TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

It might very well. Besides, Wat needs to keep his Anvil Acquisition Account fully funded.

Wat isn't even calling in to inquire about this one:







That thing is an 825 CI six banger. T head, I think. Imagine hand cranking that. And talk about Armstrong steering.

I'd kinda like to take my anvil frame-n-motor and make a speedster, just for shits-n-giggles.

Hmmm, maybe . . . .

My first zoom meeting, a visit to a coal mine and about 200 miles of driving today. That's enough work for one month.
I just finished a meeting on Zoom and SpatialChat platforms that went over 3 days. I noticed that some people get all dolled up for the Zoom. I just leave my camera off unless I'm speaking. And most everything I needed to do, was easily handled through the chat function. Not Lit chat, of course.
Jabba s000per has had enough of FNG#1

It is kinda funny.

Same shit, different week.

Outta here soon . . . .

Home. Grazing in and doing a bit more packing and loading. Got a load of laundry going, just to be sure. I may be packing kinda heavy, but I really don't care.

It was kinda warm outside this afternoon, and that is always nice this time of year because it can go either way. Of course, so can late autumn and winter in general, so I'm just grateful for the decent days.

There was a bike in the front yard this evening when I got home, and Bartender?Adult Babysitter was coming outside. It's not hers. It belonged to one of the housewarming partiers last night. She says that hers will be along soon, as soon as they get the wiring issue sorted out. Okay.

Doubt that I'm going to feel like staying up for too very long tonight.



If you own a pristine 10th/11th series four-door ragtop, You Have Arrived.

Up. Coffee. More packing-n-loading. I don't think that the caats know that anything is up - yet. Hope to Allah that I remember everything. I seem to have accumulated a couple of old man attachments which I need to remember to take, too. I suppose that these things happen as a result of continuing to wake up a number of days in a row.

So I tried to online postal hold yesterday, beginning today. I wonder if it will work. Tried it once before and nada. Bupkis.

Blowing out at lunchtime . . . .



She' very proud of her store-bought titties.


Fall is trying to move in; damp and cold outside.

On Faux, the FAU marching Owls band is ostensibly playing "We're an American Band."
It sounds nothing like it. They're kids. How the hell would they know...
Here. Late. Forgot one of my old man things, so I had to come back to get it. I have the .45 and the 10mm, so I don't have to put up with any shit about it.

New truck rides like a champ. No, it rides better than Champ. I'll miss driving it while I'm still wearing out the rest of the old one, but it'll stay in good shape for road trips and weekend stuff.

Like not fucking your old lady to keep her good-n-tight for her next fella . . . . :rolleyes:

It really does need running boards, however. And bolt-on tits . . . .


A couple of unmarried single Amish fellas are here fixing my garage door. The bottom of the vertical rail rusted out. You know they are single because of the wiskers.

The Amish run really good businesses. Every one of them does a great job.
Finished my Christmas shopping, got my groceries, dealt with the warehouses hoo-haas, made the
calls, looked that the emails and ignored them, working on the paperwork, ignoring my phone,
bread, laundry and dish machines all chugging away. It's been a good day.

How far did Wat make it today? Did he stop at South of the Border and load up on fireworks? Inquiring minds and all that.
Wat is in Columbia. Never have stayed with Pepe and isn't very likely to start.

He did see PSA - really - so he waved. Really.

Found a decent spot in the lot under a light to park Petunia. I hope she doesn't get all skeert . . . an' shit.

Not gonna be up much longer.


Knocked out my week early.

Trying another place on my to do list. 1947 steakhouse.

A shot of Eagle Rare with dinner of Elk Medallions.
Well damn, if I'd known you were going to drive by PSA I would have had you pick up a couple of things for me. :)

Morning all.
Good morning all.

I see UncleBill is back with a vengeance.
This time he tried to sandbag everyone with his old schtick before his new schtick.
I nailed him on post #1 (and he acknowledged it, this guy is fucking nuts!).

Let me see, what's new?
Well, Big Stupid took a crap at the back door right in front of everybody.
She no longer cares.
She just needs to pass away in her sleep.

Watching the administration flail away.
They have more excuses than a six year-old caught stealing candy.
Nothing is their fault, like Malachi Constant, just victims of circumstances...
Happy Friday!!! Slept the sleep of motel patrons, which is to say, I miss the cats. Cats sleep. A lot. Cats are sleep aids. Happy and content purring cats really help with both sleep and feelings that All is Well.

The heart monitor/tester thingie has crapped out. The sender piece. Won't charge. Which is okay, because I didn't miss wearing it last night. I reckon that they'll have to send me a new one - or a new kit. We'll see. I get to call the number on the back of the monitor. Again today.

The auction is over on Monday at noon. 12:04 PM EST, to be exact. Assuming that Wat wins, here is yet another road trip in store. Oddly enough, it seems that all the people who want one of these things is named Wat. Okay, not really, but it's happened often.

They never put enough coffee in these motherfuckers. Pussies.



Motel coffee generally sucks.

The best coffee I ever had at a hotel/motel was at the old Yorktowne Hotel in York, PA. Walking into the place was like walking into one of those movie set hotels set up to mimic the "gilded age." The smell of cigar smoke permeated the lobby. Old wood and marble everywhere. The table settings in the dining room were set with real linen and real sterling silver. 10' ceilings in the rooms. If you're ever up in that area it's worth a stay.
As one who has spent a lot of the time on the road,
I always take a stash of coffee with me.
I did instant once...

