TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Motel coffee generally sucks.

The best coffee I ever had at a hotel/motel was at the old Yorktowne Hotel in York, PA. Walking into the place was like walking into one of those movie set hotels set up to mimic the "gilded age." The smell of cigar smoke permeated the lobby. Old wood and marble everywhere. The table settings in the dining room were set with real linen and real sterling silver. 10' ceilings in the rooms. If you're ever up in that area it's worth a stay.

You definitely want a place with those huge coffee pots.
It just has a distinct flavor to it. The thick porcelain mugs that keep it hot...

However, I don't like leaving the room just for coffee.
I do try to get more than my money's worth out of the breakfast buffet.

Yeah, I don't either. In fact, I haven't moved. Yet.

Here's a smell you can't find any more - an old hardware store. There's still one down by the coast. I need to pay it a visit while it and I are still close by. I do need to get some keys copied, so that'd be a good excuse.

I wonder how much business chatter will go on at this thing. I won't know half of these people, or more. So it'll be a learning thing, I reckon. I've never dome much mixing of work folks and social time since I was early into working.

I reckon that it's time to find the breakfast bar . . . .


I'm on a VERY important governmental board here in the county. Last night was our monthly public meeting, but nobody ever comes so they live broadcasted it to the world, then saved the video on the Facebook.

Watching my performance this morning, I have to wonder when I got so fat and bald.

I need to eat more salads and wear more hats
haha - I have one of those Canadian lumberjack hats... with the furry ear flaps that fold down, for the winter. I get a lot of compliments about that hat.
Nah, halfway through my first cup. Just perusing the news to find out how last nights riots went.
The sky in the East is getting light, so the sun is still lit. At least it was as of 8 minutes ago.

I'd be out waiting for the squirrels, but its 20 degrees.
Wat is here, checking in from something with Plantation in its name. It's really the Killing Fields for very small birds. This is the part of South Jawja where you can tell the high class folks cuz they're the ones with two cars sitting up on blocks in their front yards.

Wat got outbid in the auction, and frankly, there's a feeling of relief. Saves a trip Up There a week before Winter arrives, according to the calendar. Now, I gotsta sit here and think, how much is a pair of 74YO really good long front fenders worth???

Had to figure out the one-cup machine this morning, but at least it's here. Breakfast is at 8 and unting begins at 9:15 or so. You may add the consonant of your shoice to that word which is missing its initial one.

I still have a bit of a chill, so I have to decide where the Good Sport line is and not cross it.



Good Morning, Folks!

It is 23 degrees here. I'm not feeling good about these temps. I much prefer Spring and Summer. But i do have coffee,so there's that, I suppose.
I stop at the local tire store in the mornings during the week. They have free coffee in the waiting room.