TSCLT 7.0: Hemis, Harleys, Hooters-n-Harridans

Good morning folks.

Had what amounted to an deluge locally last night. So much so that I was wondering if I might have to cancel Range Day. Checked the range weather station though and they got no rain at all last night.

The State Police, mounted contingent, have the LE (law enforcement) section of the range reserved today. Should make for some interesting spectatorship after my friends and I get done with our activities.
I have range time booked Saturday, taking the gf's with me. None of them have ever fired a rifle before but I've been teaching them how to clean and safely handle them so this is the next step. The guys have taught them fishing and cleaning skills and maybe next year I'll take them hunting.

As for toolboxes, I went to an army surplus a couple of years ago and bought some large green industrial ones. I spray painted numbers on the side so I could identify them and their contents and threw big padlocks on them. The best tool investment I've ever made.
Where's Wat?

Lovely day today and not a single horse was injured at the range. Getting down to the low 50's tonight, Autumn is on the way.
Home. The one with cats and a mortgage in Wat's name. And cats who don't make any payments on it and who don't pay any rent to live here. Long damn drive tonight. A wreck cost me an hour.

Wat overslept this morning. Forgot to set the alarm. And it was Packing Morning. So in the rushing about, no posts got made and my boots got left in the hill country.

Meh. I have another pair here.

Did I mention that it was a long fucking drive tonight???



Good morning, and a cool one too.

I'm going to get out of here early so as to get a blood test done. I think it's a waste of time but the Dr. thinks otherwise so I'll humor her.
Happy Thursday!!!

I feel similarly about this check-up at noon. We're not going to be doing much except looking at my b/p and wondering what's taking the sleep center people so long.

I got tea with Mom at 4 something - think early supper. I'll meet the mentee later for a gathering. This group has sticks up its asses, so the bike can rattle their cages for me.




What they're checking is something that's been mid-normal range for the past 6 years. There are no symptoms that anything has changed so I have to wonder if they're hoping that it does go out of range so they have something to do.

A friend shipped me a box of once fired 5.56 that arrived yesterday. I suppose I'll have to crank up the press again. Damn, my right arm is going to start looking like Popeye's at this rate. Primers, I need primers (adds to list).

So I'm getting ready to order some more hardware and I noticed that certain items have jumped up to 30% in price. Happens every time the politicians start running their mouths about banning this or banning that.
Well, much as I hate to say it, I really can't blame them for cashing in, especially if it looks like they may get shut down by some draconian law or another.

Much as I don't shoot lately, I should be in good shape based on what I have, but I might need some more handgun ammo.

I guess I should do an inventory . . . .




Supply and demand, the laws of economics aren't going to change.

I'm good to go on everything save shotshells. Fair to middlin' on the 12 ga. but way short of 20's. If they start jabberin' about mucking around with ammo like they did in CA. I'll have to buy a shotshell press too.

The one thing I have been doing is every time I see brass base shells laying around out at the range I've been picking them up. I was doing it out of a sort of knee jerk reaction as opposed to being prescient or anything like that. I was starting to think, "What in the hell are you doing this for?" and considering tossing them. You can't reload the steel base.
I have five gallon buckets of brass. Most of it is separated by caliber. I shot a lot of it, and I picked up a lot more. I have thought of recycling it, and then I've had Rainy Decade thoughts of hoarding it, too.

I'm trying to be less a whore about hoarding. But, it's ammo brass . . . .
