TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

Maybe. Seattle did put up a good fight last time. Good, but not good enough.

Shoulda charged them for that schooling.
Only Houston is eliminated, like a turd down the wastepipe. Even fucking Deeetroit is still mathematically alive.

Got some shit put away.

Circling the work, and it's eyeballing me like a cornered cat.

I'ma kick its punk ass . . . .



I fed the critters inside and out

~~ AND ~~

As an additional bonus, I cleaned the coffee pot.
It was acting kind of jinky, so
it got the vinegar.
That oughta l'arn it.

Butcha just cain't fix st000pid.

And tain't no st000pid like Lit st000pid.

Oh, I joined the High Falutin' Car Club. Major collectors should.

Champakian or anyone who knows about these dogs, would you mind if I ask for advice?
I'm in a position to get a blue frenchie at a very low price from an acquaintance of mine. I have to choose between this, and another dog.

Is there anything that concerns you about blue frenchies? Are their potential health problems as worrisome as they write online?

Only answer if you feel like it,
I have no idea.

That's something that I would ask dolf about.

The only thing that I know is that Dachshunds will never again be on the buy list...
We're on a well, so it builds up deposits
which must be cleaned out if it is to brew.

Marines are, if nothing else, all about maintenance.
They are always issued the hand-me-downs from the other branches.

When the M16 proved to be a piece of shit, the army gave them to the Marines,
who made them work. Mostly with diligent maintenance...
I had a young man wash my cup back in the day when I was a CPO. Once. He did it once. That man probably still hates to paint.
There's not a flake of snow in the forecast for the rest of the year. You can take that with a grain of salt, but global warming is a good thing, here.
I have no idea.

That's something that I would ask dolf about.

The only thing that I know is that Dachshunds will never again be on the buy list...

yes, I know what you mean. Both their stubborn natures and what you're going on through with the older dog...

Your comment actually convinced me not to -- they might be low maintenance and cute, but I want the healthiest of breeds or mutts.
Careful with your terminology.

If it were unusual cold, it would be referred to as climate change.
You never can tell.

The dachies should have back problems by now, by the book,
but the only problem that they have is that stubborn thing
and they don't much like each other...

And that they are a pair of ornery old women. Silly dogs.

They tell, not that I much care or listen all that closely, that mutts are the healthiest dogs. Right now, the landlady's mutt is ailing and her Polly Purebreds are doing fine.

My purebred and my mutt cats are both fine, too. Altho' the purebred is flirting with disaster. He puked in my overnight bag. Of course, if I had finished emptying it and had put it away . . . .

The mutt is chasing him. Perhaps it is retribution from Allah.


Larry is a pure breed cur. Which seems contradictory to me, but I was taken to task by the Catahouligans on Facebook. They are a feisty bunch when you say a Catahoula is a mix.

Larry don't care.
Hey Raiders,

Are you fawking stupid?

You don't go out to midfield and do a victory dance on the other teams' logo.
The gods and buddhas will rewards such acts of hubris with retribution.
How the fawk did you like that old-fashioned ass-whoopin'?
I've never seen professional morons in action,
until yesterday afternoon...

Chief's Nation
Had a poodle bitch once who loved to get filthy playing in the dirt and would scrap with damn near any dog. She wasn't 20 pounds.

If I have another dog, it'll be a full-sized.

Heated some meatloaf for lunch. Damn, this stuff is damned good. I may have to post the recipe.

Better'n those choad loafs other people make . . . .

I typed this yesterday and never posted it . . . . :rolleyes:

Who thought that it was a good idea to call yourselves, The Team?

What I just said about the gods and buddhas
(and maybe even the Great Spirit).
The Cowboys? Ouch...

Well, at least you can still cheer for the Chiefs during the playoffs.

A full-sized dog with a heated doghouse.
Something to replace the driveway alarm,
which, btw, only works about half the time.

I don't want respect from the delivery industry,
I want fear, palpable fear. As one of my teachers used to opine,
fear is better than respect, it acts like it, and it quacks like it and
it is a helluva lot easier to establish and maintain. He was a smart guy.
I was asked, "Do you really enjoy watching such a lopsided game?"
I replied, "Oh hell yes when it involves giving the Raiders their just due!"


Needless to say, I opted out of the TB-Bills game at halftime.
Piity. It looks like it got close(r) at the end.