TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Eating lasagna makes you grow a beard. It also gives you a hairy back and a desire to wear a speedo in public.
There's an old fella (not me) that stops by my office Tuesday mornings for a cup of coffee. He didn't show up this morning. I wonder if he's dead. It's pretty cold outside so maybe he just didn't go out yet.
Home. Eating my Eye-tal-yun leftovers. From Friday. Fuck, they're still good. Maybe even better.

Girlfriend next door is having folks over tonight. Couple of bikes out front, and a couple of strange (to me) cars. Works for me. Besides, I can't hear them anyway.

Had all the wheels in. Not much came of it. Funny thing is, FNG#1 kinda stepped on his dick today and then kinda tried to lie his way out of it. So not only is he at best moderately competent and a bit socially inept, he also lacks integrity. Hope he's keeping his resume polished. Lotsa turd polish needed there.

I bet he'd try to put a Chebbie into a Power Wagon . . . if he had a clue . . . .


Loved the factory pic, BTW. Happy payday Wednesday!!! Up entirely too early, but so it goes. Old cat has staked out his early morning nap spot, and young cat is in the bathroom killing something. Coffee is on and getting consumed, as per normal.

The josh is burning for those poor sick fools who suffer, and for those who are forced to suffer them. And that is, I believe, as Allah would have it.

I had considered saying something to FNG#1, but I have decided against it. If he seeks council, then okay. He won't, in all likelihood. He went to orientation last week. When he returned on Monday, I thought of telling him that, funny, he didn't look oriental. But then I decided that I didn't want to have to explain it.

I need a refill . . . .



We're in a cool and wet rainy pattern, which is appropriate
for it matches my migraine-driven mood fueled by sinus infection.

I want to kill something. I should kill off the fish tank.
The only real purpose it serves is the soothing sound
of falling water, but I could easily replace that with
some sort of a minimal indoor waterfall/fountain.

I thought I could wait the fish out,
but the fawkers keep breeding...
These people and their technology. The zoom mess I'm in at the moment... there's like 30 people coordinating the zoom meeting using something called doodlebug... or something stupid like that.

I responded and all. Then it put a meeting every Wednesday on my calendar from now until eternity. AND it changed the time from 9:30 human time, to 9:30 CENTRAL time. Who on God's earth schedules a meeting in central time? FFS Now I have a 10:30 zoom meeting and have to be out in a coal mine 15 minutes away at 11.

I wish an big honkin sun flare would knock out the interwebs.
I never ditched the job link subscription from my e-mail. Guess who's looking for 2 people to run the next job?

I wonder if FNG#1 knows.

Here - he seems to know nothing.

He would think that these would be his minions anyway.

I get my retirement in two years. Then I can be a person of leisure. Like you and bell. Poor Wat and I... working our fingers to the bone.