TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Happy Friday!!!

My cat decided to sing a few bars of The Song of his People this morning early, but I lay still and he settled back down.

My KrautenSig came in, so I'll see about picking it up this morning. I may go to the H-D dealer and look at a Softail Standard. It's the newest low price point, and it's an artist's Blank Canvas. And the other HD - which is orange - sent me an email that my latest order is in and ready for pick-up. Except I haven't ordered anything from them since 2017.

The coffee is damned good.



I’ve been considering reloading for the 338 LM, so far I’ve only done 9mm, .380 and 5.56.

Of course everything seems to be out of stock right now.

You'd see a marked increase in performance be reloading for the 338. Somewhat less so for the 5.56. With the pistol rounds you'd save some $$ but hardly worth the effort unless you get a progressive press.

The main feature is that as long as you keep a stockpile of 'fixin's' on hand market shortages won't affect you.
You'd see a marked increase in performance be reloading for the 338. Somewhat less so for the 5.56. With the pistol rounds you'd save some $$ but hardly worth the effort unless you get a progressive press.

The main feature is that as long as you keep a stockpile of 'fixin's' on hand market shortages won't affect you.

I’ve got my stash of fixings for the ones I’ve already done, and some for .300 blackout and .350 legend that I just haven’t gotten started on yet.

My problem is that I’ll start looking and get distracted, then remember in three weeks!
Our local juvenile delinquent has really got his dick in a wringer this time. High speed chase through town, and back, several times. Ramming a blockade of police cars, head butting the sheriff...

Kid is always in trouble and in and out of jail. I think this time he's going to the big house.
I'm ambivalent about the local statue offense and the reaction to it.

When we have Fully Funded and Performing Education, then maybe we can afford the frivolity of statues, et cetera.

Of course, if the cops are patrolling to keep vandals in check, or are defunded, that leaves Those Who Have It Coming open to violent retribution.

Wat, why are you so mean??!?



There’s only one statue in the town closest to me little isolated home, and that’s Paul Bunyan.

And does OSHA know about that girls ladder?
Without going looking much in Vicksburg, I can only imagine that there are plenty of monuments to see come my next visit. My companion was more interested in the junk stores and in lunch.

Wat was more there for the ambience anyway.

Monuments seen seemed to announce cemeteries and had words like "Illinois" and "Indiana" on them.

Lots of mothers' sons didn't come home from that one, either. But Newt did . . . .



Wat, "fully funding" education isn't going to buy you a thing. It's like giving a failing employee a raise in the hopes that he/she will get better.
I’ve got my stash of fixings for the ones I’ve already done, and some for .300 blackout and .350 legend that I just haven’t gotten started on yet.

My problem is that I’ll start looking and get distracted, then remember in three weeks!

"Look!!!! There's a butterfly." *chuckle*
I fixed breakfast while I fixed the kitchen faucet.
Very productive morning. Heck, I might even rate a nap now
since my dog alarm had me up at O-dark thirty...
Quit picking nits. You know Allah-damn good-n-well that for a few dollars more, we could have a decent educational system which encourages people to become teachers instead of going to work for Corporate 'Murrika. Or we could give folks chits and let them pick their own schools to send the kids to.

Hell, my parents thought education was important enough to do without and send us to private schools. Not so sure I agree for then, but for now, anything has to be better than the local system here. It's a very special kind of Horrible.

But we have money for History Erasure . . . .

My point being . . . .



Spend some time with other people's children,
then tell me that there is a sum of money that
can entice you to spend your days suffering them.
Actually, I do get to a bit. Believe it or not, Wat kinda likes kids.

He'd rather spend time with them than Litlibs. They have hope, whereas there is none for the other.

Kids like to be shown how shit works.

Now, if you can keep them away from screens long enough for their brains to develop properly . . . .

More money won't get better teachers. Eliminating Schools of Education from the Univ. curricula and demanding that all teachers have a real degree in the subjects they're teaching will make a difference and then higher pay would be deserved.

Oh, and shit can the unions.
Yesterday we had a big kerfuffle on the golf course. I play with several fells that have more dollars than sense, and one of them mentioned they just got a new "pellet grill". I mentioned that a pellet grill was even more girly than a gas grill. Well... the gas grillers went off and we almost came to blows over what a bunch of girly men I'm stuck playing golf with.

It seems like I'm the only one that grills with wood - as god intended.

A fucking pellet grill! FFS why not just let the wife cook the meat in the oven.
The same thing that drives you to purchase a sports car
when an F150 will do everything you need...
Yesterday we had a big kerfuffle on the golf course. I play with several fells that have more dollars than sense, and one of them mentioned they just got a new "pellet grill". I mentioned that a pellet grill was even more girly than a gas grill. Well... the gas grillers went off and we almost came to blows over what a bunch of girly men I'm stuck playing golf with.

It seems like I'm the only one that grills with wood - as god intended.

A fucking pellet grill! FFS why not just let the wife cook the meat in the oven.

The Easy Bake oven for smoking! I'm told you can't sear a steak on one. I have no personal experience and I only know people who have them.

I have a brother-in-law who cooks on an electric smoker. We were at the relatives place (my first time at this location) and after 10 minutes, I was bored as hell so I took a self-tour of their back deck. There was a propane grill and an electric smoker. The grill was filthy and there were rust holes in the metal below the grates. I could imagine flaming grease dropping onto the wooden deck and a disaster after that. The electric smoker was also filthy, with grease drippings and a rancid smell. Just nasty. I found a corner of the house where I could pull out my laptop and get some work done. After a couple hours, we were invited for smoked chicken dinner. I feigned stomach sickness and we left before they ate. On the drive to the restaurant, I told SWMBO about the condition of the grilling and smoking equipment on the deck. She was quite happy not to have eaten there, since she's the one with the sensitive tummy. I've always known my BIL was a piece of shit, and the way he keeps his cooking equipment only confirmed it.
Wat is home.

Picked up the DeutscheSig. It's a bit worn but seems pretty damned sweet. LOtsa holster miles.

Then we went and looked at the new Softail Standard. This is like having a sports car for trips and another for wearing out local pavement. Same engine (base - without upgrades) and 190 pounds lighter.

Hmmm, the Decadence of it all . . . .


I'm home too!! We've got hay being delivered in a little while. Naps have been had, and errands have been run. I also have a long weekend (woot!)

Oh on the barn front. I went out to do the morning feedings and discovered a a rat laying in wait for me to drop grain or cat food. He kept peeking up over a bench at me. I had to laugh. Great i gots me a tame-ish barn rat. Will wonders ever cease...