TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

There is something seriously wrong about a man wearing a bow-tie.

A saw a doctor who wore one, I never went back.
That would explain a few things . . . .


That front seems to be going well South of God's Country.

Today is the last day of firearm's season for deer. I may go out for a bit. It's probably too warm for them to be out moving though. Which is fine, I really don't want to spend the rest of the weekend processing one.
Still chugging along at work. FNG#3 is still okay. He works. Slightly short on initiative, but he's probably making sure that he's in line.

And FNG#1 is still acting like he's In Charge of . . . something.

FNG#2 is probably off chasing a squirrel. Look, squirrel!!! Now another one.

Making some headway on the punch list.

Which FNG did you rank to punch first on your list?
Everyone needs a hit list and you shouldn't discriminate by limiting it to FNGs
FNGs??? I'd punch 2, then 1, and maybe not 3. I kinda like him, even if he is a bit full of shit. They'd all lose. But the Jabbas outrank all of them in terms of violent retribution.

Cut a deal to take delivery of a new-to-me anvil. Went for a ride in this one. No rattles save for the radio. It's not an Interstate car, but it would do fine on US routes and the like. He did put (original) bias tires on it, so those will get gone in favor of radials, but that's what came on it, so I support his decision. The car just has good bones.

Now, maybe one of these car-for-sale leads will come through. Baby needs noo shooze.



Right now, it is raining harder than it has since I've been back here. Maybe I can draw a conclusion from my experiment: maybe the roof is totally fixed.

Insh'Allah . . . .


One more night then I get a day off.

If y'all could see your way clear to burn a little josh for me, maybe this will change sooner rather than later.
We already do. If we don't burn it for each other also, then what kinds of friends are we?

I keep eyeballing this shop manual for anvils and thinking, I bet that would prevent insomnia . . . .



It's insomniac football Sunday.
Today the detested and hated Raiders are in town.
I hope they go down.

Who I dislike more is a tossup between them and "America's Team."
That title belongs to the Chiefs now that the Redskins pussied out...

Woke up early with a fucking migraine.
I don't want to be up this early, but I'm thinking
maybe coffee and Tylenol™ will help.
If not, sitting up in misery is preferable to laying in the dark.

Time to light the josh. :cool:
I will intercede with Allah on your behalf for that very silly meme - but true. Besides, Islamic Hell is reserved for the truly despicable of us. I mean, them. Isn't redemption lovely? Which reminds me: what did the kid on the next street get for Xmas? My bike!!! :mad: :(

Happy Sunday. Slept pretty well even if I am up too damned early.

It rained-n-blew for awhile yesterday evening. The roof still drips. :mad:

Making the shopping list. I got more coffee last week . . . .

No you're not.

It's just josh. It is s'posed to burn.

Just like Lit Jeenyusses in Islamic Hell.

