TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Always! I think it’s about two degrees from being slush, but since we’re already at our high for the day it’s probably going to freeze into rocks later!
My slush fund is an oak woodpile.

I just never really have a need to dip Ito it.

Only on days when I need some atmosphere, like Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Thanksgiving was too warm this year. I might not even have to harvest any wood next Spring...
Sad day.

The Band of Brothers is finally fully disbanded...

Do they have Hitler-brand cognac in heaven?
It was a nice change to win on the last play of the game.

I was happy to see the hapless Lions get a win.
It might be another year and a half before we see that again.


Imagine the fans of the Vikings; they must be feeling kind of low...
Okay, I just let Little Stupid out.

It was definitely a cold front, and I mean very cold. Brrrrr...
I think the Cowgirls are going to run away with the NFC East. The Team may be able to sneak into a wild card spot if they split with the Cowgirls and beat the Dirty Birds twice and the Giants.
It's never good to be hoping on a Wild Card spot unless
you win out against decent opponents.
I'm not convinced seeding matters this year; there's a lot of parity. I'd be nice to have a week off before the playoffs though, but that's out of reach for The Team.
Hail to the Foreskins!!!

Here at work. Got FNG#3 now.

And damn little to do.

Good thing I'm not (likely to be) coming in tomorrow.

No, I gotta take Mom to the doctor. She's got something going on and she didn't pay very good attention when last she was there. Wat will pay attention.

We have all 3 FNGs here today. Wasn't really sure that FNG#2 was going to come back since he was supposed to attend the Xmas thing and was a no-show.

And it's a lovely day. And there's a chance of a snow shower on Wednesday morning.




Home. Grazing in. Made a big-ass salad. It just felt like what's for supper.

Jabba s000per is just plain inefficient. He is slack at getting things done. Took him 40 minutes to quit goofing off and to get some notices printed - which he has to do because Control. So we were late getting out of there - again. :mad:

I just don' know 'bout Some People's Kids . . . .


The Landlord's typical tardiness is either going to make me a bunch of money or lose me a bunch of money. I don't think the man owns a watch or knows how to look at the time on his phone.

I tried to leave home at 4 it's now 6:40. I decided at 5 that it would be easier to hunt him down tonight and try to schedule that in tomorrow when rent actually due.

He says "40 minutes." I tell him I'll do a couple of errands and expect him in 40 minutes. In 45 minutes I start calling him. No answer. I finally get a hold of him 20 minutes after that. Says "I'll be there in a few minutes."

Far as I know he lives around the damn corner...He's got two of his kids living on the lot; one of which he apparently doesn't trust with the money and the other he does.

Still nothing.

Bored, I got to analyzing my so-called Investment portfolio. Ethereum got hammered with everything else a coupla days ago but has climbed back. Bitcoin is just below what I paid. The altcoins are 25-30% below what I paid. They tend to lag, and some are directly tied to Ethereum.

I sold off $3,750 in Ethereum and bought $1,000 each of Dash, Dot, and Fil. I put whatever remained in to Link which of I have not held previously but got hammered really hard when everything else did.

Dash, Polkadot, and Filecoin are all down +/- 25% so the previous $1K each are at mid $700. All of this will make it easier for me to know whether I made or lost money on this gambit which you would think would be easy to determine but with coinbase Pro you have to sit down with a pencil and paper and a calculator to figure out what you paid in the past. They also don't let you take ascreenshot of anything which I find highly suspicious. Coinbase is far more 8nformative, but they charge higher transaction fees there and cheat like crazy on the quoted price versus the price you are offered before you hit "confirm." A tax on the innumerate.

Speaking of deciding whether this shit or get off the pot- I was literally doing the latter while typing this screed when the landlord sent the son that still lives at home. Hadda get off the pot and go pay.

Took a good two hours outta my workday to pay the rent. Maybe I'll start paying him quarterly in advance.

Saved some money on dinner that I had planned on grabbing on the road because I got hungry waiting and decided to make some Gnocchi with what remained of the broth. There's a style of cooking and there's a French word for it where you take a pot and you just keep adding to it and you never completely finish it. That's what I've done for the last week.

At some point I leaned it towards Chinese hot and sour soup by adding Ginger. Later I added sriracha sauce. Somewhere in the middle of that I had to had boiling water and I consistently kept adding chicken and some sort of starch.

The pre-made gnocchi is nice for thickening anyway and it thickened the very last of it down to a nice gravy so I think I'm done with the pot for the week.

A sprinkle of cilantro because I had it and I'm fancy like that.
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Snow showers the rest of the week.

It was inevitable. Statistically, speaking :p


Remember, weather is a chaotic system (with el Sol as the main strange attractor)
and not a statistical event, you know, like flipping manhole covers...

:D ;) ;)
I can hardly wait for the new Matrix DVD to hit the internet.

I won't do movie theaters. I haven't been to one in almost two decades
and that one visit reminded me of why I just hate them so much.
C'mon man! It's not 1955 and they make those big-ass TVs
for a reason. I invite everyone to the year 2001...

... or better yet, 2021.
