TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Hain't no Numbah Wun Fuckee fenders for this model of anvil.

Hell, the big fenders are even harder to find.

Wat has gotten pretty familiar with what's what on these old fuckers.

You old fuckers, too . . . . ;) :D :rolleyes:


Wat, you are creating a one man market. Make up about 20 alts and start a Twitter thread bitching about not having any after market fenders. They'll start building them post haste. :)
Another sunrise in the books. Clear and crisp this morning. So far this season we've had barely a few inches of snow. I suspect that means January is going to be hateful.
I had a course in statistics back in my college days. A deviation from the mean will be corrected in the long term.
I had more than one course in statistics, one at the Master's level.

What you just said is wrong.
If my coin comes up heads 10 times in a row,
it does not mean, in any way, shape or form,
that the next flip, let alone next ten flips,
are going to be corrected by a tail.

It's still 50-50...
But if you flip every day for a 5 month season, and the first 60 flips are heads, won't the remaining flips skew tails to get to 50-50?
But if you flip every day for a 5 month season, and the first 60 flips are heads, won't the remaining flips skew tails to get to 50-50?

Nope. Not a chance.

Unless you have a weighted coin, the odds on every single flip are 50-50.

There is no such thing as a history to a random (or even chaotic) event.

This means that every flip is always 50-50,
but any number of flips can be almost anything distribution-wise.
Here's another way to look at it.

Any set of coin flip events (e.g., multiple trial runs of 10) is going to fall into a bell curve
where the majority of sets of ten flips will tend to be centered around 50-50,
but there is going to be two ends of the curve representing
only heads and only tails.

Does that help?
The fucking birds are eating lots of seed and that means its going to snow! I don't care what your fancy math says. Put that in your chi squared and smoke it!
Yeah, I'm going through a lot of feed too.

Since we have very mild winters, I talk it up to birds being fawkin' lazy...


Welfare Queens. Even the Cardinals stop battling for free and plentiful eats
and those little hillbillies just hate each other. I've had them half kill
themselves fighting their reflections in the picture window
and my truck mirrors...
I like cardinals. Even bought them a special feeder. I get a bunch of red-headed woodpeckers on the suet. i like them too
Usually we are inundated with doves and the little woodpeckers and flickers.

This year, they are strangely absent. I wondering it there was an avian virus.

(In a usual year, we have up to eight pairs of cardinals; so far, two.)

Covid for birds...
Home from the grub wars. Had to go to 2 places to get the meat and frozen bits that I wanted because Xmas in Stalingrad '42. I still want my goddamn country back, and I don't give a fuck who has to die to get it back.

There were 2 300 pound Weffare Queens checking out ahead of me. The fucking carts were full of High-C, sodas, and snackie-snacks. Almost nothing but sugar and salt. And Gurll was sippin' her Big Or'nge while puttin' it all on her card. No wonder she and her friend are big chubbettes.

I still contend that nobody knows what these cars are any more and that almost no one gives a sauteed fuck about them. Besides, most of the guys who do know about them has already built their last project and are too fucking cheap to buy something remanufactured. It's never as good as the original one, no matter how fucked up it may be.

Having hot dogs for breakfast. Maybe pancakes for lunch. Got meatloaf fixin's for supper.

