TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

When (I mean if) my migraine meds kick in...,

I'm thinking omelette du fromage (sp?)

To borrow from Steve Martin,
"It's like the French have a different word for everything!"

Happy Tuesday!!! Up too damn early, but I can take a nap this morning. Gotta take Mom to the vet. Doctor. Whatever.

The josh is burning regardless.

I have the car I swapped for listed online for sale. The boneheads who replay are amazing. Lowballing out the ass, and they ain't even seen it. And they don't counter back to my counter. One can easily see why people sell cars to Carmax, take the whack and the check, and walk away with a quiet head. So I reply to their silly messages in the wee hours, hoping their phones ding at them.

While I consume coffee . . . .



I was playing with the ornery girl cat before getting up. My hand was under the coers. Three layers. She got me in the pad of my right ring finger.

So I took out my hand and patted her head.

With its bleeding finger.

She didn't mind.

Cats love blood. They're like little Marines.

I know. A word for everything. Even 'everything.'
If it warms up a bit later today,
I think I'll break out the .22s and
do a little plinking just to stay in form.
If I'm going to be at home this morning, I should probably make something breakfasty. I seem kinda hungry.

Something not French . . . .


I'm going to zip out of here early for a bit of odds and ends shopping. Stuff that should have made the previous shopping list but didn't. :rolleyes:
Nope, just pussies. Custer was a pussy.

Made pancakes. Haven't done that in eons.

I might need to Google a recipe for flour. This Pearl mix ain't hittin' on a great deal.

But at least I have Gin-ewe-wine maple syrup. From Vermouth, no less.


I like that gen-ewe-wine stuff. I've got some here so maybe I should make some pancakes too. And that reminds me, I need to see if anyone is selling Maple sugar. That's something I haven't had, or even seen, in ages.
I slept in this morning and decided it's too late in the day to head in to the office. I'll just, "Work from Home"
It's expensive, but it's out there.

Had a sneezing fit. It's like I'm allergic to food or something.

Junk mail: "you may be wealthier than you think"

Wonder what measuring stick they use. Okay, not really . . . .
