TSCLT 7.0: Hemis, Harleys, Hooters-n-Harridans

I accidentally saw some telly, and some cop was whining about some "citizen" tossing water on some of them or some such silly shit.

Lucky it wasn't pee. Hell, why not pee on cops? They want to have their cake and eat it, too. They'd happily piss on your rights in the furtherance of their police state agenda.

So . . . fuck da poe-lease.

Off to torment the weasels, but not with urine.

I need to get moving too, the list is long again today but I have some holidays coming up soon so there is something to look forward too.
I got concrete weasels and a couple of painting weasels.

Off to write the next round of punch lists and then to turn up the heat.

Weasels don't like heat.

Poor small weasels . . . . :(

Only the cold-weather weasels.

These hot weather ones aren't good for anything, unless you need to hear some whining.

No, those were meth heads.

They take whatever isn't nailed down, even if they have no idea what it is and whether or not they can pawn it for anything.

Home/Scrotel13. Pondering grazing, but it's gonna take a trip back out there in the stifling heat and humididditty. Oh well, the question is, is it worth it? The a/c in here is kickin' yo.

Walked the second building. There's a lot of shit to do, but not as much as the first one. Got the weasels lined up for tomorrow, and if they don't behave like complete Litsters, they should be done by Wednesday evening at quitting time.

Praises to Allah!!!!

It's a good night to surf for bike parts and read the motorcycle book. Books . . . . :rolleyes:






Happy Sunday!!! Slivvah Sunday, even.

Yesterday was all kinds of humid, but it finally cooled off enough last night so it wasn't too bad.

And this is Pack-M-Up Morning, too. Gotta hit the road back to more mountainous terrain.

The josh burns for those who need it . . . .




Happy Slivvah Sunday! Ok, I am day late to the party. The “v” key on my laptop stopped working, which isn’t meshing well with Silver.
Have a fantastical week! :heart::rose:
On the warm side here too, without the humantitty though. It's been cooling off pretty rapidly in the evening now so I just might go out later and enjoy a cerveza while the Sun goes down.
Happy Slivvah Sunday! Ok, I am day late to the party. The “v” key on my laptop stopped working, which isn’t meshing well with Silver.
Have a fantastical week! :heart::rose:

Thank you, Dearest Muffin.

I shall do the verra best that I can.





Happy Tuesday!!!

Couldn't stay awake last night, and slept pretty much through the night. Nothing like a good-n-busy day at the office to make a body tired and to bring on sleep.

Today should be a busy one. Maybe a bit cooler. We can certainly hope so.

But first, coffee . . . .





The coffee is in the cup, the guys are at the shop already and all is well here.
Wat is right, winter weasels make nice pelts, summer ones are pet food.
Okay. I'm up.

I think, no I know, that I will fix breakfast.
After that, I think I might go back to bed...
Praise be to Allah that they are still asleep.

Little stupid kept waking me up, so I stopped putting up the gate at night
to lock them into the office. Now, when I wake up, she is sleeping in the office...

I don't get it.

It's what puts te stupid in Teh St000pids.

It's like what the media does to our st000pids here.

I just didn't know that a body could fit so much st000pid into one head . . . .

