TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Home - a casa. May be able to stay awake for the Friday night Italian eating out gang, and maybe not. Maybe a nap first.

The ride back was pleasant. Nothing sucked. Kinda glad of that.

And I gotta hunt down a form to turn in receipts and mileage.

The woes of first world living . . . .


I took a nap yesterday.
I suck at that too. It was only 45 minutes.

Up pretty early again, I was just all slept out. Got in two two-hour stretches.
I guess that's sufficient since it seems to be about the best that I can do.

Today may involve some online shopping which I am really starting to prefer
to brick, mortar, people and near minimum-wage sales people.
I wonder how the old supply chain will work out.
I hear it's worn out, like our Dear Leader.

He's like NYC trying to repair an ice rink.
He's just not equipped to do the job;
he needs a fixer. I wonder where,
oh where, he can find one...

Looks like our poor ol' thread got photobombed.
I guess we should be thankful that they were
good photos and not pictures of cold places.

:D :p
I enjoy when we have passing picture posters. Except two, but I can't see, so fuck it. One. That list is very small.

Happy Saturday!!! Went to sleep late and got up early cuz there's stuff to do and a timeline of sorts to meet. Damned commitments. but Wats get stuff done . . . eventually . . . .

Weather looks okay, but there seems to be a cold front moving in next week, and a(t least one) rainy day. I could use a good Weather h000r, but that would involve turning on a television, so no.

I did turn on the coffee maker . . . .



Our heat wave continues.
I love it. I dislike the cold.

I assume it will turn cold,
but let it wait until after
the Holidays are over...
Allah has been known to be capricious with his distribution of heat-n-cold around this time of year.

Capriciousness to the point of cruelty sometimes.

Somehow, we get used to cold, usually just in time for it to turn warmer again.

Gonna go pick up my war relic today.


My Crypto portfolio dropped about 1K yesterday so I pushed all the profits sitting in cash into various altcoins that were at lows.

Woke at 3:33 am to note that there were brand-new "buying opportunities."

Portfolio is down about another 3K.

I've got the market right where I want it!

On a serious note, Bitcoin at 45K and Ethereum at 3.5K are good buys.

Unless they aren't.
My contact lenses are bugging me this morning. That's usually a Spring thing.

Percolator is perking!

Not me. I'm not perky until about noon.
I am a huge fan of boring weather.

Back in the day, when I was in the business though,
I lived for those chaotic times, Fropas and Pireps...

Then they made me go out to the end of the runway
to spot tornados because being from KANSAS,
I just had to be the go-to expert.

My morning routine is a half hour of CNN, a half hour of FOX, a half hour of MSNBC and a half hour of Euronews - over coffee.

Weekends disrupt my routine because I can't stand that faux warrior on Fox on the weekends. Pete Hogsbreath? He's a douche.
And while I'm taking Fox - enough with the snake oil pills disguised as fruit and vegetable. FFS, if you want fruit and veggies, eat the fucking fruit and vegetables.
I turn on the news (FOX/CBS) and then don't pay a lick of attention to it.

I'm too busy Lit-ting...

FUNNY!!! :mad:
And while I'm taking Fox - enough with the snake oil pills disguised as fruit and vegetable. FFS, if you want fruit and veggies, eat the fucking fruit and vegetables.


Food for the low-information consumer.

Of course, I'd buy whatever Dana Loesch is hawking...

She's clearly a very healthy woman. :nods:
The Brethren church up the street has a full parking lot. I wonder if they are serving a free breakfast... I could eat.

They are a certain flavor of Amish, what are a certain flavor of Mennonite.