TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Or whiskey. There used to be an Evening Whiskey thread somewhere, and I think that no ethanol was consumed in its making.

Home. Snacking. There will be the Friday night gang gathering in a little while, and followed up with Italian. That's usually a good get-together.

Made an inquiry as to this week's piece of attempted bizness and found a vastly superior solution. So, the deal may go through. More than one way to skin a weasel.

It helps to make certain that it's all the way dead first . . . .


Happy Sat. morning folks.

Not a hell of a lot gong on here today. Some shopping and then some reloading.
I have the crock pot stuffed full of collards and kale. I wonder why kale got to be yuppie but collards didn't. My Southern Sister is probably the only one here that knows collards.
If you don't mention turnip greens in the same conversation, then you're just posing. ;)

Happy Saturday. Up a bit later. All is quiet here. Doing a bit of reflecting and starting the day's conversations with the people I chat with early. It's our routine.

Going through a couple of financial things. Strategery. Also started my new flathead book.

Second cuppa . . . .



I have canned turnip greens and ramp tops. They are too delicate to slow cook with kale and collards.
I was going to get after the weedeating for the last time this season, but the rain and sleet put an end to that. Nasty weather today.
We have a decent day out there. It's so good, in fact, that after the dew has dried, Wat is going to go out and take a look at the roof and see about getting a coating on the last trouble spot. The rest seem to be mended and holding.

All praises to Allah!!!



Good morning! I drove home in sleet and hit snow at the top of the mountain. I'd like to request Johnny be more precise when ordering his weather. A little farther North, if you please, sir.
He's a very silly lad and thinks that all of us should share in his Pain-n-Suff'rin'.

It's a tad cold Over There this morning. I bet those poodles will be acting all silly an' shit. There may be frost on the old blue anvil.

Bagged up some more surplus. Out the door it goes.

Off for the morning errands.


Up here in the Northern Reaches of God's Country, the ground is covered and it's still coming down. So just hush up yerselfs.
Day off, I slept, lazed and stayed snuggled until one of the minions decided to see if I was dead.
They brought coffee and still warm apple cake so I'm not complaining. It's drizzly outside, not
horribly cold but I have no plans to go anywhere today or maybe tomorrow. No anvils here waiting
for attention though so I guess I'll grab one of those books I keep just for days like this.
Got the morning errands done. In total.

Came home and made bacon-n-eggs. I don't think I've actually made that since I've been Back East, and it's been too damn long.

It's warmish-n-sunny-n-breezy, so the roof will be in good shape for this task/chore.

Oh, and hesshup, JS, er th0r will be along shortly to brag about his 13" . . . .

