TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

I suspect that it is for Federal agents...

Affirmative Action must be taken into consideration.

(After all, most white people don't have the same shooting experience at people targets.)

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Had a board meeting this morning and it was resolved that after Thursday, Savage Enterprises Worldwide will go ahead and shut down for the rest of the year. Give the employees some well-deserved time off.
I have a meeting Thursday afternoon so after that I'll send everyone home and lock the doors.
I suspect that it is for Federal agents...

Affirmative Action must be taken into consideration.

(After all, most white people don't have the same shooting experience at people targets.)

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Just the DOE targets. <shrug> Every dept./agency in the Federal government seem to have their own 'official' target. With only minor differences they're all the same. I have some 'official' North Carolina state targets that are essentially the same as the 'official' New Mexico state targets. And they are all dimensionally the same as the old NRA silhouette targets. I wonder how much all this 'individuality' is costing the taxpayers?
I find that usually cost to the taxpayer is weighed against benefit to the politician...

... and the politician employs a butcher's thumb to the scale.
I find that usually cost to the taxpayer is weighed against benefit to the politician...

... and the politician employs a butcher's thumb to the scale.

How else to get an appointment to someone's board of directors once they're out of office? :rolleyes:
Just turned on the weather babe (I wish)
and it's in the 40s right now.
So much for freezing.

We drop into the 20's starting on Thur. Rain scheduled for tonight with sneaux in the mtn's. I want to see beaucoup sneaux in the mtn's.
I think I might be into my second cup.

It's hard to tell. It keeps getting cool and when I rewarm it, I refresh it.

I'm wondering if it could use some Irish [Spring™] this morning...
I'm shopping locally.

Then again, I don't put much thought into it.

Jewelry for everybody! Big bones for the dogs...
Home from the weasels. Just had FNG#2 today. We visited a bit. He's short on some social graces, but he could be worse. Wat didn't bust it today and wound up enjoying it a bit more.

Grazing in. Keeping it simple. Lunch was too big a meal. It'll be just as bad tomorrow. So, supper is simple. And small. Like Litster Deep Thinking small.

The josh is burning, and Allah got a good talkin'-to today. Fucker had it coming.

I may take the truck to the dealer to see what they'll get off of, for shits-n-giggles. We'll see . . . .


Fuck me runnin', I just found out about the bestest fucking name of a player in the NFL in forever.

Falcons kicker:Younghoe Koo

If it had two more letters, it'd be perfect!!!

Because i have to draw pictures for teh st000pids:Younghoe Kooze

Is Younghoe a Nickleback?


Sometimes I just can't help myself.

Damned dog keeps crapping and peeing on the carpet
even though she's been given more than ample opportunity
to do her business outside. Sometimes, she comes in fresh
from being outside and then does her business. Just die...

I could understand it if it were Ice Station Zebra out there,
but we are in a mild weather trend and she has a long, thick
coat to keep her warm. At this point, I just don't know.


And it has been very nice. Jacket weather most of the day,
sweatshirt weather in the afternoon. It is so nice. We're
a week away from the shortest day of the year too!
Happy payday Wednesday!!! All of that foolishness is taken care of. Tooken, too.

We get a bit of a warming trend this week, starting today. And it's not like it was all that cold to start with, either.

I know the old critter travails. This one pukes. A lot. No predictability, either. And he's kind of immune to it. Doesn't get up and move - just launches, and then goes back to sleep. Fortunately, he can go for days and be fine, and then he can heave two or three in a day or so. No pattern to it - I've tried to figure that out, including a diet adjustment. He just hurls. I get kinda pissed, but I'm not killing him off. Yet. The landlady snuffed her old dog yesterday for being in bad chronic pain. It sucks.

Coffee never sucks.



Morning folks. It's Range day Wednesday!!!!

Weather's passable on the temp. but the wind is supposed to be well, windy. Not an issue, taking the pistols out so the wind won't be a issue.
Yep, The Shortness arrives Tuesday at 1059EST.

Then you can start giving me my light back, you giant galactic cunt!!! :mad:

Was asking FNG#1 when we were road tripping south (and he was buried in his phone) when was The Shortness coming. He said, the 21st, like every year. Really? What about the years when it's on a different day? He had no idea.

So I had to explain that it's a planetary event and not some day like Xmas.

