TSCLT 7.0: Hemis, Harleys, Hooters-n-Harridans

No weasels today. There is a contractor coming for a new side door and window on the garage. If all goes well the repairs will be done, the new installed and painted before the weekend.

Too late in the season to repaint the doors that need painting, here. They will be fine until next year.
I picked up my tortillas this morning and the stew is simmering on the stove. I'm all but drooling here. I picked some fresh herbs from my garden and threw them in the pot with the rest of the fixin's just need to taste for salt now.

The utility room project is over, finished, complete even. It's tidy but it just looks wrong.
Home. Grazing in. Stopped at Wally's to score a few things.

I need to do better at writing shit down, but this way I spent fuck-all for money.

Junior called with a homeowner kind of question. Long story short is, I think that I saved him some money and got an invite to go down there for Xmas.

Tonight will be a short night.




This is a bit last minute, and they know that.

This trip won't even merit a carry-on bag.

Happy Tuesday!!!

Finally got back to sleep. I reckon that "it" happens sometimes. And not Cousin It.

The email about Lago came yesterday. The final inspection has been pushed off three more weeks. :rolleyes: The place is going to fall down and have to be rebuilt just to pass the finals.

I really should paint it red . . . .




Morning Wat. You were up late last night.

Maybe a tornado will hit Lago. Just tell your Co. to "no bid" the repairs.

I have an open ended appt. this AM. After that a couple of stops to be made over in that end of town. Need to pick up a cheap tool box for some of the specialty tools I have. The ones that don't belong in the electrical, mechanical, or plumbing tool boxes but do belong somewhere.
Actually, I went to bed eary and didn't go back to sleep after the 0130 leak, so I got my plane tickets for this weekend's vehicle juggling.

And cats.

I'm going to disrupt those little fuckers, too


I had some extra time this season and was just going to do a wire brush scrape and quick coat on the garage trim work until I started scraping and realized the depth of dry rot. Better to replace now and paint than let it spread. It's getting late in the year for us but there should be enough time if Wat asks Allah. The contractor was great, he measured, bought the parts and brought them here so I got first coats on last night. He will install next week and I'll just do touch-ups after they are in.

So today will have weasels. paint and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee and apparently cold pizza for breakfast. The guys need to keep these gf's, they always set some aside for me :)
Wat has asked Allah. Wat does intercessions. Wat skips right over the prophet and goes straight to the boss, as it were.

Home. No scrotel, 13 or otherwise. Grazing in - a big ol' salad.

The landlady had gotten a stair rail mounting hardware gizmo. I saw it on the kitchen counter yesterday. I tried to install it for her but the screw heads were in bad shape and I didn't have a #1 Phillips. I went to Lowe's today and scored some more bits and replaced the broken bracket when I got home, including having to drill out two fucked screws. Total time: about 15 minutes, including getting up and disposing of the drywall chips.

I hope that I didn't assrape her planned weekend project . . . .




I figured as long as I was going to buy a tool box I might as well buy two. 1 for my small tools, pin vise, wire micro drills, jewelers screw drivers, etc. and the other for my gunsmithing tools. Now I have even more places to misplace stuff. Lucky me. :)
That's funny.

I have three tool bags inthe trunk, plus one to keep battery tools in.

And I have two battery tools that don't fit.

Then there's the loose shit . . . . :rolleyes:


