TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

I've been asked to do a zoom meeting. Fucking hell, it never ends. Someone is supposed to call me this morning to tell me how. I suspect it's going to involve spending money on a camera, speakers and microphone. Why can't we just have a conference call like people have done for 100 years?
I don't waste any time on things that cost more calories than they add.

I am not a bovine.

butters is...

She's getting fatter on bluegrass.
The Masturbator was doing legal commentary on there yesterday. He did keep his hands above the table.
This afternoon I'm going to be putting the lawn to bed for the winter and storing the mower. I have to run over to the parents to get some stuff, but Mr. Savage, the Elder is building a barn and he'll ask me to help. I would... but I really don't want to.
Pick up a couple of Latinos at the box store and take them to him as an offering. See, I brought help.

Here at work. My co-workers are out of sight. I wonder if it's because they're Over There and I am Over Here. I should tell the story about yesterday's Temporary Laborers (clunks), but it hurts to remember it. A failure to follow Simple Instruction. And one of them was alleged a Marine.

I'll bet he did a lot of push-ups.

No Latinos around here. Just meth heads. I don't think they are standing on the corner waiting for work.
Meth heads are even worse than those poor bastards with ADHD. They just vibrate if you make them stand there.

Our other FNG has the ADHD thing. He'll work his ass off, grant him that, but he's kind of annoying. He just called, asked a question. Told him I hadn't seen what he's looking for. Then he asked me how they are packaged - because he already had this as his next question regardless of my answer.

Meanwhile, FNG #1 is meeting with Jabba Senior on the job for which he shall be Large and In Charge.

If I didn't physically have to be here, I could get a lot of rest and reading done. It's up to me to figure out how.


I watched the legions Remembrance Day ceremony, the local cable company televised it.
We wanted to attend but the local givememoney decided on limiting how many people could
attend and I was worried if we got there early, someone who should be there wouldn't be
allowed inside.
I do need to bring a book.

Every day, it seems.

FNG #1 is not back from his Speshul Assignment. I hope he wasn't killt or nothin'.

It's Jabba draw calculation time, which means that lies are being told . . . . :rolleyes:



A casa. Comiendo aqui.

Half-ass fishing around a truck. Could use something with more utility. Better towing, mostly. May not be the bestest time for shopping, so it's really just fishing.

Concrete came late. It's warm, but not that warm. Wonder how much will get defaced - kinda. It will. Kids there are hooligans.

Wat warn't a-gonna stay there and watch it. One riot, one ranger . . . .



Had a good Tuesday night so I decided to put my nose to the grindstone. Pulled out a win for the week despite working (unproductively) for only a half day monday.

Wednesday/Thursday I was out there for a very long time on the strength of a dozen short naps.

I'll hit the weekend hard and end up savaging the week. Sometimes you just gotta make the week cry uncle
Happy Friday!!! So as I typed that, the geezer cat decided to puke up breakfast. In the doorway to the front hall. I wish he could learn to be more selective about where he hawks it up, like the toilet, for example. The young one, I've never seen her barf. Maybe she does sometimes and makes it look like his.

I need to get on the stick and place an ad for that extra stuff that I have Out West. I have plans for the money. No word of the shipment of Junior's new old rifle, but I imagine that it'll be along shortly. The accouterments are on the way. Long story short, this also settles a very old score.

Looks like a small chance of rain today. Just enough to keep the concrete guys away. Jesus does hate a pussy, and they're gonna be the death of getting off the coast.

Coffee - gettin' 'er done since the dawn of Time . . . .



Happy Friday back at ya.

Bunch a running around after breakfast none of which I'm particularly looking forward to. :(

Then back here to put up the hose and that finishes up the winterizing of the outdoor stuff.
I have a lot of "shrubs" which need a severe whacking..

Like "maintain with a lawn mower" level of whacking.

I'm guessing that we may have a slightly shorter day today. We'll see.

Off to get ready . . . .

Seem to be running a tad early today. Makes up for yesterday's later departure. :D

Looks like the weekend plans are coming together.That's always a plus.

Especially when working for work isn't involved.

Off to see the weasels . . . .


I got my blood drained out this morning. Six vials and a jug of piss! Next week they will poke and prod and ask me if I want a camera shoved up my ass.
My asshole did not come up in conversation at the hospital the other day. Nor inserting anything there, either. I probably should look into that, however. :rolleyes:

Short on weasels. We got 2 plumbers, 1 wire butcher, and 2 wood butchers. The rain chased off the outside crews. If they weren't drunk by 0930, they could have gotten in the best part of a day's work.

The regional manager is here today - for the manglement office. She's kinda cute. Last year, she was tossing her husband. I think that she makes all the money. I think that she had been doing some depression eating, but she's now beginning to shrink a bit. Was wearing a sun dress, and her legs-n-ass looked ah 'ight. Wats see things like these - as often as possible.

Should be a slow fucking afternoon here . . . .



Cuz Wat don' shit where he eats. Besides, there was a little bit of sincere work to do after lunch, just not much of it.

The Major Collector's bid on his POS Up There is still the leading bid. There are lots of relics. Yeah . . . . :(

Got a couple of interestin' threads on other sites about This and That.

If it were up to me, I'd be outta here.

This was a good week ruined by people. Is it something in the air making them all crabby bitches?
No matter, it's officially weekend, I have plans for tonight which involves take-out and action movies
and there shall be lots of laughter.
Keep well everyone and don't let your coffee supply run low.