TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Don't make me spew coffee.

I have to go to Wally's here in a bit, after all.


I can't help it if she buys her shoes one at a time.

At least she doesn't need a bra-patch...

I missed the Wally-World golden hour.

2AM is a magic time there.
One sees a free freak show.
Most of them are.

I went to one at a strip motel. This was maybe 40 years ago. Right off the interstate and kinda puny.

It seems to vary from meet to meet.

More cockeyed cars, but in the sun this time:


Look how old the peoples next to those machines are. You can excuse an old feller missing the lines.
It was pushing 70 yesterday and it's 21 now. Someone can do the maths on that, but its got to be a 50 degree swing

Yeah, they're old. There aren't many people left who actually remember those cars. Hell, I was a kid getting dragged to old car shows and that shit was old then. Those fellers, too.

Okay, that out-of-the-house errand is done. Time to put shit away and get some laundry going.

I may check in on football . . . later . . . .


I'm going to let y'all onto a secret; the secret to a great three-egg omelette.

~~~ drumroll ~~~

Four eggs.

I'd be unsettled too if I had to play in that division.

The winner is pretty much one and done in the playoffs...