without the other...
I have all the fixin's for same here at the house. Including onion. This is a particularly strong batch. Of course, Allah hates pussy onions.

Wat is off to hit the grocery store here in a bit. Beat the rush.

Like the Israelis at Entebbe.

It's amazing what one can do when one sets aside the Popularity Meter readings . . . .



I, myself, prefer early morning shopping,
but the Walmart at 3AM is a freak show.

I won't ever do that again!

I too need to head out early to pick up a prescription. Probably hit a few other places as long as I'm at it.
This Wally's opens at 0600.

I even have my list made.

Question is, will I remember to take it with me?

I'm pretty sure that I could remember what's on it even if I didn't.

We are close to a confluence of highways and Interstates and all of the big box stores
are out there adjacent to cow pastures and for that reason several of them operate 24/7.
I'm irritable this morning. Once it warms up, I think I need to go out in the woods and shoot something.
Home from the store. The stuff is sorted and put away.

The food. The laundry is still in the basket.

I wonder what part of this that the Bezoses sell for less. Sam will be rolling over in his grave.

Saw a really sweet goldendoodle yesterday. He needed grooming desperately.



I like the chess analogy...

I would have castled (switched) the labels for corporations and media though.
Yeah, but is not Major Media just another group of corporations?

In the Miss Information bizness.

Damn, I'm hungry, and I have bloodwork to donate for later. Fuck this.

Lunch will be good, tho'.

I got a late start last night and was having a spectacularly unproductive night. I decided to adjust my attitude and turn it around with the power of positive thinking.

Turns out, the power of positive thinking is bullshit.
Like JS I woke wanting to hurt something. Spent the last hour making big pieces of firewood
into small ones while someone else made coffee and took care of the house.

Now a more personal question. What do you lot think of Scouts? My run-ins with them over the
years has not been good and I'll be the first to say that just mentioning them will have me
walking in the opposite direction. A request has been made for me to do some teaching with
the older members (it's mixed gender here), it's from someone I respect which is the only
reason I'm considering it.
Scouts? Boy? Girl? If it's those, I have none.

I like to eat brownies sometimes, but that's not the same thing.

I'm watching that auction, and it's interesting. I wonder if some folks are playing it until the end and will jack up bids then. I'm trying to steal mine.

The old men kvetching on the old car website are a fucking stitch. Bitch x 3 . . . .


Home from the medical college. Seems like the ol' ticker is still ticking. Damned few adjustments in the regimen. Did get stuck on a monitor for 3 weeks, but it's all but unnoticeable. Like carrying an extra cellphone. And they took half a bucket of blood.

So I ain't going to the coast this afternoon. The round trip would take longer than I would be there, and that is a direct violation of the Mattox Rule of Travel. So we'll try again in the morning.

So, I guess I can get a few things done here, and I can make Taco Tuesday with the Tuesday night gang. So it could be worse.

Home from the medical college. Seems like the ol' ticker is still ticking. Damned few adjustments in the regimen. Did get stuck on a monitor for 3 weeks, but it's all but unnoticeable. Like carrying an extra cellphone. And they took half a bucket of blood.

So I ain't going to the coast this afternoon. The round trip would take longer than I would be there, and that is a direct violation of the Mattox Rule of Travel. So we'll try again in the morning.

So, I guess I can get a few things done here, and I can make Taco Tuesday with the Tuesday night gang. So it could be worse.

You too? I picked up my prescription and for the yucks of it swung by my doctors assigned hangout to catch up on what's new. Then they pulled the ole, "Well, as long as you're already here" crap on me. Wanted me to piss in a cup too so I asked if they intended to drain all my bodily fluids. The lab tech thought that was funny but never gave me a straight answer.

And as the subject of the Wuhan Flu came up the physicians confirmed what I already knew. It ain't ever going away and there'll be a "booster" shot every year for what ever variant is floating around at the time.
It seems that they like to go through your electrolytes every other year or so. If it helps them do their job, then I'm good with that. They declined my pee, however. They assured me that they'll holla-back with the results when they become available.

They offered me a flu shot while I was there - on the house. It would have been like passing up a free drink. I was able to stop at one.

I'm going through this auction catalog, and it's a damn shame how many top-of-the-line anvils are in there and will probably get tossed, anvil-engines intact. So I console myself that they were left in cold Up There winters with water in the cooling systems and that the blocks all cracked, and then I feel better.

I finally feel better after this morning's fasting/starving time. Worse than the last time . . . .



Salt rots the cars in the middle areas so assume the bottom of the engine is rotted out, not a
cracked block.

Yes to the Scouts you're thinking of Wat, only here it's both boys and girls because the courts
ended the discrimination decades ago. Now all those clubs have to take whoever applies (FYI
the Guides/Brownies/Sparks wear shirts and jeans). Do you know anything about how they
operate? I tend to be outspoken and graphic so I'm a little concerned. They want me to teach
their first aid course so the kids can get their certificates.
Salt rots the cars in the middle areas so assume the bottom of the engine is rotted out, not a
cracked block.

Yes to the Scouts you're thinking of Wat, only here it's both boys and girls because the courts
ended the discrimination decades ago. Now all those clubs have to take whoever applies (FYI
the Guides/Brownies/Sparks wear shirts and jeans). Do you know anything about how they
operate? I tend to be outspoken and graphic so I'm a little concerned. They want me to teach
their first aid course so the kids can get their certificates.

Band-Aids 101. :D;)
Compressed air got the gas tank dribbling fuel again. Older parts guy and using Chebby C50 instead of Jimmy C550 got me a new fuel filter and gasket for the screw-on housing. A welding Vicegrip c-clamp massaged out the dents in the housing somewhat. Got fuel to what turns out to be a Stromberg WW carb.

Parts guy Google-foo-ed Stromberg WW. . . looking for parts numbers. Ad for NAPA part popped up that doesn't pop up in his inventory 'puter. Following that got us a part number and an in stock carb kit. Wrong accelerator pump (again) but I'll make do.

Ignition switch is hinky. Have to fiddle to keep power to the fuse block and no power to the coil when in run position. Does fire while you are cranking.

I vaguely remember from old-car auto shop class that starting circuit feeds a full 12V to coil and run feeds like 9V. (Ballast resistor?)

I did cause the voltage regulationatorcation box to howl when I fed power from an analog battery charger die-rectifyly into the fuel pump with the key on. That prolly didn't help much.

I'm thinking of wirin' 12V to the coil just to run it. I vaguely remember that'll scorch the points quicker. Not looking forward to timing or points on a GM. Who thought putting the lightenin' whirler (as Derek at Vicegrip Garage calls it) at the back of the engine was a good idea? This engine bay is massive and up off the ground.
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Happy Wednesday!!! I feel pretty damned rested this morning, which may have something to do with having gone all the way back to sleep after each time I woke up. That was a plus. And it's going to be a bit warmer today, so I think it's a good day to take Zelda for a wee road trip. She's got fuel-n-oil, so I need to stop and inflate the tires a wee bit.

The distributor in the back is likely a pain to get to in your big truck, but it's a good idea. Blue Ovals of Fail from that era had distributors on the fronts of the engines. Easy to work on, and easy to drown if'n you driv through a big puddle of water. It's easy to fix if you have a screwdriver and a dry rag in the cab, but you'll be floodin' your shoes to do it. I do think that someone makes reproduction Strombergs. The only question is, which ones? If you had a flathead Frod, you'd be in bidness. Keep us posted.

I know bupkis about scouts and scouting. Junior did it for a bit because his mother insisted, and when they moved south, it got forgot like dropping a hot rock.

Full dosed coffee this morning. No fasting today, thanks be to Allah.


