TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Didn't get the car. They met my ceiling with two minutes to go and then exceeded it 30 seconds later. I could have, but I didn't. And I spared myself a wintry drive, most likely. One of to. I do have one already in store.

Gonna have a quiet couple of hours before the afternoon kicks off.


I read through part of the lot lists, and only one item got no bids. Even the Pierce Arrow hulks got bought and not for peanuts, either.

I did get an appointment to go to see that car that's on the way home. I want to meet this guy, because I want to gauge if he knows how overpriced his car is compared to the number of people who give a shit about it/them. Then we begin . . . .

So we checked back in at the registration desk and got a very charming woman with gorgeous eyes and prodigious lung warts to help us. She admired the pens in my pocket, so I gave her one of them. Got $20 worth of free food tickets.

Still got it . . . .


Happy Tuesday!!! Slept pretty well, but am awake too early. But kinda went to bed early, so there's that. There is plenty of room coffee this morning, and lots of creamer. Praises to Allah!!!

Weather is a bit cooler this morning. Was kinda worried that I didn't pack enough t-shirts, but the long sleeve stuff is what the day calls for. Sometimes, it is better to be lucky than Lit-schmaht.

Gonna read the rest of the auction list and see what found homes. Looks like the old steel did way better than it appeared.

Cheating the Scrap Man . . . .



Good morning.

It there are unrusted out fenders to be found the best place to look is in the Southwest.
So I am led to believe.

I'm going to try the breakfast b000fay again to attempt to find the best combination of goodies.

Maybe I'll steal a baggage cart this afternoon so's I'n guaranteed to have one tomorrow morning.

One man's inconsideration is another man's planning ahead . . . .


I agree on the one to date, but I like Too Tall, too. We saw a woman last night who must have been 6'-3" anyway. In flats.

Had a good visit. Still stuffed from breakfast.

Prime rib is for supper.

And blowing town in the early morning.


Life hacks? Seriously???

K.I.S.S. It means, keep it simple, shithead. Likewise, if it don't work, dispose of it pronto.

And try to help someone sometimes. Get your head out of your ass.

It's so . . . freeing . . . .

Back at the hotel. Dinner was fabulous. Junior cooks a very mean prime rib, and they have a really good source for meat, too.

Gotta rise early to hit the road early. One of the heaviest traffic/travel days of the year.

Out very soon.

I'm thinkin mask requirements are on the horizon. The health department is priming the pump, I think, by announcing the impending apocalypse.

Yesterday I went to the library and the sign said masks were required. I was just picking up some books on hold, and didn't have a mask, so I snuk in and out zippy quick. Then I was visiting a friend at an apartment complex and they also had a sign saying masks were required in public places.

I expect the petite tyrants that built a small empire during the recent dictating by executive order are feeling undermined by peasants running loose.
Peasants running loose? Next you know, they'll be running a-loose, and from there they'll be running amok, and then where will we be? It truly is the Apocalypse. I'll have to check to see what the Glorious Qu'ran has to say on the subject.

Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! Up before the alarm, and that sumbitch was set for Awful Damn Early, too.

It'll just be about The Drive today. How far can we get? I have a goal of sorts in mind. And I have a t-giving invite for tomorrow, assuming that I get back to town at a civil hour.

Right now, the goal is coffee, as is the will of Allah.



It's wednesday? I took the week off and lost track. Holiday and whatnot. I start my turkey brining today and it's cold enough to let it go outside over night. One year I did that and some critter ate one of the thighs. Learned to put a lid on the bucket. I sliced up the bird before serving and no one was the wiser.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Not for the pilgramage stuff - I just like to cook and eat. Living alone with ole Larry (who turned 9 yesterday), I don't get a chance to cook a big meal very often.
Mom Tyler done turnt 89 yesterday, so Happy B-day, Larry!!! Mom and I did Eye-tahl-yun several years ago for t-giving, and it was a great meal.

Wat will be okay driving, he thinks. He's gotten a lot of practice over the years, and this-here (not a Frod) truck is a pleasure to drive.

Still haven't adorned its arse end with stickers - yet. Gotta have the ol' HfD bar-and-shield to piss off the squares.

This is one sweet ride. Only $59K.


I tried to fill up the blue oval yesterday but the gas pump cut me off at $100. I guess I'll go back today and finish the job.
I haven't seen any sign of mask mandates returning here.

They weren't very popular with the Rednecks.
This truck only holds 26 gallons it seems, just like the other one. So it is staying below $100 until Let's Go Brandon fucks that up, too.

Hey, maybe we can get us a string of one-term presidents for a change. Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore . . . .

Sun's up, kinda, and we're jussie about packed.

You kids play nice . . . .


My dogs are scrapping.

They did not get your message.

I woke up to 30 additional movie channels. Not a thing I want to watch.
Off to the range. Light mist going on out there. No problem, we have roofs over some of the shooting positions.

The PJ's are out this week so there will be goodies to scarf up. Ammo cans, bandoliers and the likes. :)
I tried to fill up the blue oval yesterday but the gas pump cut me off at $100. I guess I'll go back today and finish the job.

Would you really want to leave that much in the tank for the next time it's headed to the dealership?

Uncle Joe has opened the SPR, but that's not gonna much.