TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

If the little shits were in pain, I'd put them down.
The best that I get is that they might be a tad bit
arthritic. They have trouble with the stairs, so I
put up a ramp. Big stupid will not use it!
So, I have to patiently hold the door open while she
struggles to navigate the stairs. If it weren't for the
moderate weather, that would be an issue...

We have enjoyed perfect shooting weather.
The squirrels have learned to avoid the
vicinity of the feeder. 'Bout time.

Deer season is over and I have a chair in the middle of almost 1000 acres. And I'm going to build a fire and randomly fire my 9.

Thug Life.
I think that we get a chaplain visit today.

He needs to get into my corner and lean on Allah to step up his game.

I'm getting an early start, but I'm not sure why.

Off to see the weasels . . . .


Was wants to be first in line at the confessional...

I think that there's always a season for something here.
Idle Rednecks with guns and whiskey is not a good combination.

Home and grazing a snack, and then back out the door to meet some asshat about this car.

Insh'Allah he gets it done.

I'll take my 10 just because.

Because 'Murrika, that's why.

Cryptic messages from Almost Heaven. :rolleyes:

FNG#3 is showing his ass a bit. He can't answer a simple question. It has to be a story. I may have to pare my conversations down to yes-or-no questions so I can get concise answers. "How is unit 1?" "It's done - except for . . . ." Allah he'p me.

The shitbirds wasted my time. Motherfuckers.

Wretched motherfuckers, because I didn't get what I want.


Happy Thursday!!! Had to stop and think for a second to remember what fucking day this is. Didn't sleep enough. Mind doesn't want to turn off and stay off. Yesterday was a drag. Now, I get to be tired today. Oh boy!!! :rolleyes:

Good news is, today and tomorrow and 2 weeks off.

The weather looks good today. Damn near 70 and mostly sunny. Good for the next couple of days, too, like I can get another whack on that roof. The test for it would be Sunday, which would be almost perfect.

Good coffee today, as Allah intended . . . .



Morning folks.

The weather came and went. Had some wind gusts in excess of 100mph in some areas. 70mph seems to have been the state avg.
I don't miss the wind much, and it wasn't all that bad Out West. Well, until last week.

Nobody I know got whacked by it, so that's good.

I wonder if now they'll get Trevor Lawrence a real football coach.

Actually, I don't care . . . .


Money-wise Monday was pretty good but I only worked four hours and didn't get much actual work done as far as volume. I had to pick up my fourth sewing machine and then rearrange some storage lockers stuff to get it in.

All of which would make more sense if I actually sold but I don't. I am now officially a major collector of vintage sewing machines.

I was going to go back out but I was tired so I decided I would start early Tuesday. I didn't start early Tuesday I didn't start till late Tuesday.

I work much better under pressure so I got more or less caught up by Wednesday morning. From Wednesday night until right now I'm now officially ahead of schedule and I probably I won't have to work more than about four hours tomorrow.

The weekends always involve an inhuman amount of work and recovery from that always messes up my weekdays. I must have completely caught up on my sleep debt though because I've been running all night and I'm not at all sleepy.
Morning folks.

The weather came and went. Had some wind gusts in excess of 100mph in some areas. 70mph seems to have been the state avg.

The wind died down a bit by the time it got here but it was nicely chilly.
I need to talk/chat/message with you somewhere in the not distant future about rust removal tricks. You seem to have a few.

The people who ramble do not bother me as much as the face talkers.

If you're so close that I can smell your breath, good or bad,
you're close enough to hand me some of your germs...
The wind is whipping here.

The whippoorwill says who, who, coo...

(The mynah cackles, "Here and now boys!")

I'm happy in My Blue Heaven.
"In your face" talkers? Carry a police billy, and use it. :D

Rust removal on non-moving parts? Naval Jelly has always been my 'go to.'
You should be allowed to take face-talkers
and maintain your personal space.

This isn't Soylent Green!
Made it to the blind twice, took one nap, saw a bunch of does and a few spikes and 4 points.

I let everything walk.