TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

This is my favorite week of the year. Deer hunting, squirrel hunting, rabbit hunting, turkey/taters/green beans eating.

I do my turkey spatchcocked style, in case you were wondering. It cooks in half the time and doesn't tie up the oven.
Everyone is invited, but everyone also knows that the invite is just me being polite. It's like when I say, "Lets get together for lunch sometime."
You don't want this crew invading your home, trust me on this. We're good people, but we're a little...ummm....boisterous
Here's what I'm hoping to give thanks for at the Thanksgiving dinner:

My lay-a-bout sister has two boys; 31 and 30 years old. The older one served in the Army, in the 'stan and Iraq. Has a job, a house, a wife and a little baby. A good, hard-working conservative.

The younger one lives with my lay-a-bout sister, and like her, he's never worked a day in his life. Bearded, ponytail, chunky... hard core liberal that checks every box to have the membership card.

I'm planing to bring up the Rittenhouse verdict and then sit back. I love a good family fight at the dinner table.
Yeah boy, that Kyle is quite somethin', isn't he?

The morning hunt went okay. Not too chilly, but a fair walk spoiled. Although it was fun to watch the dogs work it. A couple of them were good, the rest not so much. But they were all enthusiastic as Litlibs when they smell an orange knucklehead defeat. Of course, they could have shed tears for all the small killed quails.

Too bad they wasn't doves.

Wat too the afternoon off so he won't get PTSD. :rolleyes:


Just the one that I picked up because the dogs wandered off in search of more live ones. I wrung his/her tiny neck.

Okay, I'm over this outing. One more meal - breakfast - and then we depart.

Wat heads south to visit.

PTO is the best!!!


Happy Sunday!!! Up before everybody else. On cuppa numbah tew already

There is a drive to do something this morning, to really knuckle down and to expand. I cunt put my finger on exactly what or how, but it's beginning to feel more and more like When. I'm kind of stuck in this current assignment, and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it except to wait it out. This feels like a bit of a Bigger Picture thing. Allah is up to something, and, of course, he neglected to send me an email explaining his divine self. So, there is the Wait-N-See aspect, which isn't Wat's Favorite.

Still behind on the auction. Haven't placed a second bid. It ends in 30.5 hours, so Wat will wait until 30.49 hours have elapsed to place his final offer, or it'll surpass Wat's ceiling and we'll all go to the park instead, and another anvil will surface before Spring. Perhaps in warmer climes.

I'ma get ready and loaded and be ready to bolt when this is done.



I have nothing to do today, and by allah, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I may make a batch of hamburger rolls - but that's fun, not a chore. I like NFL Redzone at 1 so I'll sit and stare at the Tee Vee for a few hours.

The weather guessers say we are getting a blizzard this evening. I'll be inside though, so that won't affect me.
I missed yesterday.

I'm only up now because it's football Sunday.
My game is the late game so I will get in a nap...
The Times in Life

When your adult daughter looks at you and says,

"There's water in that?"

as you fill the radiator and save her trip to the mechanic.

I sometimes wonder how they survive.
Well, Wat has things to do, so (some of them) things will get done.

I suspect that I need to get myself back to a more "gruntled" state. It's going to be okay. Hell, it already is

It may be time to reach out to a few of the Zen Men.

Insh'Allah . . . .

The national weather guessers show the map for the front coming through. Up and down the entire east coast, its blue and green for rain. Except a few pixels of white and pink, for snow and ice. Ole Johnny's county is under those pixels.
Good Morning! We're above freezing this morning There is to be rain later, which has my body reminding me of the horse wrecks. Advil will bring it back in line.

International BT has been observing events in Austria this morning.
You need to take a peek at Ukraine. There's an invasion in the offing and there's a navy base there.
Below freezing here for the morning, a little snow and high winds (15-25, gusts to 45) this afternoon.

Lake Superior already seems angry about it!
You need to take a peek at Ukraine. There's an invasion in the offing and there's a navy base there.

Late January attack? or so they predict. I hope they didn't use Uncle Joe to get that timeline. If they did, Russia attacked yesterday and is, as we speak, looking over their new acquisitions.
The other day I made meatballs from hot eyetalian sausage. Today I have the red gravy in the crock pot. This afternoon I will introduce them to each other and it will be beautiful