TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

The coffee is especially good this morning.

I buy my coffee at the bent and dent... a store that sells regular store rejects. I get it and put in in a big Tupperware, so it's always a mixture of brands and flavors. Sometimes, like today, you get lucky and get a scoop of mostly French blend.
The coffee is especially good this morning.

I buy my coffee at the bent and dent... a store that sells regular store rejects. I get it and put in in a big Tupperware, so it's always a mixture of brands and flavors. Sometimes, like today, you get lucky and get a scoop of mostly French blend.

I used to do something like that until someone added some vanilla crap
and ruined the entire rest of the can. Now I just do one can at a time
and if anyone else wants something different, they have to use
their own container/packaging...

The raw coffee grounds did work well with my tomatoes though.
I never thought about the risk of getting fu-fu coffee in my tub. I've mistakenly dumped decaf in there once or twice, but never that hazelnut or vanilla stuff.

The reject coffee is usually about 2 bucks a pound. You can't beat that.
I've said this before, but I used to work downtown KCMO
and you would drive by the coffee packing building
and the aroma was just intoxicating...
No discount coffee here, the risk of decaf resulting in bodies that take more time and effort than
I care to give is too high. Nope. It's one of the many things where saving a couple of bucks just
isn't worth the result.

Decaf can be sneaky. Sometimes it's orange, sometimes it's green. Always trying to find a way into the big league.
I buy name brands, but never designer labels...

It's all just coffee and I drink mine black and in copious quantities.

I'll still be caffeine-twitching three hours after I die.

I buy name brands, but never designer labels...

It's all just coffee and I drink mine black and in copious quantities.

I'll still be caffeine-twitching three hours after I die.


So they're going to have to wait at least 24 hours before the 'paycheck test' would be reliable. :D
50 mph winds this afternoon. I guess it's time to take the flag down for the season. I'm all about being a patriot and all, but flags are expensive and I don't want the wind to rip it up.
I saw that Baldwin saying he didn't pull the trigger. There's no doubt, he's a good actor.

A cowboy movie... you have to assume it was a wheel gun. Probably single-action; but that's not really relevant. How can a revolver fire without pulling the trigger? It's a mechanical process.

Apparently the gun wasn't supposed to be fired in that scene or the movie at all.
So *somebody* gave him a cocked gun, which he didn't notice, which then fired without him pulling the trigger.

I'm not calling him a liar, but I don't believe him.

You're not the only one. The F.lli Pietta long Colt 45 revolver is a single action.
Here Down South. Had a decent drive. FNG#1 is okay. I had a bit of patience with him, and he (kind of) opened up a bit. He's smarter than Frawg, and better read and better conversation. Tomorrow's ride home won't suck.

Did a bit of checking with my two PM buddies elsewhere. They're not coming. Seems they didn't get the diktat. I wonder why. Is it because Jabba Senior made it up? Could it be?? Or perhaps he was singled out for radicule. Misspelling intentional - Howard Stern fans will know.

Checked in the a step up from scrotel (we'll still catch it from Jabba for spending too much money) (well, Wat will) and are resting up before the big event. Traffic do suck down here. Maybe not as bad as DC. Nothing is as bad as DC.

Hope I can stay awake . . . .



Back at the hotel. Up too late. Meh.

Sleeping in - won't happen. If we can hit the road by 8, it'll work out.

Winding down . . . .

Back at the hotel. Up too late. Meh.

Sleeping in - won't happen. If we can hit the road by 8, it'll work out.

Winding down . . . .


Sweet Baby Buddha, that is some atrocious Photoshopping. Look at all the smeary warping around the titties and thighs near the flooring.


just ain't right, man. :(
The insomnia diaries...

2AM and wide awake.
Got in a solid four hours though, a couple more than usual.

Even the hellhounds don't want to be bothered.
Big stupid opened up one eye and looked at me like,
"Don't you dare get me involved with this new stupidity..."

At least I can catch the end of the rebroadcast of last night's game.
Old Alec has a poor script and even worse coaching.

He'd be better confessing and throwing himself to the mercy of Pop Culture
where a fallen star is actually a celebrity on his/her way back to the top.

People love it when you lose,
give us dirty laundry!
In other Science news,
the Biden Administration has identified Covid
and the root cause of gang-style smash and grab robberies.

Funny. When I had it, I sure as hell did not feel like getting out and about,
let alone looting the businesses of my friends and neighbors.

Maybe that's the actual root cause.
Societal alienation causing
a lack of empathy...
rae has been very thread prolific in the last few hours.

Maybe we need to get him a friend before he starts to smash and grab.


Er, I mean grab and snatch...
Oh hush. It's not nice to grab snatches. The Shocked-N-Offended have told you so.

Happy Friday. Slept decently. I may have to look into upgrading my hotel chain for occasional travel. I kinda like this one. But they vary enough that it's hard to tell. And this one failed to put enough coffee in the room, so there's that.

Gotta ride, but it'll just be em-n-FNG#1. FNG#2, who was s'pose-ably driving himself down, no-showed. He's looking more-n-more like he's not going to work out. On Monday, we get FNG#3. I can hardly wait.


