TSCLT 7.0: Hemis, Harleys, Hooters-n-Harridans

Picked this up yesterday


Isn't it a town ordinance where you live that every able bodied person must own one of these?
Good morning SC. Wat picked a piss poor time to take a hiatus. We're going to run out of thread here soon.
He's unreliable and "uncivilized."


I guess we all are. Fuck the Irish; pasty white faced mo-fos... ;) ;)

Aren't they still in the same boat as the Koreans?

How civilized is that???
A couple of things that I really hate in this life.

1) Driving through St. Louie where a posted speed limit of 60mph means do 85 until you catch up with everyone and manage to turn ten lanes into a damned parking lot.

2) Cracker Barrel™. The food is horrible; the selection even worse. I had three choices, chicken, cod or a burger unless, of course, I ordered breakfast and 5PM. I hate the hillbilly motif, especially the proclivity to play my father's country music. It's like a really bad caricature of America's rural heartland. And I deplore their chairs by every measure possible! After six hours of driving, the thing you really want to do, is sit your sore tired ass down upon a flat plank of a wooden chair. I just want to go and burn down every Cracker Barrel on the Interstate. (I hope this doesn't get me on a red-flag list; it's a joke people... Do we even remember jocularity?)
A couple of things that I really hate in this life.

1) Driving through St. Louie where a posted speed limit of 60mph means do 85 until you catch up with everyone and manage to turn ten lanes into a damned parking lot.

2) Cracker Barrel™. The food is horrible; the selection even worse. I had three choices, chicken, cod or a burger unless, of course, I ordered breakfast and 5PM. I hate the hillbilly motif, especially the proclivity to play my father's country music. It's like a really bad caricature of America's rural heartland. And I deplore their chairs by every measure possible! After six hours of driving, the thing you really want to do, is sit your sore tired ass down upon a flat plank of a wooden chair. I just want to go and burn down every Cracker Barrel on the Interstate. (I hope this doesn't get me on a red-flag list; it's a joke people... Do we even remember jocularity?)

You can probably expect a shocked response from the hyper-sensitive millennial's.
My theory is that many of the people who eat at Cracker Barrel do so because
it reenforces their false sense of superiority compared to the "deplorables."

It's their "slumming" to experience another culture...

A corporate-manufactured culture
not based in reality.

;) ;)
They aren't bad. Pretty consistent.

We had one here in town, but they tore it down and turned it into a hotel...

Allstate has a new "mayhem like me" commercial featuring cats.

Wat needs to see it.

Mayhem like MEow...
I took the gf's to the range with me this morning for their first real shoot. After an hour they were correcting each other and hitting the target page most of the time. Not a bad first try. Came back and the guys had the house cleaned, salads made in the fridge and ribs waiting to go on the bbq.

Glad you're back SC, I generally look for contractor and trucker vehicles at restaurants, they always know the best places to eat even if the place doesn't look like much.
They also know where it is more likely to get popped by radar, so when they slow down,
I slow down. When people zip right on by me, I tell them,

"Thank you for taking my ticket for me!"

Flying still isn't my thing. There's something disorientating about it. Yes, I know. Commentators will be shot. Commentators who commentaterize will be shot again and stuffed and hung over the fireplace . . . at Cracker Barrel.

I have a small errand to run, and then a nap may be in order. I didn't sleep on the plane. Oh, and we have 30 more posteses for this thread. Allah forbid we break the fucking rules.

Nice shootin' iron, Johnny - even if'n it hain't gots no compensater . . . !!!

Welcome back Wat. Got the new thread title picked out yet?

I won't fly anymore save an emergency. I just don't think I have the patience to put up with TSA's nonsense.
I consider it a victory to get through TSA without winding up in some kind of nightmare.

We had mentions "Jesus Hates A Pussy," but I'm wondering if it should be Allah Hates A Pussy.

Perhaps the entire pantheon could get in on hating a pussy, because I'll wager that Zeus hates a pussy, too.

I'm sure that something will become apparent.



TSA has turned flying into a nightmare. Back in the 80's and 90's my businesses had me flying damn near every week, sometimes multiple destinations. If the nonsense that's going on today had been in place back then I probably wouldn't have bothered to even start the endeavors.
Fortunately, I can keep my wheels in contact with the soil, most of the time. Asphalt. Concrete. Something.

They remind me of Cartman. "Respect mah authori-tie!!!"


I knew a girl once, young, friend of a friend. I always thought she was a bit dim.

She tried to get on with them back early on. Her dad had.

They didn't hire her.

But they should have . . . . :rolleyes:


Catching up

b, apparently we have a few gazillion less bugs now that the dragonflies have visited.

SC glad to see you back. I'm not a fan of Cracker Barrel either.

JS, when you try out the new toy, will you be telling us how it went?

Wat, it's good to see your walk/fly about went well.