TSCLT 7.0: Hemis, Harleys, Hooters-n-Harridans

Guinea's will attack dogs, cats, whatever. They're as bad as geese and one hell of a lot faster.
I took them on to be guard chickens.

Hell, they're first-run, so I might even have a rooster...
There are benefits though besides running off stray dogs and cats. You're immediate surroundings will become a bug free zone. Voracious consumers of insects of all sorts.
Home. Had a good outing. Piled another almost 200 miles on the HfD. Rode through farm country. The crops look good. The pines look healthy and happy. All was well.

Had a nice visit with the mentee. The baby went out and got himself a speeding ticket last night, so she was pissed, but he's alive. She is being what I consider to be very appropriate with the punishment.

Silly fucking kids.

Quiet night around the homestead.



Turned out to be a ball buster of a day. A trailer full of yard debris, some of it was unnecessary but what the hell.

I see we had another drive by Cuppers flashing. ^5 girl.

I built a wood bin for the Chiminea, it was happy.
Turned out to be a ball buster of a day. A trailer full of yard debris, some of it was unnecessary but what the hell.

I see we had another drive by Cuppers flashing. ^5 girl.

I built a wood bin for the Chiminea, it was happy.

It's a shame your balls didn't get busted before VatAss got conceived.
Chile Tepin.

Ask for it by name. Now that I finally got around to adding it to my chile verde con carne is it is apparent that that's what was missing from my New Mexico style cuisine.
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Happy Monday!!!

Up early for travel day today. Nothing quite like it.

Cats are fed and coffee is on while waking up continues.

Not much to add at the moment . . . .



Wandering back to work and seeing what the co-worker "accomplished" over the weekend.

And then getting my ass in gear to make up for what he didn't do to try to get this shithole ready to get out of there.

If we're lucky, he's got the painting mostly done. But it ain't really done until I look at it to be certain.

I know, but it keeps me from wandering the streets . . . . :rolleyes:



Good Lord Sisyphus, but I thought you were done with that place...

Allah is not merciful to the faithful! :mad:
It truly is the herpes infection of jobs - the gift that keeps on giving.

And yet I hear such nice things about the next job.

There may be a trip back to the Deep South since it's close to end of warranty time for that job down there. I think it'd be quite humorous should I get sent back down there to wrap it up.

And hot as Hell, being mid-summer.

