TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!


I like short ribs. They used to be scraps the butcher gave to the dogs. Nowadays they are pretty pricey.

Lotta work to cook.
Morning all.

Finally diving into the 20's tonight. I should have kept my mouth shut about the temps. I'ma going to blame it on Barbie and her drive by posting.

Slept in this AM. Was out karaokying last night with the neighbor. An alternative 'pipe cleaning' exercise.

Put a bid in on another .45 this AM. One (three?) more than I need but it simplifies the whole reloading thing.

To be honest I haven't made ribs in years and had to research some recipes so I feel like a first timer.

I'll let you know how they turn out.
Friday I bought one of those long guns that uses .45 pistol rounds for the Legion. I don't see the point, but its slim pickins for guns around here.

To be honest I haven't made ribs in years and had to research some recipes so I feel like a first timer.

I'll let you know how they turn out.

Friday I bought one of those long guns that uses .45 pistol rounds for the Legion. I don't see the point, but its slim pickins for guns around here.

Not thinking beyond this morning's bowl of oatmeal. :)

.45 LC? Makes ya feel like John Wayne. "Fill your hands you son of a bitch."
The Kansas City Leaders of Native American Groups of Humans play the hated Dallas Cowgirls. I think you know who I'm rooting for. Let's go MaHomes!!!!

The Beloved Football Team, after beating the Tom Bradies, plays the Panthers. There could be a closing of the gap in the NFC East.
Here. Got in earlier this afternoon but haven't really had time to settle down. Works for me.

The kids are good, and we had a nice visit. It's been too damned long.

Don't have to go to work tomorrow. We may go to the aquarium. May be able to see an anvil on the way home later this week. Looks like I've bid my last on the auction. Not making that trip is looking better.

Sometimes, Allah spares Wat from himself . . . .


I kicked Fridays ass all the way to next week.

I fought Saturday to a draw.

Sunday kicked my ass.
Happy Monday!!!

Just checked the auction, and there's a bit of room left below Wat's ceiling bid. So it'll be all about watching the clock at this point. The old guy who orchestrated this sent me a PM last week with some message about some coupe, and he never replied when I asked the very simple question: which one? No matter, it's the sedan or nothing. And no reply from the other guy about the other car.

Wat is a bit more gruntled this morning, thanks be to Allah. Need to make a wee plan and then work the son of a bitch.

Decent coffee first thing is always a bitch on these trips. Today is no exception.



Morning all.

The leaves have turned and are falling........dammit. Most years we'd have had a hard freeze by now and all the leaves would be on the ground in one shot. This year they're spreading it out over a couple of weeks, kinda like an installment plan.
At the Legion, we have two gun raffles going at the same time. One is the regular members raffle (I buy the guns for that one) and the other rotates between the various affiliated groups: the ladies, the sons, the bikers and a group called 40 and 8.

The 40 and 8 has a Ruger 350 Legend up now. Very short barrel. Shorter than a 30-30. The put a scope on it for some damn reason. The scope is almost half as long as the barrel. But, what's the point of that gun? It's a deer gun, suitable for the hills and brush around here, but why not just use a 30-30? Looking on line, I can't even find any ammo for it.
The leaves at the house are mostly in the back yard, and we mostly don't worry very much about them.

Looks like it's finally going to turn off a bit cooler back at the house. I reckon that it's time. Meanwhile, it's 66* here. It'll be 20 degrees cooler tomorrow morning. I guess that they can blame me for that.

I guess that it's time to hunt up something for breakfast, such as it is.


That IS funny. Yet another cartridge that you can't buy ammo for. Hell, the damn thing doesn't have a parent cartridge so you can't even reload for it unless you can get your hands on factory brass.
I understand the desire to come up with new and different... but it's getting a bit nuts. The PRC rounds, the 350 Legend rounds, the 6.5 Creedmore... How many bullets can you make between .22 and .50 inches?

At least Henry makes pretty guns you can hang on the wall.
The market should shake out after a bit.

A lot of those 'new' cartridges are purpose designed to comply with various states hunting regs. and to cater to the precision rifle competitions that are gaining in popularity. Also to come up with short cartridges that will feed in the AR platform.

The biggest breakthrough from my perspective is the advance in bullet design with Hornady leading the charge there. All of those new bullets will shoot just as well in the older cartridges without having to rush out and buy new rifles.
I forgot to say Oh Hai to Barbie as she breezed through. Hope she dazzn't freeze.

Did I mention that I ordered running boards? I ordered running boards. The set I was gonna break down for wanted my eye teeth for shipping. Purt-near tree hunyet dollars. Bitches craycray yo. Truck needs boards.

We have clouds. Just a bit dreary. Oh well. So much for Wat in the sub-tropics.

Oh well . . . .


Busy day of errand running today.

Six years ago I moved back here from the city, and tried to simplify my life. While I don't have the DC rat race any more, life is still way to complicated. I tried to untangle investments and banking, but I still have a bank account at every bank in town. I need a personal assistant to deal with it all. But being obsessive about keeping my business private, that would just add more complications.
Just me and the office elf here today, everyone else is spread out between the shop and warehouse.
My weekend off, wasn't. At least it didn't grind me to dust but it did spoil my mood.
Today there is coffee, an errand that I forgot last week, then that work pile I don't want to face on my desk.
And coffee, lots and lots of coffee.
It was winter at the cabin, and it will be winter here for at least the next 10 days according to the forecasters. Local temperatures will likely be in the single digits, either above or below 0°F.