TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Home. Made a big salad for supper. Gave the cats a container of chicken bits. The young cat looks at it and wonders if it's edible, and the old cat eats the whole thing. Both bowls. Hey, as long as they're happy.

I like FNG#3. Kid works. He's a nice kid. He seems to know a bit of something. He's from up in the hills where Mountain Dawn lives, or nearby. And that restaurant with the waitress with the culo magnifico. I think that he'll work out if Jabba s000per doesn't run him off first by raggin' his ass, the simple shit.

Fuck, looks like I haz PMs. No, the other one. Including one I haven't gotten to yet. I guess that I should look.

I know, hard to believe . . . .

Happy Friday!!! Another decent night's sleep.

Better weather today. It's warming to rain.

Got punch stuff today, and a couple of guys to he'p, so it should suck less.

Got coffee now, and getting JS outta that goddamn parking garage, thanks be to Allah . . . .



Morning all.

The streak of mild weather we have been enjoying ends today. Could be worse though. looking at the nat'l weather picture Barbie ought to be ass deep in sneaux this AM.
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"Where I come from. . .rain is a good thing."

The cat agrees. He wanted out last night to play in the rain. Haven't seen him since.
S'posed to be in the 50s today and the 60s toorrow. I have a bush near the house that needs cut back, but do you think I'll do it? No, I'll wait till spring when it will be raining.
Morning all.
The weather here is decent for now so we're going to go get a tree and put it up today.
That should give me the guilt I need to get the wrapping done.
Still chugging along at work. FNG#3 is still okay. He works. Slightly short on initiative, but he's probably making sure that he's in line.

And FNG#1 is still acting like he's In Charge of . . . something.

FNG#2 is probably off chasing a squirrel. Look, squirrel!!! Now another one.

Making some headway on the punch list.

Home. The weather is trying to suck, but it's just rain. Add some traffic, and not the music group, for extra st000pid.

Gonna head up in a few to see the Friday night crew. It's a good night for Italian.

Gonna go talk to the man about the anvil tomorrow, and then go to look at a side gig. First one in eons. Favor for friends, really, with renumeration for added wondemousness.

Good thing that the parking here follows the flow: :rolleyes:


It's always a good night for Eye Talian.

You make sport of me, but there's nothing wrong with a nice, orderly line.

The news readers keep talking about wild weather in the flat-lands. It's quite and 55 here. I hope it peters out before it gets thisaway.
Weather passed through here quickly and clearly got stronger as it hit Kentucky.

They're saying 50 people dead. When it gets light, I'll get out and look for damage,
but I imagine that it's probably just tree limbs. I see some yard art laying flat.

The dogs have been a royal pain in the ass this morning.
At their age you wouldn't think they had the energy.
That just never happens.

Branson got socked hard a few years back,
but that one was up and down for miles.
This mornings JohnnyNews includes the tidbit that I went to the Walmart yesterday, shopping for some new sweatpants.

I got a pair but they weren't the same brand I usually buy (Russell), so I may be disappointed. Change is never good. While there, I saw Wrangler cargo pants were on sale. I've been a Wrangler jeans man for a long time, so I figured as long as I was going nuts with the change, I'd try some cargo pants. It does seem unlikely that I'll wear them. Maybe I could save them to be buried in.

At the self check out line, a guy in a bow tie tried to engage me in conversation. I don't trust a man in a bow tie and was glad a station opened up before I had to tell him to piss off.
Happy Saturday!!! Good day to be away from the Jabbas.

It's warmer outside now than it was when I got home from work yesterday afternoon. S'posed to go to 72*, it says. That means that this dehumidifier will require emptying a couple of times today. And that I will likely open some windows when I get home from anviling an' sich.

Does "anviling" require two Ls??? Perhaps three.

Wat requires coffee, and that's is the will of Allah . . . .



