TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Morning folks. Off to the range in a bit for what looks to be the last nice day this year. Down tick in the temperature and uptick in the wind starting this afternoon.

Glad to hear you got the fuel flowing again there Con.
Like JS I woke wanting to hurt something. Spent the last hour making big pieces of firewood
into small ones while someone else made coffee and took care of the house.

Now a more personal question. What do you lot think of Scouts? My run-ins with them over the
years has not been good and I'll be the first to say that just mentioning them will have me
walking in the opposite direction. A request has been made for me to do some teaching with
the older members (it's mixed gender here), it's from someone I respect which is the only
reason I'm considering it.

My paternal family was heavily involved in it and I was forced into it.
I guess you learn some things, but they were never things that I was interested in.
I remember going on a 20-mile hike in Lone Jack, MO. in subzero temperatures.
We camped overnight; probably one of the most miserable experiences of my life.
Even the Marines never topped that.

I earned all of the badges and awards (again, I pretty much had no choice)
and I earned one special distinction that I am the most proud of.
I was the first kid ever to be kicked out of the troop for fighting.
It really pissed my dad and grandad off.
Double-fucking bonus points.

;) ;)

A country boy doesn't need them and a city boy doesn't know what to do with them.
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Not going to meetings was not an option.

And the fucking uniforms; always too big or too small.

I don't see moms of today sewing the badges on and taking them off and sewing them on...

Have they gone to the ribbon board thing?
I don't know, it was a long time ago.

My kid was a horse-barn rat.
Its that time of the year when the Marines have balls. Our local Marine detachment is having balls tonight. I think they are looking for a few good Air Force vets to dance with.

Seems like everyone is having their fluids checked. The VA is going to sniff at my fluids on Friday. Last week I had extra stuff cut out of my throat, but no fluids were taken.

Then next week is my regularly scheduled annual inspection on my person. They will offer the Flu shot, and I'll take it. I'd like to think "my body, my choice" but that ship sailed during my active duty times. Uncle Regan's floating circus pumped me full of chemicals every time I deployed. No sense in getting all haughty about it now.

Sun is breaking dawn at the moment. 55 today and 55 tomorrow, then the bottom drops out. Snow/Sleet/rain thereafter for as long as the future can be predcited.
Many years ago a co-workers wife was pulled over in Farmington NM. When the officer came up to the car she said, "I suppose your going to sell me tickets to the policeman's Ball."

He replied, "No mam, the Farmington police don't have balls."

He thought about what he had just said then he said, "Have a nice night mam." Walked back to his cruiser and drove away.
I have no problem with Marines. Some of my best friends are Marines. I left a shot of whiskey and a pack of C-rats out for Chesty last night.
I didn't know there was such a thing. Maybe that's why I'm always having truck problems. Next you'll be telling me the oil needs to be changed more than every few years.
I take my truck into the quick lube, not according to miles,
but according to the calendar (every three or four months).

The oil and lube guys always point out to me that the oil
is really clean, but I got well over a quarter of a million
miles on my last truck based on the same rigorous
fluid regimine. Maintenance is the key to life.

My last vehicle; an explorer I bought used and owned for 10 years, had 200,000 miles on it. I think I may have changed the oil twice. It started up first time. Never a bit of trouble with it mechanically. I'd still have it, but the heater fan quit working and I got tired of being cold.
Band-Aids 101. :D;)

Champ I love your stories. Some day I'll tell you why I was expelled from HS

In most cases that's all that's needed. I'm actually certified to teach and test though, have been for a few decades and I currently teach a monthly class at two local Cadet Corps. The books are okay but there's a difference between reading it and seeing it, so every class I have minions as victims and they actually have to figure out what is wrong, what to do and deal with whatever gross material I may have dreamt up to make it seem more real (years of experience creating the grossest things possible with equally disturbing minds). This is only for the older students, the course is restricted to those 16 and over so we're not dealing with children here. A number of years ago I tried to teach and there were issues ranging from them insisting I include the younger students even if I couldn't test them, to displays that were too gruesome and the best "Why are they touching each other?" The kids getting their certificate makes them more employable and for some, the scenarios help to build their self-esteem. They asked me because I donate my time so the only cost is the books and test fee. The only reason I'm considering it is because of the person that asked me, signing on is a ten month commitment and I'm on the fence.
I got kicked out of High School too.

They made me go to the Junior college.

I learned all sorts of interesting drinking games.


Because of overcrowding and Judge Clark,
I got caught in a gray zone where I had
enough credits to graduate, but still had
to attend school during my Senior year.

I quickly convinced them to graduate me.
The new Prius is already due for its second oil change. I put about 10,000 miles on it
Wat is home, and made a big salad, and ate that bitch.

Wat is also a big oil changer. Kinda afraid of the new bikes, tho'. New engines, different lay-outs. Slightly. So a quick YouTube solved that. Did the big one. Gotta order some more oil to do the little, unless I decide to put dinosaurs back in it for the rest of its break-in.

I use synthetic in the bikes and change the oil at half the "recommended" intervals - which is the old "suggested" interval. The cars-n-trucks get to go 5K miles. According to some research I did awhile back, Mobil 1 is the shit, and so are K&N filters. So, that's what everything gets. Air filters, too.

Maybe one day, I'll see about cold air intakes for all the 4 wheel stuff.



As forecast it's become a blustery day. It was tolerable at the range until about 9AM then we started packing up.
Happy Thursday!!!

S'poseta be another warmish day. Then we get a front and it cools off a bit, and then it warms back up on the middle of next week. Which is nice, because that is when Wat blows town for points Farther South.

My congress critter assures me that:
President Joe Biden and Congress are laser-focused on finally ending the pandemic and making sure everyone can share in the economic recovery. The passage and enactment of the bipartisan infrastructure bill represents another step forward and another promise fulfilled. Our work in Washington continues to enact the rest of the Build Back Better agenda to build on the tremendous progress we have made so far with the enactment of the American Rescue Plan and now the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
Yanno, I'd love to believe him. Any of them, really. But I only see self-service. Assholes.

At least I can still make coffee my way . . . .



I like a big salad. But I like all the components chopped very finely. Almost like cole slaw.

And Blue Cheese dressing.