TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Here at the jobsite. Got the full compliment of co-workers. Weasels by another name.

And rain. Not heavy, but steady. There will be no concrete weasels today.

Jabba s000per is droning on to the weasels. Gets old.

While Wat's mind gets to wander . . . .


Yeah, he'll make it great again. I wish that someone would make that job down there great again. Wait, it wasn't great before. I reckon it's fucked.

Home. Made some leftovers and opened a can, too. Organic green beans with no salt added. A touch of good ol' French dressing helps them out. Freedom, I mean.

They broke the water line when they dug up the sewer. I made the sprinkler system go all wonky. The one in the building. Set the damned fire alarms off. Kinda makes a body wonder what happens when they shut the main off out in the street out front. Or not.

Anyway, meatloaf is damned good the way that Wat makes it.


Yet another great day at the range. Got the AR tuned to the point where I can reliably hit a 6" plate at 300 yds. Not too shabby for that little rifle with the sights I have mounted. Felt so good about it I lit up a cigar. :)
It's always nice when the shooter can keep up with the rifle and the ammo.

Sitting here wondering, can I see a 6" plate at 300 yards?

Then there was that deer I caught eating my squirrel corn . . . .

Off to call it a night.

Therein lies the problem. I've got a red dot mounted that subtends 2 MOA which is 6" at 300 yds. Meaning the plate has to disappear for the shooter to be on target.

It comes down to, "Where in the hell did the target go?"

"Stop fretting and squeeze the trigger."
Bountiful bosoms and stately automobiles. Not what the thread title suggests.
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And that's why it often helps to read the first post. As least one can determine what topic was left behind in the ensuing madness.

Happy Thursday!!! Slept decently. It seems cold out - the heat has run a lot. Of course, it always seems colder when it's turning cold. About three days of it and the bitterness seems to go away. Unlike a resentment.

Rain and 70 on Saturday. Go figure. Gonna see a man about an anvil then.

Gonna see this coffee first.



Hi, Honey!!! Hope you're well. Hope the Sneaux Weasels are behaving.

Looks like my trip to the mitten got cancelled. I was going to come up and collect an anvil engine but seems the weasels weaseled out of the deal. Fuck 'em, another always seems to come along. At least I don't have to go to upstate NY.

I can't imagine dragging shit in the sneaux . . . .


The snow weasels are definitely not behaving, expecting a few inches today and then a foot or more over the weekend.

Have to stay on top of it or I’ll be buried until May!
I sometimes wonder just how well the emergency supplies are holding up.

Then again, I have a duck in my freezer in search of a taxidermist.

Not my choice...
Ma hips are creakin' like an old staircase when I walk around this morning. Must be a front coming.
There's aways a FROPA.

The glory is in nailing its arrival perfectly.

I did that once. Saved a kid's life. The pilots' too...
So to recap:

It's cold as a bear's ass this morning
I'm getting good at the zoom meetings
I have an in-person meeting this morning
Today is grocery day
It is also my Friday because I don't work on the real Friday.
Supposed to be 65 Saturday.
Working from home always sounds like a good idea, it's not.
You never finish, when you have a minute you 'check in' then it's two hours later,
and they always know where to find you.
The good point is the coffee maker is always nearby.

I've never been able to work from home. I need to be sitting in my office, at my desk. Then the magic happens.
<<<< not working from home. Wouldn't live here, given a choice. Would work elsewhere, given a choice.

Hell might be a choice . . . .

