TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Good morning folks!
Been up all night preparing to sleep all day so I can work all night. I do get vacation days off soon but that comes at the expense of working extra shifts to cover the 2/3 of the dept who have left once i go back. I'm a little bit salty over that.
The cat is being a dumbass. She goes to the door asking to be let out, looks out and runs back into the house. I'm over her shenanigans.
I get the same thing from the hounds if they smell the air
let in by the open door and decide that it's not optimal weather.

Sometimes, I just have to drag them out by the collar.
I used to fake throwing out food, but
they are on to me now...
The cat hates the cat that adopted the barn as home. To quote a certain green character seen around this time of year, she absolutely LOATHES him and if she thinks he's nearby refuses to go out.
I finished my breakfast of wasabi peas and am having a mid-morning snack - a Big Mama hot sausage.
I would nudge her into a field goal attempt.

I really detest cats and not just because I am highly allergic to them.
I finished my breakfast of wasabi peas and am having a mid-morning snack - a Big Mama hot sausage.

The breakfast of Champions!!

I would nudge her into a field goal attempt.

I really detest cats and not just because I am highly allergic to them.

I'm starting to have to work at liking her. I give her the benefit of the doubt because when she came here as a kitten and a stray too, the barn cats weren't nice to her. That's how she came to be a part-time house cat. I just couldn't leave that little ball of fur out there to be bullied. I suppose that's why she's afraid of barn cats, I mollycoddled her.:eek:
There used to be a show on TV called Titus.

My parenting and pet philosophies can be summed up by Papa Titus' (Stacey Keach)
signature line: "Betcha you won't do that again."
I did have barn cats when I was back in KANSAS.

I would put milk out for them and other than that they had zero use for me.

We got along famously...
Here at the jobsite. We have both of the FNGs. The one who takes himself too damned seriously has been on the phone for the last hour straight. ADHD Boy came into the office in a grump and got his keys and left the same way. Neither spoke. I may have to pull rank on them because I can.

Yet, it'll be easy. Looks like I get to sort out the electrical issue today. No wire butchers. It's not difficult. At least I have sense enough to check to be certain that the breaker for the labeled item actually is the proper circuit. Honestly, it, not hard.

Labeled by idiots and serviced by morons.



'Lecrtical work always lets you know when you make a mistake.

Day three of snow. I'm already sick of it!
The power wagon comes sans engine and is set up for a small block Chevy. Seems like blasphemy, but I can understand it. Up here, old Dodge engines are few and expensive, Chevy stuff is cheap.
Blasphemy? Allah has a speshul ring in Islamic Hell for cunts who assrape Mopars. One asks Wat to send them a surplus 400 big block and them one throws money at it until it spits fire and brimstone and the Power Wagon is back to pulling stumps as Allah intended.

Home. Made a big-ass salad. Cats are good. Got a couple of packages. Magazines and ammo. One was Really Heavy.

Saw the neighbor lady/bartender when I got in. She was letting the funny little dog out. We chatted for a moment. She is taller than I had thought. Her HfD is having issues. Offered to take her riding if she'd like. She seemed to like the notion. People might talk. Fuck 'em . . . .



Now, the cunt pulled the yellow power wagon pic and replaced it with a ratty M37 pic. Can't trust him for shit.
Allah may be preparing to call him home, so to speak.

Up a bit too early. It's chilly out. We have wheels coming today. And the inspector. Draw application. Corporate Payday. It's what we do.

Like coffee in the morning. Nectar of Allah . . . .



Up pretty early myself today, but I also got a bellyful of lasagna
and went to bed early and a good book put me right to sleep.

It's been a long time since I got a good, solid four-hours of sleep.

I got new medicine to prevent migraines.
I wonder how that works when you wake up with one...
I wouldn't even have that.

You're seen the classic pictures of native America past.

Not a lot of beards in that gallery...