TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!


Forced to fight for his ideas every step of the way, Mitchell became a skilled public figure, who had a talent to attract and win over media and public attention. In 1924, his superior, Major General Mason Patrick, sent Mitchell on an inspection tour of Hawaii and Asia in an attempt to get him and his pesky reform arguments out of the limelight for a while. Mitchell returned with a 324-page report. In this report, he predicted that Japan will attack the United States sometime in the future, and that the attack will involve an aerial raid on Pearl Harbor. He also foresaw, correctly, that the goal of the raid would be to cripple the U.S. fleet there and keep it in place while Japan invaded the Philippines (which is exactly what Japan did in 1941). He guessed that Japan would attack a 7:30 a.m., a forecast that was uncannily close to the actual time of the attack, 7:55 a.m. Mitchell did get one important detail wrong. Even he couldn't foresee the ability of a carrier-based fleet to launch a heavy aerial force, and thus he assumed the Japanese attack would come from Japanese-held islands in the Pacific.

The report was ignored by the government and the military…with one notable exception. A government official went on record saying "Should there be such a war, America would have to fight it a long way from home...It would be gravely embarrassing to the American people if the ideas of your General Mitchell were more appreciated in Japan than in the United States," also adding "Our people will cheer your great Mitchell and, you may be sure, will study his experiments." The only problem was that even this acknowledgment didn't come from an American politician, but from a member of the Japanese Parliament, who witnessed one of Mitchell's demonstrations of anti-naval air power as a foreign observer.

Good morning!
Dentist appt yesterday was uneventful...sorta.
puter died, so this is the new version. Picked up after said dentist visit.

It's an okay version and should I decide to do some work from home thing, I can now be fired via zoom. Although, working from home doesn't really appeal to me.

I now have a consistently working "n" key and am relieved to find out my typing skills weren't falling to crap.
Because I'm taking the day off, I think I may go buy a new pair of sweat pants. These are getting threadbare and I can feel a draft.
I've been reading Quora/reddit threads about the worst tourists by nation

and the stories about Indians (from the typical 'Indians are the bain of air hostesses' to their behavior in Thai strip bars) are among the funniest shit I ever read! :D
Every time I make a generalization about any group of people, I meet the exception promptly. This is how Allah keeps his favorite son humble.

Except for Litsters, where the exception is always worse.


The sun is out and it's damned chilly, but my sweatpants are airtight.


They are too anvil-y for mere lines.

They don' need no steeenking lines.

I wanna know, why are they in a parking garage?


Those stories aren't about laughing about Indians' regional mannerisms or whatever.

They outline arrogant or cheapskate behavior, but in a humorous way.

Ask any airline hostess, and they'll tell you that their least fav. are Indian passengers because many of them order them around or ask for double shots of alcohol because they're free. And when the plane lands, they often elbow others to be first.

Thai strip clubs don't like Indian men because many of them buy only one beer for 4, they oggle strippers but never tip them. Or bargain with prostitutes for discounts.

Of course not all Indians are like that, but when you see a large no. behaving in that way, it becomes a stereotype.
Just like British tourists in Mallorca and Spain, or German tourists reserving and taking over sun beds, or Israelis arguing for a bargain with street vendors in Brasil.
Indians I have dealt with are cheap fucks.

Street vendors always get hustled, hookers included. It seems to be part of the territory. Wat paid a lot less for those Honduran cigars in Mexico than what the guy was asking. He did thank me for negotiating with him in Spanish.

Hell, numbers are easy.

He who mentions a number first . . . loses . . . .

When I lived in MoCo, there was an Italian deli owned and run by an Indian family. Believe you me, it was spot on. They made an Italian sub (with hots, always with hots) that was perfection.
My Chinese buddy from NYC told me never to trust those sub-continent guys. Ever. I think the term he used was "cheap motherfuckers." "Picking your bones" may have come up in that conversation, too.

I wonder what became of him.

Mom will be okay for awhile, it seems. As long as she doesn't take up playing in traffic. Her next check is next Spring.

Allah be praised . . . .


That gal should probably have my number.

This Day of Johnny really got away from me. A morning nap, a whopper for lunch and an afternoon nap and the day is all but over.
Yeah, mine too. Accomplishments haven't been copious.

The big part went well.

My first looker didn't become a buyer. On to the next one.

I think that woman has lotsa numbers . . . .


All of the Christmas decorations are up ad the storage totes put back into storage.

Strange to think that in less than a month, I'll be putting it all back into storage.
What a waste of time and energy.

By the time I stopped moving yesterday, it was too late to take a nap and too early to
go to bed. So I want to bed and read. I woke up about four hours later, read for a couple
of hours and then got in two more hours of sleep. Six whole hours. I feel like Superman,
well, maybe not that good, Aqua Man...

The younger Savage will appreciate this: as an added bonus, it was clean sheet day.
That's probably why the sleep was so sweet.
Happy Wednesday!!! Managed to sleep most of the night through. Woke up an hour too early but was able to rest for that time. And listen to the old cat cough. It's kind of loose sounding. It bears paying attention to.

Looks like we get some precipitation today. Wat has to go and punch walk 10 units today. Waterproof shoes are the fashion choice du jour.

Damn computer keeps talking about an update. Maybe, and maybe not.

It could refill my coffee if it really cared.



If that car burnt down, there would be uber tears.

Actually, there is gasoline on board, and lots of shows require that extinguishers be present and in working order.

Which reminds me, I need to get one for the new truck.

One nice thing about apartment demo, there are usually a bunch of them getting tossed, so Wat brings some home.

