TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Here in almost heaven there are precious few of us normal people. I have fatties to the left of me and skinny meth-heads to the right!
You know, you got me to thinking...

I don't see a lot of morbid obesity around here.
I think that it's linked to the extreme work-ethic.
Talking to the man about buying a wood clamp.

I wonder what Fred the Barn Cat will think.

This one here seems fine. Both of them.

Feeling kinda droopy. May close my eyes for a bit.

Got the surplus car cleaned out. Took it up to the OG car wash up the road. They're not fast, but they do a pretty good job. Inside and out for a bit under a c-note, so I tipped the guy $20. He busted his ass, and an old SUV looks way better than I've seen it look.

So I didn't get much done here this afternoon.

But I did put on meatloaf, and it's starting to smell up the house in a tasty kind of way.

Cooking for one sucks less when it's the main menu item for the week.


It's windy out this evening. Like it's fixin to blow some kind storm up. Rain? Snow? Rain, sleet and snow? Maybe a smattering of ice? Or maybe just wind. I got me a night off so I'm just gonna curl up right here and be lazy for a bit.
'Bout time you checked in.

Fixin' to change your name from Bidin~Time to 'Bout (damn) Time

The Bezoses delivered my fucking oil filter next door. Gave me an excuse to talk to the neighbor. She featured a bare midriff. For all her tats, she has no tramp stamp.

So we conclude that anal is off the table . . . .


There are amends to be made?

I read through the thread, and while entertaining, not nary a mention of either Bidin nor Boutdamn. So it appears requests for the making of amends may be somewhat premature

It's windy out this evening. Like it's fixin to blow some kind storm up. Rain? Snow? Rain, sleet and snow? Maybe a smattering of ice? Or maybe just wind. I got me a night off so I'm just gonna curl up right here and be lazy for a bit.

The breeze is at 13 mph outside. Precip is coming. 37°F on the rooftop weather station. The roads are going to be crap this week.
Happy Monday. You, too, 'Boutdamn. Up before the alarm. No matter. Hd a cuddled in kitten herd. They don't necessarily move when the human starts moving, even when he turns on the light. Silly fuckers.

Got some messages on the surplus car. Truck. SUV. Some in Spanish. Was offered a Vette. We accept Federal Reserve notes, gold, silver, and anvils. It amuses me how folks will start lowballing as their opening gambit, and they haven't even seen the thing. Must be Lit Thinking or something. I counter, they disappear. Feckink000ntz.

Decent day today, and 25* degrees colder tomorrow. 'Tis the season.

For coffee, too.

In the same way that someone in the midst of a rough crowd guards a wound with great care, so in the midst of bad company should one always guard the wound that is the mind.

~ Santideva, "Bodhicaryavatara"



Good day yesterday for Injuns, and yes,
I still refer to Johnny's team as The Redskins.

;) ;)

Thunderstorms moved through the area overnight.
I hope it wasn't a cold front, but what are the odds in December?
They'll always be the Foreskins to me.

Wish I could mail this one in.

I have a hand turkey on my fridge. Allah has a strange sense of order.

The weather people are full of it.

They predicted 6-10” between Sunday at 7 am and today at 6 pm.

There’s already well over a foot out there and no signs of it stopping.

Lying bastards!
It did snow though...


... in copious quantities.

From experience, I can tell you,
you never know how fluffy it will be.